Document Templates and Merge Codes (v2024)
Document Templates
Added auto save configuration for word template editor
Added support for template’s cc and bcc for mall email
Added editor for word templates
PDF Templates
New Dynamic Merge Codes
Merge Code Name | Description |
CA-NEXT-APPMNT-TIME | Case Next Appointment Time of Specific Activity Type |
CA-NOTES-ALL | All Notes of Specific Type |
CA-STAFF-COMMENTS | Case Staff Comments of Specific Case Role |
CA-TYPE-PROPERTY | Case Type Property Based on the Name. Properties and Values can be Configured in the Picklist Maintenance. Case Type Property and Case Type Property Value. |
COURT-STAFF-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Court Staff Address Block Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-FIRST-NAME | Court Staff First Name Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-LAST-NAME | Court Staff Last Name Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-NAME | Court Staff Name Based on the Role |
COURT-STAFF-PREFIX | Court Staff Prefix Based on the Role |
DEF-LIST-HORIZ | Horizontal List of Defendants With Specific Role |
LIEN-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Lienor Address Block of Specific Type |
SET-DIST-CHECKS-TYPE-TOTAL | Settlement Distribution Checks Total of Specific Type |
SET-DIST-PL-CHECKS-TOTAL | Settlement Distribution Plaintiff Checks Total of Specific Status |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-APPEALED-ISSUE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event of Specific Type Appealed Issue |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event of Specific Type Date |
New Merge Codes
More than 600 new merge codes were added in this SmartAdvocate release, bringing total number of merge codes available to 3,600+.
Merge Code Name | Description |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-AST | Appointment Start Time in Alaskan Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-CST | Appointment Start Time in Central Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-EST | Appointment Start Time in Eastern Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-MST | Appointment Start Time in Mountain Standard Time Zone |
APPMNT-FROM-TIME-PST | Appointment Start Time in Pacific Standard Time Zone |
ARB-ADDR1 | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Line 1 |
ARB-ADDR2 | Third Arbitrator/Mediator Address Line 2 |
ARB-ADDR3 | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Line 3 |
ARB-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Block |
ARB-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Block Without Name |
ARB-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Arbitrator/Mediator Address Horizontal |
ARB-CITY | Arbitrator/Mediator City |
ARB-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Arbitrator/Mediator City, State Zip |
ARB-CNTY | Arbitrator/Mediator County |
ARB-CONT-PERSON-SUFFIX2 | Arbitration/Mediation Contact Suffix2 |
ARB-EMAIL | Arbitrator/Mediator Email |
ARB-FAX | Arbitrator/Mediator Fax |
ARB-FIRST-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator First Name |
ARB-HE-SHE-IT | Arbitrator/Mediator He, She, or It |
ARB-HIM-HER-IT | Arbitrator/Mediator Him, Her, or It |
ARB-HIS-HER-ITS | Arbitrator/Mediator His, Hers, or Its |
ARB-INIT | Arbitrator/Mediator Initials |
ARB-LAST-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Last Name |
ARB-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Name |
ARB-ORG-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Arbitrator/Mediator Organization Address Block |
ARB-ORG-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Arbitrator/Mediator Organization Address Block Without Name |
ARB-ORG-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Arbitrator/Mediator Organization Address Horizontal |
ARB-PHONE# | Arbitrator/Mediator Phone Number |
ARB-PREFIX | Arbitrator/Mediator Prefix |
ARB-STATE | Arbitrator/Mediator State |
ARB-SUFFIX | Arbitrator/Mediator Suffix |
ARB-SUFFIX2 | Arbitrator/Mediator Suffix2 |
ARB-ZIP | Arbitrator/Mediator Zip |
ATTY-FOR-LIST-OTHERS-ALL-DEF-ATTYS | Attorney Firm List Other Than Us Including Parties They Represent (All Def Attorneys) |
ATTY-SIGN-ALL-TABLE | Attorney Firm Service List With Signature Line For All Table |
CA-ACTIVITY-TABLE-FIRST-ROWS | First Records of Lists Case Activities (Notes and Appointments) That Have Fixed Time Associated With Their Types |
CA-ACTIVITY-TABLE-LAST-ROWS | Last Records of Lists Case Activities (Notes and Appointments) That Have Fixed Time Associated With Their Types |
