Document Templates and Merge Codes (v2021)
PDF Templates
Added support for checkboxes, dropdowns and radio buttons.
New Dynamic Merge Codes
Merge Code Name | Description |
CA-NEXT-APPMNT-TIME | Case Next Appointment Time of Specific Activity Type |
CA-NOTES-ALL | All Notes of Specific Type |
CA-STAFF-COMMENTS | Case Staff Comments of Specific Case Role |
CA-TYPE-PROPERTY | Case Type Property Based on the Name. Properties and Values can be Configured in the Picklist Maintenance. Case Type Property and Case Type Property Value. |
COURT-STAFF-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Court Staff Address Block Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-FIRST-NAME | Court Staff First Name Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-LAST-NAME | Court Staff Last Name Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-NAME | Court Staff Name Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-PREFIX | Court Staff Prefix Based on the Role |
DEF-LIST-HORIZ | Horizontal List of Defendants With Specific Role |
LIEN-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Lienor Address Block of Specific Type |
SET-DIST-CHECKS-TYPE-TOTAL | Settlement Distribution Checks Total of Specific Type |
SET-DIST-PL-CHECKS-TOTAL | Settlement Distribution Plaintiff Checks Total of Specific Status |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-APPEALED-ISSUE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event of Specific Type Appealed Issue |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event of Specific Type Date |
New Merge Codes
More than 600 new merge codes were added in this SmartAdvocate release, bringing total number of merge codes available to 3,600+.
Merge Code Name | Description |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-AST | Appointment Start Time in Alaskan Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-CST | Appointment Start Time in Central Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-EST | Appointment Start Time in Eastern Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-MST | Appointment Start Time in Mountain Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-PST | Appointment Start Time in Pacific Standard Time Zone |
ARB-ADDR1 | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Line 1 |
ARB-ADDR2 | Third Arbitrator/Mediator Address Line 2 |
ARB-ADDR3 | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Line 3 |
ARB-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Block |
ARB-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Block Without Name |
ARB-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Horizontal |
ARB-CITY | Arbitrator/Mediator City |
ARB-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Arbitrator/Mediator City, State Zip |
ARB-CNTY | Arbitrator/Mediator County |
ARB-CONT-PERSON-SUFFIX2 | Arbitration/Mediation Contact Suffix2 |
ARB-EMAIL | Arbitrator/Mediator Email |
ARB-FAX | Arbitrator/Mediator Fax |
ARB-FIRST-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator First Name |
ARB-HE-SHE-IT | Arbitrator/Mediator He, She, or It |
ARB-HIM-HER-IT | Arbitrator/Mediator Him, Her, or It |
ARB-HIS-HER-ITS | Arbitrator/Mediator His, Hers, or Its |
ARB-INIT | Arbitrator/Mediator Initials |
ARB-LAST-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Last Name |
ARB-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Name |
ARB-ORG-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Arbitrator/Mediator Organization Address Block |
ARB-ORG-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Organization Address Block Without Name |
ARB-ORG-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Arbitrator/Mediator Organization Address Horizontal |
ARB-PHONE# | Arbitrator/Mediator Phone Number |
ARB-PREFIX | Arbitrator/Mediator Prefix |
ARB-STATE | Arbitrator/Mediator State |
ARB-SUFFIX | Arbitrator/Mediator Suffix |
ARB-SUFFIX2 | Arbitrator/Mediator Suffix2 |
ARB-ZIP | Arbitrator/Mediator Zip |
ATTY-FOR-LIST-OTHERS-ALL-DEF-ATTYS | Attorney Firm List Other Than Us Including Parties They Represent (All Def Attorneys) |
ATTY-SIGN-ALL-TABLE | Attorney Firm Service List With Signature Line For All Table |
CA-ACTIVITY-TABLE-FIRST-ROWS | First Records of Lists Case Activities (Notes and Appointments) That Have Fixed Time Associated With Their Types |
CA-ACTIVITY-TABLE-LAST-ROWS | Last Records of Lists Case Activities (Notes and Appointments) That Have Fixed Time Associated With Their Types |
CA-ATTY-MID-INIT | Case Attorney Middle Initials |
CA-ATTY-SEL-WEBSITE | Case Attorney Website Select |
CA-ATTY-WEBSITE | Case Attorney Website |
CA-DEF-HE-SHE-IT-THEY | Case Defendant He, She, It or They |
CA-DEF-HIM-HER-IT-THEM | Case Defendant Him, Her, It or Them |
CA-DEF-HIS-HER-ITS-THEIRS | Case Defendant His, Hers, Its or Theirs |
CA-DEF-S-IF-MULTIPLE | 's if There is More Than One Defendant in the Case |
CA-DEF-TOTAL-AVAIILABLE-COVERAGE | Case Defendants Total Liability Coverage Available |
CA-DOC-CATEGORY | Case Document Category |
CA-DOC-COMMENTS | Case Document Comments |
CA-DOC-DATE | Case Document Date |
CA-DOC-DESCRIPTION | Case Document Description |
CA-DOC-FROM | Case Document From Contact |
CA-DOC-SUBCATEGORY | Case Document Subcategory |
CA-DOC-TO | Case Document To Contact |
CA-ENTITY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Case Contacts Address Block Without Name |
CA-ENTITY-MIDDLE-NAME | Case Contact Middle Name |
CA-EXP-TABLE-REC-WITHOUT-REPAID | Case Disbursement Table Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Paid |
CA-EXP-TABLE-WITHOUT-REPAID | Case Disbursement Table includes All Disbursement Types That Not Paid |
