Cases Data Source
Source Description | Source Type | Where It Comes From |
Attorney Name | Text | Found in the Staff Panel. This field pulls from the user assigned in the highest most attorney role within the case. The three hard coded attorney roles in order of importance are listed below:
Keep in mind, this list may be labeled differently based on customizations within your system. |
CaseCreator | Text | The staff member who generated the case from Intake Wizard |
Case Group | Text | The Group assigned to the case. This is assigned at intake or from the Case Information panel on the Case Summary page. |
Case ID | Integer | This is the ID assigned by the system to the case. Note, this is different from your Case Number and is used primarily for backend purposes. |
Case Manager Name | Text | The name of the user assigned to the Case Manager role on any of your cases. Note, this is a hardcoded role that may have been changed to have a different label than case manager based on customizations by your firm. |
Case Name | Text | The name assigned to your case. This can be found in the top left corner of your case. |
Case Number | Text | The number assigned to your case. This can be found in the top left corner of your case. |
Case State | Text | This is the Incident State assigned to the case in Intake Wizard or on the Incident screen. |
Case Status | Text | This is the status assigned to the case. This is found and changed from the top center of the case summary page. |
Case Sub Status | Text | This pulls from the hard coded sub status field. Your firm may or may not be using this status type, if you are it will be found and changed from the top center of the Case Summary page. |
Case Sub Type | Text | This pulls from the case sub type dropdown, assigned either in Intake Wizard or the Edit Case button on the Case Summary Page. |
Case Type | Text | This pulls from the case type dropdown, assigned either in Intake Wizard or the Edit Case button on the Case Summary Page. |
Case Value From | Decimal | The lower of the two values assigned from the Settlement Range field in the “Edit Case ” button on the summary page. |
Case Value To | Decimal | The higher of the two values assigned from the Settlement Range field in the “Edit Case ” button on the summary page. |
Closed Date | Date Time | The date the case was marked as closed in SmartAdvocate. |
Closed Reason Desc | Text | The close reason selected when closing the case. |
Defendant Name | Text |
Defendant Zip | Text |
Incident Date | Date Time | The Incident Date assigned to the case. This case be added either from the Intake Wizard or the Incident screen. |
Is In House | Bool | This field will display Yes or No based off whether a firm has been added in the Refer Out section of the Retainer/Referral Page. This will display yes if a firm has not been added. |
Is Out | Bool | This field will display Yes or No based off whether a firm has been added in the Refer Out section of the Retainer/Referral Page. This will display Yes if a firm has been added. |
Is Partial Out | Bool |
Is Referred In | Bool | This field will display Yes or No based off whether a firm has been added in the Referral section of the Retainer/Referral Page. This will display Yes if a firm has been added. |
Is Sub Out | Bool | This field will display Yes or No based off whether a firm has been added in the Sub Out section of the Retainer/Referral Page. This will display Yes if a firm has been added. |
Last Modified Date | Date Time | The last date on which a change was made to the case. |
Min Settlement Value | Decimal | The value assigned to the Minimum Settlement Value field in the “Edit Case ” button on the summary page. |
M Status 1 | Text | This pulls from the hard coded M1 status field. Your firm may or may not be using this status type, if you are it will be found and changed from the top center of the Case Summary page. Note that the label for this status type may have been customized by your firm. |
M Status 2 | Text | This pulls from the hard coded M2 status field. Your firm may or may not be using this status type, if you are it will be found and changed from the top center of the Case Summary page. Note that the label for this status type may have been customized by your firm. |
M Status 3 | Text | This pulls from the hard coded M3 status field. Your firm may or may not be using this status type, if you are it will be found and changed from the top center of the Case Summary page. Note that the label for this status type may have been customized by your firm. |
Office | Text | The office assigned to the case. Unless changed through the Edit Case button, this will be your default office. |
Opened Date | Date Time | The date the case was opened in SmartAdvocate. |
Other Referral | Text | This field pulls from the Other Referral field if the case is marked as having an other referral. This can be added in Intake Wizard or through the Retainer/Referral page. |
Paralegal Name | Text | Found in the Staff Panel. This field pulls from the user assigned in the highest most paralegal role within the case. The three hard coded attorney roles in order of importance are listed below:
Keep in mind, this list may be labeled differently based on customizations within your system. |
Partial Sub Out | Bool | This field will display a Yes or No based on whether a Sub Out firm has been added to the Retainer/Referral Page. |
Plaintiff City | Text | The city assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the City field. |
Plaintiff County | Text | The county assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the County field. |
Plaintiff Date of Birth | Date Time | The date of birth assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the DOB field. |
Plaintiff Gender | Text | The gender assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the Gender field. |
Plaintiff Latitude | Text | The latitude assigned to the address found on the Primary Plaintiff’s contact card. |
Plaintiff Longitude | Text | The longitude assigned to the address found on the Primary Plaintiff’s contact card. |
Plaintiff Name | Text | The name assigned on the Primary Plaintiff’s contact card. |
Plaintiff Primary Language | Text | The primary language assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the Primary Language field. |
Plaintiff Race Desc | Text | The race assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the Race field. |
Plaintiff State | Text | The state assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the State field. |
Plaintiff ZIP | Text | The ZIP Code assigned to Primary Plaintiff’s contact card in the ZIP Code field. |
Ref Ad Source Name | Text | If the case marked as having an ad source this field will display the name of the advertiser. This can be added in Intake Wizard or through the Retainer/Referral page. |
Ref Attorney Name | Text | If the case marked as having an attorney referral this field will display the name of the attorney. This can be added in Intake Wizard or through the Retainer/Referral page. |
Referral Source | Text |
Ref Law Firm | Text | If the case marked as having a referral Law Firm this field will display the name of the Law Firm. This can be added in Intake Wizard or through the Retainer/Referral page. |
Ref Out Firm | Text | If the case was referred out to another law firm on the Retainer/Referral page, this is the name of the law firm. |
Retain Date | Date Time | The date the case was marked as being retained by the firm. |
Settlement From Value | Decimal | The lower of the two values assigned from the Settlement Range field in the “Edit Case ” button on the summary page. |
Settlement To Value | Decimal | The higher of the two values assigned from the Settlement Range field in the “Edit Case ” button on the summary page. |
Settlement Value | Decimal | The value assigned to the Settlement Value field in the “Edit Case ” button on the summary page. |
Stage | Text | The stage in which a case is in. These can vary depending on your firm’s configurations but are automatically added when a status is changed/added to a case. Found at the top center of the Case Summary page. |
Status Date | Date Time | The date the current status was added to a case. |
Status Days | Integer | The count of the number of days since a case entered the current status. |
Sub Status Date | Date Time | The date the current sub status was added to a case. |
Sub Status Days | Integer | The count of the number of days since a case entered the current sub status. |
Wanted Accepted Date | Date Time | The date the case was indicated as wanted or accepted. Depending on your firm’s customizations this can be done by adding a particular status or by adding a wanted accepted date by clicking the “Edit Case ” button on the summary page. |
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