
To authenticate your integration you will need to provide user id and password of an actual user defined in SmartAdvocate system. System administrators will be able to set permissions for this user to ensure that the integration only has access to appropriate cases and operations. This means that you might not be able to access certain cases and some of the operations (for example, Insert Note) might not be available.

POST RequestToken

BODY raw

{ "Username":"test", "Password":"test" }

Returns user name, id and token.

{ "username": "test", "userID": 677, "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjY3NyIsImhvc3QiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE2MjA2NjU2MjYsImV4cCI6MTYyMDY3MjgyNiwiaWF0IjoxNjIwNjY1NjI2LCJpc3MiOiJTbWFydEFkdm9jYXRlVGVzdCJ9.LA2ObLE4AAa_DvoYGSBP0A44aonFB_O7mqKcrZYrLXc" }

All other methods require authorization using bearer token - you will need to set the header "Authorization" with the value of "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjY3NyIsImhvc3QiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE2MjA2NjU2MjYsImV4cCI6MTYyMDY3MjgyNiwiaWF0IjoxNjIwNjY1NjI2LCJpc3MiOiJTbWFydEFkdm9jYXRlVGVzdCJ9.LA2ObLE4AAa_DvoYGSBP0A44aonFB_O7mqKcrZYrLXc" for the above example.

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