CA-EXP-TOT-AFTER-SPLIT | Case Disbursement Total After Firm Split Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Waived |
CA-EXP-TOT-BEFORE-SPLIT | Case Disbursement Total Before Firm Split Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Waived |
CA-EXP-TOT-PLUS-INTEREST | Case Disbursement Total With Interest Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Waived |
CA-FIRMFEE-PLUS-FUND | Sum of Case Firm Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-FIRMFEE-PLUS-FUND-REFATTYFEE | Sum of Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-FUND-TOTAL | Case Total Amount of Fundings |
CA-GROUP | Case Group |
CA-NUM | Case File Number |
CA-PARA-WEBSITE | Case Paralegal Website |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-INIT | Case Party Adjuster Initials |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX | Case Party Adjuster Suffix |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Case Party Adjuster Suffix2 |
CA-PARTY-INS-INSURED-SUFFIX2 | Case Party Insurance Insured Suffix2 |
CA-PL-HE-SHE-IT-THEY | Case Plaintiff He, She, It or They |
CA-PL-HIM-HER-IT-THEM | Case Plaintiff Him, Her, It or Them |
CA-PL-HIS-HER-ITS-THEIRS | Case Plaintiff His, Hers, Its or Theirs |
CA-PL-S-IF-MULTIPLE | 's If There is More Than One Plaintiff in the Case |
CA-PL-TOTAL-AVAIILABLE-COVERAGE | Case Plaintiffs Total Liability Coverage Available |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Case Primary Contact Suffix2 |
CA-PRIMARY-DEF-SUFFIX2 | Primary Defendant Suffix2 |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-HEIGHT | Primary Plaintiff Height |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-SUFFIX2 | Primary Plaintiff Suffix2 |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-WEIGHT | Primary Plaintiff Weight |
CA-REF-OUT-LF-LIST-HORIZ | Horizontal List of Referred Out Law Firms |
CA-SET-EST-RANGE | Case Estimated Value Range |
CA-SET-EXPECTED-TABLE | Case Settlements Expected Table |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-FUND | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-FUND-EXP | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Amount of Fundings and Recoverable not Waived Disbursements |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-FUND-EXP-NEGLIEN | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Amount of Fundings, Recoverable not Waived Disbursements and Case Lienor Negotiated Amount |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-FUND | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-FUND-EXP | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Amount of Fundings and Recoverable not Waived Disbursements |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-FUND-EXP-NEGLIEN | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Amount of Fundings, Recoverable not Waived Disbursements and Case Lienor Negotiated Amount |
CA-SET-MIN-VALUE | Minimum Settlement Value |
CA-SET-VALUE | Settlement Value |
CA-SET-VALUE-COMMENTS | Case Estimated Value Comments |
CA-SP-DMG-TOTAL | Case Special Damages Total Amount |
CA-STAFF-WEBSITE | Case Staff Website |
CA-STATUS-DATE | Case Status Date |
CA-SUB-STATUS-DATE | Case Sub Status Date |
CA-SUB-STATUSDAYS | Case Sub Status Days |
CA-TOTAL-AVAIILABLE-COVERAGE | Case Total Liability Coverage Available |
CL-ADDR1 | Client Address Line 1 |
CL-ADDR2 | Client Address Line 2 |
CL-ADDR3 | Client Address Line 3 |
CL-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Address Block |
CL-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Address Block without name |
CL-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Address Horizontal |
CL-AGE | Client Age |
CL-AGE-EXP | Client Age Expanded |
CL-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age Year Month Expanded |
CL-AOE-ADDR1 | Client Administrator of Estate Address Line 1 |
CL-AOE-ADDR2 | Client Administrator of Estate Address Line 2 |
CL-AOE-ADDR3 | Client Administrator of Estate Address Line 3 |
CL-AOE-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Administrator of Estate Address Block |
CL-AOE-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate Address Block Without Name |
CL-AOE-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Administrator of Estate Address Horizontal |
CL-AOE-CITY | Client Administrator of Estate City |
CL-AOE-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Administrator of Estate City, State Zip |
CL-AOE-CNTY | Client Administrator of Estate County |
CL-AOE-DOB | Client Administrator of Estate Date Of Birth |
CL-AOE-FIRST-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate First Name |
CL-AOE-LAST-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate Last Name |
CL-AOE-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate Full Name |
CL-AOE-PHONE# | Client Administrator of Estate Phone Number |
CL-AOE-PREFIX | Client Administrator of Estate Prefix |
CL-AOE-SSN | Client Administrator of Estate Social Security Number |
CL-AOE-STATE | Client Administrator of Estate State |
CL-AOE-SUFFIX | Client Administrator of Estate Suffix |
CL-AOE-SUFFIX2 | Client Administrator of Estate Suffix2 |
CL-AOE-ZIP | Client Administrator of Estate Zip |
CL-CITY | Client City |
CL-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client City, State Zip |
CL-CNTY | Client County |
CL-DIVORCED-X | Merges as X if Client is Divorced, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-DOB | Client Date Of Birth |
CL-DOB-DAY | Client Date Of Birth (Day) |
CL-DOB-FULL | Client Date Of Birth Full Date Format |
CL-DOB-MONTH | Client Date Of Birth (Month) |
CL-DOB-YEAR | Client Date Of Birth (Year) |
CL-DOD | Client Date Of Death |
CL-DOD-EXP | Client Date Of Death Expanded |
