Document Handler Mac

Document Handler Mac

Download Document Handler for Mac via the Mac App Store - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/smartadvocate-document-handler/id1497902288

You will need an Apple ID to download

We have developed a new SmartAdvocate Document Handler component that can automatically download a document when you need to open or edit it. This component eliminates the need for the manual download/upload of documents. If it's not turned on globally in the System Parameters, users can select to use SmartAdvocate Document Handler in their preferences:

To open a document from the Document Screen, double click on the document or Right Click the document and then select open. You will see the following dialog box the first time you attempt to open a document using the Right Click or Open function. Follow steps 2 to 4 outlined in the dialog box, i.e., install the SmartAdvocate Document Handler, check the box for "Always open these types of links in the associated app" and select the appropriate button in step number 4.

If your document opened successfully, and you see the above dialog box in a subsequent attempt, click the button for "My document opened". This should prevent the popup from appearing in the future.
For now, we enabled document handler globally for all systems on our cloud. If you would like it to be controlled by individual users you can set the following system parameter to False.


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