Defendant Attorneys
The Defendant Attorneys page allows you to view and record the details of defendants' attorneys.
The Structure of This Page
Add New Law Firm button. Used to add a new law firm to the case file.
Attorneys table. Contains the attorney details and allows various actions to be performed on them.
Attorneys Table
The Attorneys table is where the details of defendants' attorneys are stored. Each row of the table represents an individual law firm. See Tables for general information about table structure and usage, including all buttons and other tools in this table that are not mentioned below.
Columns in the Table
The Attorneys table contains the following available columns:
Defendant: The defendant represented by the law firm.
Law Firm: The law firm representing the defendant, the address of the firm, and the type of representation.
Attorneys: The attorneys representing the defendant. The primary attorney is listed at the top, in bold text.
Paralegals: The paralegals assigned to the case. The primary paralegal is listed at the top, in bold text.
File No: The law firm's identification number for the case file.
Insurance: The insurance company directly retaining the law firm, the adjuster for the insurance company, and the adjuster's phone number.
Comments: Any comments about the law firm.
Docs: The number of documents associated with the law firm and a link to the documents in the Documents case page.
[column with no title]: Right-click icon; right-click menu contains Edit, Copy, and Delete.
Editing a Law Firm
To edit a law firm:
Click the right-click icon in the untitled column of the row representing the law firm you wish to edit, or right-click anywhere in that row. This will bring up a menu of options.
Click the Edit option in the menu. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for law firms, with the existing information filled in.
Fill the fields in with your desired information.
Click Save to save the changes and close the panel.
If you decide you do not wish to save the changes, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.
Deleting a Law Firm
To delete a law firm:
Click the right-click icon in the untitled column of the row representing the law firm you wish to delete, or right-click anywhere in that row. This will bring up a menu of options.
Click the Delete option in the menu. This will bring up a confirmation message (to avoid accidental deletions).
Click the OK button in the message to confirm the deletion.
If you decide you do not wish to delete the law firm, click Cancel instead of clicking OK to cancel the deletion. You can also click the black X at the upper right of the message to do the same thing.
Until you either confirm or cancel the deletion, you may not be able to visit any other tab in your browser.
Adding a Law Firm
To add a new law firm:
Click the Add New Law Firm button. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for law firms, completely blank.
Fill the fields in with your desired information.
Click Save to save the law firm and close the panel.
If you decide you do not wish to save the law firm, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.
Copying a Law Firm
You can add a new law firm by copying the information of an existing one. This can be useful if a firm represents multiple defendants in the case, or if a defendant is represented by multiple law firms or different attorneys at one firm for different aspects of the case. To copy a law firm:
Click the right-click icon in the untitled column of the row representing the law firm you wish to copy, or right-click anywhere in that row. This will bring up a menu of options.
Click the Copy option in the menu. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for law firms, with the information from the firm being copied filled in.
Make any changes necessary to the information in the fields.
Click Save to save the law firm and close the panel.
If you decide you do not wish to save the law firm, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the copying and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.
The Add/Edit Law Firm Panel
The Add/Edit Law Firm Panel allows you to fill in the details of a law firm. See Add/Edit Panels for general information about panel structure and usage. This panel contains the following fields:
Defendant: The defendant represented by the law firm.
Law Firm: The law firm representing the defendant.
Primary: Whether the law firm is primary.
Type: The type of representation.
Attorney: The attorneys representing the defendant. This field allows multiple attorneys to be selected; click the Add hypertext in the dropdown to select an attorney, and it will appear in the table below the dropdown. Click the Delete hypertext in the table to remove an attorney. If there is a contact in the Law Firm field, the dropdown will only show attorneys employed by that contact; click the Show All button to make the dropdown show all attorneys, then click the Show Only Firm's Attorney button to go back to showing only attorneys employed by the law firm.
Paralegal: The assigned to the case. This field allows multiple paralegals to be selected; click the Add hypertext in the dropdown to select a paralegal, and he or she will appear in the table below the dropdown. Click the Delete hypertext in the table to remove a paralegal. If there is a contact in the Law Firm field, the dropdown will only show paralegals employed by that contact; click the Show All button to make the dropdown show all paralegals, then click the Show Only Firm's Paralegals button to go back to showing only paralegals employed by the law firm.
File No: The law firm's identification number for the case file.
Insurance Co.: The insurance company directly retaining the law firm.
Comments: Any comments about the law firm.
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