CL-EIN# | Client EIN Number |
CL-EMAIL | Client Email |
CL-FAX | Client Fax |
CL-FEMALE-X | Merges as X if Client is Female, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-FIRST-NAME | Client First Name |
CL-FULL-NAME | Client Full Name |
CL-GENDER | Client Gender |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDR1 | Client Guardian Address Line 1 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDR2 | Client Guardian Address Line 2 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDR3 | Client Guardian Address Line 3 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Guardian Address Block |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Guardian Address Block Without Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Guardian Address Horizontal |
CL-GUARDIAN-CITY | Client Guardian City |
CL-GUARDIAN-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Guardian City, State Zip |
CL-GUARDIAN-CNTY | Client Guardian County |
CL-GUARDIAN-DOB | Client Guardian Date Of Birth |
CL-GUARDIAN-FIRST-NAME | Client Guardian First Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-LAST-NAME | Client Guardian Last Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-NAME | Client Guardian Full Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-PHONE# | Client Guardian Phone Number |
CL-GUARDIAN-PREFIX | Client Guardian Prefix |
CL-GUARDIAN-SSN | Client Guardian Social Security Number |
CL-GUARDIAN-STATE | Client Guardian State |
CL-GUARDIAN-SUFFIX | Client Guardian Suffix |
CL-GUARDIAN-SUFFIX2 | Client Guardian Suffix2 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ZIP | Client Guardian Zip |
CL-HE-SHE-IT | Client He, She, or It |
CL-HIM-HER-IT | Client Him, Her, or It |
CL-HIS-HER-ITS | Client His, Hers, or Its |
CL-ID | Client ID |
CL-INC2-AGE | Client Age at Incident2 |
CL-INC2-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident2 Expanded |
CL-INC2-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident2 Year Month Expanded |
CL-INC3-AGE | Client Age at Incident3 |
CL-INC3-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident3 Expanded |
CL-INC3-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident3 Year Month Expanded |
CL-INC4-AGE | Client Age at Incident4 |
CL-INC4-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident4 Expanded |
CL-INC4-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident4 Year Month Expanded |
CL-INC-AGE | Client Age at Incident |
CL-INC-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident Expanded |
CL-INC-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident Year Month Expanded |
CL-INFANT-DOB | Client Infant Date of Birth |
CL-INFANT-DOD | Client Infant Date of Death |
CL-INFANT-NAME | Client Infant Full Name |
CL-INIT | Client Initials |
CL-IS-NO-SSN | Client Does Not Have Social Security Number Y/N |
CL-LAST-NAME | Client Last Name |
CL-LIST | Client List of All Full Name Vertical |
CL-LIST-ADDR | Client List of All Full Name with Address Vertical |
CL-LIST-ADDR-HORIZ | Client List Address Horizontal |
CL-LIST-HORIZ | Client List Horizontal |
CL-MALE-X | Merges as X if Client is Male, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-MARITAL-STATUS | Client Marital Status |
CL-MARRIED-X | Merges as X if Client is Married, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-MIDDLE-NAME | Client Middle Name |
CL-MRMRS | Mr. and Mrs. Client |
CL-MRMRS-LAST | Mr. and Mrs. Client Last Name |
CL-NAME | Client Name |
CL-NAME-REVERSED | Client Name Reversed |
CL-NICK-NAME | Client Nick Name |
CL-OTHER-NAME | Client Other Name |
CL-PHONE# | Client Phone Number |
CL-PHONE#-CELL | Client Phone Cell |
CL-PHONE#-WORK | Client Work Phone Number |
CL-PLACE-OF-BIRTH | Client Place of Birth |
CL-POA-ADDR1 | Client Power of Attorney Address Line 1 |
CL-POA-ADDR2 | Client Power of Attorney Address Line 2 |
CL-POA-ADDR3 | Client Power of Attorney Address Line 3 |
CL-POA-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Power of Attorney Address Block |
CL-POA-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Power of Attorney Address Block Without Name |
CL-POA-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Power of Attorney Address Horizontal |
CL-POA-CITY | Client Power of Attorney City |
CL-POA-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Power of Attorney City, State Zip |
CL-POA-CNTY | Client Power of Attorney County |
CL-POA-DOB | Client Power of Attorney Date Of Birth |
CL-POA-FIRST-NAME | Client Power of Attorney First Name |
CL-POA-LAST-NAME | Client Power of Attorney Last Name |
CL-POA-NAME | Client Power of Attorney Full Name |
CL-POA-PHONE# | Client Power of Attorney Phone Number |
CL-POA-PREFIX | Client Power of Attorney Prefix |
CL-POA-SSN | Client Power of Attorney Social Security Number |
CL-POA-STATE | Client Power of Attorney State |
CL-POA-SUFFIX | Client Power of Attorney Suffix |
CL-POA-SUFFIX2 | Client Power of Attorney Suffix2 |
CL-POA-ZIP | Client Power of Attorney Zip |
CL-PREFIX | Client Prefix |
CL-PR-LANG | Client Primary Language |
CL-ROLE | Client Role |
CL-SEPARATED-X | Merges as X if Client is Separated, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-SIGN | Client Signature |
CL-SINGLE-X | Merges as X if Client is Single, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDR1 | Client Spouse Address Line 1 |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDR2 | Client Spouse Address Line 2 |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDR3 | Client Spouse Address Line 3 |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Spouse Address Block |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Spouse Address Block Without Name |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Spouse Address Horizontal |
