Date Range Filters, Searching, and Favorites

Date Range Filters, Searching, and Favorites



About Date Range Filters, Searching, and Favorites

The date range filters, searching, and favorites panels allow for extensive filtering of cases in SmartAdvocate. These panels work alongside the Criteria Tabs.


Open Date Range Filter

To filter by open date and office location:

  1. Select the Open From date from the dropdown menu.

  2. Select the Open To date from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select the Office Location from the dropdown menu.

  4. Place a checkmark in the Relative checkbox to edit the date from specific dates to relative dates.

Closed, Wanted, Retained, or Settled Filter

To filter by closed, wanted, retained, or settled:

  1. Select the radio button from Not Closed, Closed, or All.

  2. Select the Closed From date from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select the Closed To date from the dropdown menu.

  4. Place a checkmark in the Relative checkbox to edit the date from specific dates to relative dates.

  5. Select the radio button from Not Wanted, Wanted, or All.

  6. Select the Wanted From date from the dropdown menu.

  7. Select the Wanted To date from the dropdown menu.

  8. Place a checkmark in the Relative checkbox to edit the date from specific dates to relative dates.

  9. Select the radio button from Not Retained, Retained, or All.

  10. Select the Retained From date from the dropdown menu.

  11. Select the Retained To date from the dropdown menu.

  12. Place a checkmark in the Relative checkbox to edit the date from specific dates to relative dates.

  13. Select the radio button from Not Settled, Settled, or All.

  14. Select the Settled From date from the dropdown menu.

  15. Select the Settled To date from the dropdown menu.

  16. Place a checkmark in the Relative checkbox to edit the date from specific dates to relative dates.

Search Cases, Save Filter to Favorites, and Clear Filters

To search cases:

  1. Enter information from the previous sections and if applicable, the Criteria Tabs.

  2. Select SEARCH CASES.

To save filter to favorites:

  1. Enter information from the previous sections and if applicable, the Criteria Tabs.


  3. If applicable, place a checkmark in the Default checkbox.

  4. Select the radio button from Populate Filters or Populate Filters and Search.

  5. Enter a unique Filter Name.

  6. Select SAVE FILTER.

To clear all filters:


  2. Confirm that all of the fields and options were returned to their defaults.

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