Manage Favorites

Manage Favorites

This page allows you to manage a variety of items from SmartAdvocate that have been added to your favorites throughout your use of the system.

The Favorites Setup Screen displays the different categories of favorites that can be saved in the system: Cases, Filters, SmartAdvocate Pages, External Links, and Calendar Filters. Navigating these different tabs will show you the items favorited for each category.

Adding New Cases to Favorites

Cases can be added to favorites from the Manage Favorites screen or directly from a case. For more on how to add a case to your favorites see Adding a Case to Favorites.

Adding New Filters to Favorites

Adding New SmartAdvocate Pages to Favorites

Adding New External Links to Favorites

Adding New Calendar Filters to Favorites

Add New Cases to Favorites

  • To add a new case to your Favorites List, choose "New Case".

  • In the Edit Form, enter the Case No.

  • Click "Update" to save the new form or click "Cancel" to exit.

The case will be added to your list of "Favorites" and will be available from the "Favorites" Pull Down Menu. From anywhere within a case, you can add it to Favorites by clicking on the Add to Favorites button ( ) on the Quick Add Toolbar.

Add New Filters to Favorites

1. To add a new Filter to your Favorites List, choose "Filter" then "New Filter". The Case Browse feature will appear.

2. Choose the appropriate categories (Important - Do NOT click "Apply Filters").
3. Click "Save Filter To Favorites".
4. Type in the name you want to give to this Favorite in the "Filter Name" dialog box.
5. Click "Save" to save the new Favorite or "Cancel" to exit without saving.

Edit SmartAdvocate Pages in Favorites

A page is added to the Favorites list directly from the "Favorites" Menu by clicking on "Add current page to Favorites" while on the page you want to add to Favorites.

How To Edit a SmartAdvocate Page in Favorites

  • Click "Favorites" from the Top Tool Bar.

  • Click "Manage Favorites".

  • Click "SmartAdvocate" Pages.

The Page Name, Path and Actions will be displayed for each page that has been saved to Favorites.

  • Click the "Pencil" icon under the "Actions" column in the right-hand corner.

  • Edit the Page Name and then click "Update" to save or click "Cancel" to exit without saving.

Add External Link

You can add a link to a web page outside SmartAdvocate to Favorites. To add an External Link to Favorites:
1. Access "Favorites" from the Top Menu Bar.
2. Click "Manage Favorites".
3. Click "External Links".
4. Click "New Link".

5. Enter the new External Link information.

 6. Click "Update" to save the new information and exit or click "Cancel" to exit without saving.

Calendar Filters

To add a calendar filter to Favorites:
1. Access "Favorites" from the Top Menu Bar.
2. Click "Manage Favorites".
3. Click "Calendar Filters:".
4. Click "New Filter".

A new browser tab will open and you will be brought to the Office Calendar. See Office Calendar for details of saving a Calendar Filter.
Although both Case and Office Calendar filters can be viewed, edited, and deleted from this page, only Office Calendar filters can be created using the New Filter button. To create a Case Calendar filter, you must be in a Case Calendar.

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