CL-SPOUSE-CITY | Client Spouse City |
CL-SPOUSE-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Spouse City, State Zip |
CL-SPOUSE-CNTY | Client Spouse County |
CL-SPOUSE-DOB | Client Spouse Date Of Birth |
CL-SPOUSE-FIRST-NAME | Client Spouse First Name |
CL-SPOUSE-HE-SHE | Client Spouse He Or She |
CL-SPOUSE-HIM-HER | Client Spouse Him Or Her |
CL-SPOUSE-HIS-HER | Client Spouse His Or Hers |
CL-SPOUSE-INCAPS | Client Spouse Full Name Capitals |
CL-SPOUSE-INIT | Client Spouse Initials |
CL-SPOUSE-LAST-NAME | Client Spouse Last Name |
CL-SPOUSE-NAME | Client Spouse Full Name |
CL-SPOUSE-PHONE# | Client Spouse Phone Number |
CL-SPOUSE-PREFIX | Client Spouse Prefix |
CL-SPOUSE-SSN | Client Spouse Social Security Number |
CL-SPOUSE-STATE | Client Spouse State |
CL-SPOUSE-SUFFIX | Client Spouse Suffix |
CL-SPOUSE-SUFFIX2 | Client Spouse Suffix2 |
CL-SPOUSE-ZIP | Client Spouse Zip |
CL-SSN# | Client Social Security Number |
CL-SSN-LAST4 | Client Social Security Number Last 4 Digits |
CL-SSN-MASK5 | Client Social Security Number Masking First 5 Digits |
CL-STATE | Client State |
CL-SUB-CTGRY | Client Sub Category |
CL-SUFFIX | Client Suffix |
CL-SUFFIX2 | Client Suffix2 |
CL-WIDOWED-X | Merges as X if Client is Widowed, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-ZIP | Client Zip |
COURT-CLERK-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Clerk Address Block Without Name |
COURT-JUDGE-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Judge Address Block Without Name |
COURT-JUDGE-HE-SHE-IT | Judge He, She, or It |
COURT-JUDGE-HIM-HER-IT | Judge Him, Her, or It |
COURT-JUDGE-HIS-HER-ITS | Judge His, Hers, or Its |
COURT-JUDGE-SUFFIX2 | Judge Suffix2 |
DEF-ADJ-MIDDLE-NAME | Defendant Adjuster Middle Name |
DEF-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Adjuster Suffix2 |
DEF-ATTY-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK2 | Defendant Attorney’s Address Block with Law Firm Name and Address |
DEF-ATTY-PR-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Defendant Primary Attorney Address Block Without Name |
DEF-ATTY-PR-ATTY-PHONE-EXT | Defendant Primary Attorney Phone Extension |
DEF-ATTY-PR-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Primary Attorney Suffix2 |
DEF-COUNTRY | Defendant Country |
DEF-INS-INSURED-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Insurance Insured Suffix2 |
DEF-INS-THIRD-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Insurance Third Party Adjuster Suffix2 |
DEF-LIST-HORIZ-INCAPS | Defendant List of All Full Name Horizontal in Caps |
DEF-NON-PARTY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Non-Party Contact Suffix2 |
DEF-SOL-COMPLIED-TABLE | Plaintiff Complied Statute of Limitations |
DEPO-TABLE | Case Depositions Table |
DISCOVERY-TABLE | Case Discoveries Table |
EMP-COMMENTS | Employer Comments |
EMP-COMP-COMMENTS | Employer Compensation Comments |
EMP-STATUS | Employment Status |
EXAM-DOCTOR-FAX | Adverse Exam Doctor Fax |
EXAM-DOCTOR-FIRST-NAME | Adverse Exam Doctor First Name |
EXAM-DOCTOR-LAST-NAME | Adverse Exam Doctor Last Name |
EXAM-DOCTOR-SUFFIX2 | Adverse Exam Doctor Suffix2 |
EXP-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Expert Address Block Without Name |
EXP-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Expert Address Horizontal |
EXP-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Expert City, State Zip |
EXP-EMAIL | Expert Email |
EXP-HE-SHE-IT | Expert He, She, or It |
EXP-HIM-HER-IT | Expert Him, Her, or It |
EXP-HIS-HER-ITS | Expert His, Hers, or Its |
EXP-SUFFIX2 | Expert Suffix2 |
FIRM-ATTORNEY-WEBSITE | Firm Attorney Website |
FIRM-PARALEGAL-WEBSITE | Firm Paralegal Website |
FIRM-STAFF-SUFFIX2 | Firm Staff Suffix2 |
FIRM-STAFF-WEBSITE | Firm Staff Website |
FUND-AGREEMENT-DATE | Funding Agreement Date |
FUND-BY | Funding Funded By |
FUND-COMMENT | Funding Comment |
FUND-PAY-BACK | Funding Need to Pay Back |
FUND-TABLE | Case Funding Table |
INC-COMMENTS | Incident Comments |
LIEN-CONTACT-PERSON-SUFFIX2 | Lien Contact Person Suffix2 |
LIEN-RECOVERY-AGENT-SUFFIX2 | Lien Recovery Agent Suffix2 |
LIEN-RECOVERY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Lien Recovery Contact Suffix2 |
MED-PRVD-LIST-REFERRED | List of Referred Medical Providers |
MED-PRVD-SUFFIX2 | All Medical Provider Suffix2 |
MED-REQUEST-REC-TYPE | Medical Records Request Record Type |
OFFICE-WEBSITE | Office Website |
PL-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Adjucter Suffix2 |
PL-FAX | Plaintiff Fax |
PL-HOS-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Plaintiff Hospital Address Block Without Name |
PL-INJ-AS-TO-LIST | Plaintiff Injuries As To List |
PL-INS-INSURED-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Insurance Insured Suffix2 |
PL-INS-THIRD-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Insurance Third Party Adjuster Suffix2 |
PL-INS-UND-POLICY-LIMIT-PP | Plaintiff Insurance Under Insured Policy Limit Per Occurrence (Low) |
PL-LIEN-DUE-TABLE-WITHOUT-REPAID | Plaintiff Lien with None Zero Balance Table That Not Paid |
PL-LIEN-TABLE-WITHOUT-REPAID | Plaintiff Lien Table That Not Paid |
PL-LIST-HORIZ-INCAPS | Plaintiff List Horizontal in Caps |
PL-MED-PRVD-NPR-LIST | Plaintiff Non-Prior Medical Provider List |
PL-MED-PRVD-NPR-LIST-HORIZ | Horisontal List of Plaintiff Non-Prior Medical Providers |
PL-MED-PRVDS-REQUEST-ALL-TABLE | Plaintiff Medical Records Requests Table |
PL-MED-PRVDS-REQUEST-TABLE | Plaintiff Complited Medical Records Requests Table |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-BILL-BALANCE | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Balance |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-NOT-PAID-BILL-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Amount Not Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-NOT-PAID-BILL-BALANCE | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Balance Not Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-NOT-PAID-BILL-NEG-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Negotiated Amount Not Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-PAID-BILL-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Amount Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-PAID-BILL-BALANCE | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Balance Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-PAID-BILL-NEG-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Negotiated Amount Payable by Firm |
PL-NF-INS-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Address Block Without Name |
PL-NF-INS-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Address Horizontal |
PL-NF-INS-CITY | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance City |
PL-NF-INS-EMAIL | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Email |
PL-NF-INS-STATE | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance State |
PL-NF-INS-ZIP | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Zip |
PL-NON-PARTY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Non-Party Contact Suffix2 |
PL-PHONE#-ALL | List of Plaintiff Phone Numbers |
PL-PRESC-ALLEG-DATE | Prescription Allegation Date |
PL-PRESC-ALLEG-TYPE | Prescription Allegation Type |
PL-PRESC-COMMENTS | Prescription Comments |
PL-PRESC-DAYSUPPLY | Prescription Day Supply |
PL-PRESC-DOSAGE | Prescription Dosage |
PL-PRESC-END-DATE | Prescription End Date |
PL-PRESC-FACILIITY | Prescription Medical Facility |
PL-PRESC-MANUFACTURER | Prescription Manufacturer |
PL-PRESC-NDC | Prescription National Drug Code |
PL-PRESC-PAGENUM | Prescription Page Number |
PL-PRESC-PRESCRIBER | Prescription Prescribing Physician |
PL-PRESC-PRODUCT | Prescription Product |
PL-PRESC-QUANTITY | Prescription Quantity |
PL-PRESC-RETAILER | Prescription Pharmacy/Retailer |
PL-PRESC-START-DATE | Prescription Start Date |
PL-PRESC-SUMMARY | Prescription Summary |
PL-PRESC-TABLE | Plaintiff Prescriptions Table |
PL-PRESC-TYPE | Prescription Type |
PL-PR-INJ-CASE-NUMBER | Plaintiff Prior Injury Case Number |
PL-PR-INJ-CASE-RELATED(Y/N) | Is Prior Injury Case Related? |
PL-PR-INJ-COMMENTS | Plaintiff Prior Injury Comments |
PL-PR-INJ-DATE | Plaintiff Prior Injury Date |
PL-PR-INJ-DESCRIPTION | Plaintiff Prior Injury Description |
PL-PR-INJ-DIAGNOSIS-DATE | Plaintiff Prior Injury Date of Diagnosis |
PL-PR-INJ-FIRM-CASE(Y/N) | Firm Case Y/N |
PL-PR-INJ-LIST | List of Plaintiff Prior Injuries |
PL-PR-INJURY | Plaintiff Prior Injury |
PL-SOL-COMPLIED-TABLE | Plaintiff Complied Statute of Limitations |
PL-SOL-DATE-EXP | Plaintiff Statute of Limitations Date Expanded |
PL-SP-DMG-TOTAL | Plaintiff Special Damages Total Amount |
PL-SP-DMG-TOT-AMT | Plaintiff Special Damages Total Amount |
PL-SPOUSE-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Spouse Suffix2 |
PL-SSN-FIRST3 | Plaintiff Social Security Number First 3 Digits |
PL-SSN-MIDDLE2 | Plaintiff Social Security Number Middle 2 Digits |
POL-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Police Department Address Block Without Name |
POL-OFF-SUFFIX2 | Police Officer Suffix2 |
PR-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Prior Attorney Address Block Without Name |
PR-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Prior Attorney City, State Zip |
PR-ATTY-CNTY | Prior Attorney County |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Prior Attorney Law Firm Address Block Without Name |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Prior Attorney Law Firm City, State Zip |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-EMAIL | Prior Attorney Law Firm Email |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-FAX | Prior Attorney Law Firm Fax |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-PHONE# | Prior Attorney Law Firm Phone Number |
PR-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Prior Attorney First Name |
PR-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Prior Attorney He, She, or It |
PR-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Prior Attorney Him, Her, or It |
PR-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Prior Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
PR-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Prior Attorney Last Name |
PR-ATTY-PHONE# | Prior Attorney Phone Number |
PR-ATTY-PREFIX | Prior Attorney Prefix |
PR-ATTY-SUFFIX | Prior Attorney Suffix |
PR-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Prior Attorney Suffix2 |
REF-ATTY-LF-NAME | Referring Attorney or Law Firm Name |
REF-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Referring Attorney Suffix2 |
REF-OUT-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Referred Out Attorney Suffix2 |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee and Other Amount |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements with Interest |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements with Interest and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Other Amount |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements with Interest |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements with Interest and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFPRATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring and Prior Attorney Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements with Interest |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFPRATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring and Prior Attorney Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements with Interest and Liens |
SET-ATTY-FEES-TABLE | Settlement Attorney and Other Fees Table |
SET-CHECK-DATE | Settlement Check Date |
SET-DIST-CHECK-TOT-AMOUNT | Settlement Distribution Checks Total Amount |
SET-EXP-PLUS-INTEREST | Settlement Disbursement with Interest |
SET-FIRMFEE-PLUS-OTHER | Settlement Firm Fee and Other Amount |
SET-FIRMFEE-PLUS-REFATTYFEE-OTHER | Settlement Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Other Amount |
SET-MED-PAY | Settlement Med Pay |
SET-MED-PAY-CASE-TOTAL | Settlement Med Pay Case Total |
SOL-ANSWERED-TABLE | Statute of Limitations Answer Received |
SOL-COMPLIED-TABLE | Complied Statute of Limitations |
SOL-DATE-EXP | Statute of Limitations Date Expanded |
SOL-SERVICE-TABLE | Complaint Served Statute of Limitations |
SSD-AMENDED-AOD | Social Security Disability Amended AOD |
SSD-AOD | Social Security Disability AOD |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-ACKNOWLEDGMENT-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Acknowledgment Date |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Comments |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-DECISION | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Decision |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Decision Date |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-FILED-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Filed Date |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Filing Mode |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-SUBMISSION-DUE-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Submission Due Date |
SSD-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Comments |
SSD-DATE-LAST-INJURED | Social Security Disability Date Last Insured |
SSD-DATE-LAST-WORKED | Social Security Disability Date Last Worked |
SSD-HEARING-ACKNOWLEDGMENT-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Acknowledgment Date |
SSD-HEARING-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Hearing Comments |
SSD-HEARING-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Date |
SSD-HEARING-DATE-EXP | Social Security Disability Hearing Date Expanded |
SSD-HEARING-DECISION | Social Security Disability Hearing Decision |
SSD-HEARING-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Decision Date |
SSD-HEARING-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Hearing Filing Mode |
SSD-HEARING-POST-DUE-DATE | Social Security Disability Post Hearing Due Date |
SSD-HEARING-REQUEST-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Request Date |
SSD-HEARING-SUPPLEMENTAL-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Supplemental date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-ADL-RECEIVED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application ADL Received Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-ADL-SUBMITTED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application ADL Submitted Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-AUXILIARY-SUBMITTED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Auxiliary Form Submitted Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Initial Application Comments |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-DECISION | Social Security Disability Initial Application Decision |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Decision Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-FILED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Filed Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Filing Mode |
SSD-PREVIOUS-DENIAL-DATE | Social Security Disability Previous Denial Date |
SSD-RECONSID-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Comments |
SSD-RECONSID-DECISION | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Decision |
SSD-RECONSID-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Decision Date |
SSD-RECONSID-FILED-DATE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Filed Date |
SSD-RECONSID-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Filing Mode |
SSD-RECONSID-REQUEST-FOR-GOOD-CAUSE-DATE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Request for Good Cause Date |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Sub Out Attorney Address Block |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Sub Out Attorney Address Block Without Name |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Sub Out Attorney Address Horizontal |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Sub Out Attorney City, State Zip |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-EMAIL | Sub Out Attorney Email |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-FAX | Sub Out Attorney Fax |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Sub Out Attorney First Name |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Sub Out Attorney He, She, or It |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Sub Out Attorney Him, Her, or It |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Sub Out Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Sub Out Attorney Last Name |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-PHONE# | Sub Out Attorney Phone Number |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-PREFIX | Sub Out Attorney Prefix |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-SUFFIX | Sub Out Attorney Suffix |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Sub Out Attorney Suffix2 |
SUB-OUT-LAW-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Sub Out Law Firm Address Horizontal |
SUB-OUT-LAW-EMAIL | Sub Out Law Firm Email |
SUB-OUT-LAW-FAX | Sub Out Law Firm Fax |
SUB-OUT-LAW-PHONE# | Sub Out Law Firm Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Address Block |
TPA-DEF-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Block |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster City |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster County |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Email |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Fax |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster First Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster He, She, or It |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Him, Her, or It |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-INIT | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Initials |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Last Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-PREFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Prefix |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster State |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Suffix |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Suffix2 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Zip |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Block |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney City |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney County |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Email |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Fax |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney First Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney He, She, or It |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Him, Her, or It |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-INIT | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Initials |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Last Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-PREFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Prefix |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney State |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Suffix |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Suffix2 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Zip |
TPA-DEF-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant City |
TPA-DEF-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant County |
TPA-DEF-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Email |
TPA-DEF-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Fax |
TPA-DEF-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant First Name |
TPA-DEF-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Defendant He, She, or It |
TPA-DEF-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Him, Her, or It |
TPA-DEF-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-INIT | Third Party Action Defendant Initials |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDR2 | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Block |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-INS-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company City |
TPA-DEF-INS-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-INS-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company County |
TPA-DEF-INS-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Email |
TPA-DEF-INS-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Fax |
TPA-DEF-INS-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Name |
TPA-DEF-INS-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-INS-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company State |
TPA-DEF-INS-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Zip |
TPA-DEF-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Last Name |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Block |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm City |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CLAIM# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Claim Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm County |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Email |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Fax |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-FILE# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm File Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-INDEX# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Index Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Name |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm State |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Zip |
TPA-DEF-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Name |
TPA-DEF-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-PREFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Prefix |
TPA-DEF-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant State |
TPA-DEF-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Suffix |
TPA-DEF-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Defendant Suffix2 |
TPA-DEF-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Zip |
TPA-PL-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Line 1 |
TPA-PL-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Line 2 |
TPA-PL-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Line 3 |
TPA-PL-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Block |
TPA-PL-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Block Without Name |
TPA-PL-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Horizontal |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Line 1 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Line 2 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Line 3 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Block |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Block Without Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Horizontal |
TPA-PL-ATTY-CITY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney City |
TPA-PL-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney City, State Zip |
TPA-PL-ATTY-CNTY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney County |
TPA-PL-ATTY-EMAIL | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Email |
TPA-PL-ATTY-FAX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Fax |
TPA-PL-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney First Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney He, She, or It |
TPA-PL-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Him, Her, or It |
TPA-PL-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-PL-ATTY-INIT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Initials |
TPA-PL-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Last Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-PHONE# | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Phone Number |
TPA-PL-ATTY-PREFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Prefix |
TPA-PL-ATTY-STATE | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney State |
TPA-PL-ATTY-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Suffix |
TPA-PL-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Suffix2 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Zip |
TPA-PL-CITY | Third Party Action Plaintiff City |
TPA-PL-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff City, State Zip |
TPA-PL-CNTY | Third Party Action Plaintiff County |
TPA-PL-EMAIL | Third Party Action Plaintiff Email |
TPA-PL-FAX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Fax |
TPA-PL-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff First Name |
TPA-PL-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff He, She, or It |
TPA-PL-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Him, Her, or It |
TPA-PL-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Plaintiff His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-PL-INIT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Initials |
TPA-PL-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Last Name |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Line 1 |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Line 2 |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Line 3 |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Block |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Block Without Name |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Horizontal |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-CITY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm City |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm City, State Zip |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-CNTY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm County |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-EMAIL | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Email |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-FAX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Fax |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Name |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-PHONE# | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Phone Number |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-STATE | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm State |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Zip |
TPA-PL-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Name |
TPA-PL-PHONE# | Third Party Action Plaintiff Phone Number |
TPA-PL-PREFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Prefix |
TPA-PL-STATE | Third Party Action Plaintiff State |
TPA-PL-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Suffix |
TPA-PL-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Suffix2 |
TPA-PL-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Zip |
USER-ADDR1 | Current User Address Line 1 |
USER-ADDR2 | Current User Address Line 2 |
USER-ADDR3 | Current User Address Line 3 |
USER-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Current User Address Block |
USER-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Current User Address Block Without Name |
USER-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Current User Address Horizontal |
USER-CITY | Current User City |
USER-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Current User City, State Zip |
USER-COMMENTS | Current User Comments |
USER-SIGN | Current User Signature |
USER-STATE | Current User State |
USER-SUFFIX2 | Current User Suffix2 |
USER-WEBSITE | Current User Website |
USER-ZIP | Current User Zip |
VA-CLAIM | Veteran Affairs Claim |
VA-CLAIM-EFFECTIVE-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Effective Date |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT | Veteran Affairs Claim Event |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-APPEALED-ISSUE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event Appealed Issue |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event Date |
VA-CLAIM-GOAL-EFFECTIVE-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Goal Effective Date |
VA-CLAIM-NOTES | Veteran Affairs Claim Notes |
VA-CLAIM-RATING | Veteran Affairs Claim Rating |
VA-CLAIM-STATUS | Veteran Affairs Claim Status |
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