CA-ATTY-MID-INIT | Case Attorney Middle Initials |
CA-ATTY-SEL-WEBSITE | Case Attorney Website Select |
CA-ATTY-WEBSITE | Case Attorney Website |
CA-DEF-HE-SHE-IT-THEY | Case Defendant He, She, It or They |
CA-DEF-HIM-HER-IT-THEM | Case Defendant Him, Her, It or Them |
CA-DEF-HIS-HER-ITS-THEIRS | Case Defendant His, Hers, Its or Theirs |
CA-DEF-S-IF-MULTIPLE | 's if There is More Than One Defendant in the Case |
CA-DEF-TOTAL-AVAIILABLE-COVERAGE | Case Defendants Total Liability Coverage Available |
CA-DOC-CATEGORY | Case Document Category |
CA-DOC-COMMENTS | Case Document Comments |
CA-DOC-DATE | Case Document Date |
CA-DOC-DESCRIPTION | Case Document Description |
CA-DOC-FROM | Case Document From Contact |
CA-DOC-SUBCATEGORY | Case Document Subcategory |
CA-DOC-TO | Case Document To Contact |
CA-ENTITY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Case Contacts Address Block Without Name |
CA-ENTITY-MIDDLE-NAME | Case Contact Middle Name |
CA-EXP-TABLE-REC-WITHOUT-REPAID | Case Disbursement Table Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Paid |
CA-EXP-TABLE-WITHOUT-REPAID | Case Disbursement Table includes All Disbursement Types That Not Paid |
CA-EXP-TOT-AFTER-SPLIT | Case Disbursement Total After Firm Split Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Waived |
CA-EXP-TOT-BEFORE-SPLIT | Case Disbursement Total Before Firm Split Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Waived |
CA-EXP-TOT-PLUS-INTEREST | Case Disbursement Total With Interest Only Disbursement Type Recoverable and Not Waived |
CA-FIRMFEE-PLUS-FUND | Sum of Case Firm Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-FIRMFEE-PLUS-FUND-REFATTYFEE | Sum of Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-FUND-TOTAL | Case Total Amount of Fundings |
CA-GROUP | Case Group |
CA-NUM | Case File Number |
CA-PARA-WEBSITE | Case Paralegal Website |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-INIT | Case Party Adjuster Initials |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX | Case Party Adjuster Suffix |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Case Party Adjuster Suffix2 |
CA-PARTY-INS-INSURED-SUFFIX2 | Case Party Insurance Insured Suffix2 |
CA-PL-HE-SHE-IT-THEY | Case Plaintiff He, She, It or They |
CA-PL-HIM-HER-IT-THEM | Case Plaintiff Him, Her, It or Them |
CA-PL-HIS-HER-ITS-THEIRS | Case Plaintiff His, Hers, Its or Theirs |
CA-PL-S-IF-MULTIPLE | 's If There is More Than One Plaintiff in the Case |
CA-PL-TOTAL-AVAIILABLE-COVERAGE | Case Plaintiffs Total Liability Coverage Available |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Case Primary Contact Suffix2 |
CA-PRIMARY-DEF-SUFFIX2 | Primary Defendant Suffix2 |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-HEIGHT | Primary Plaintiff Height |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-SUFFIX2 | Primary Plaintiff Suffix2 |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-WEIGHT | Primary Plaintiff Weight |
CA-REF-OUT-LF-LIST-HORIZ | Horizontal List of Referred Out Law Firms |
CA-SET-EST-RANGE | Case Estimated Value Range |
CA-SET-EXPECTED-TABLE | Case Settlements Expected Table |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-FUND | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-FUND-EXP | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Amount of Fundings and Recoverable not Waived Disbursements |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-FUND-EXP-NEGLIEN | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Amount of Fundings, Recoverable not Waived Disbursements and Case Lienor Negotiated Amount |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-FUND | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Amount of Fundings |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-FUND-EXP | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Amount of Fundings and Recoverable not Waived Disbursements |
CA-SET-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-FUND-EXP-NEGLIEN | Case Settlement Amount Minus Case Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Amount of Fundings, Recoverable not Waived Disbursements and Case Lienor Negotiated Amount |
CA-SET-MIN-VALUE | Minimum Settlement Value |
CA-SET-VALUE | Settlement Value |
CA-SET-VALUE-COMMENTS | Case Estimated Value Comments |
CA-SP-DMG-TOTAL | Case Special Damages Total Amount |
CA-STAFF-WEBSITE | Case Staff Website |
CA-STATUS-DATE | Case Status Date |
CA-SUB-STATUS-DATE | Case Sub Status Date |
CA-SUB-STATUSDAYS | Case Sub Status Days |
CA-TOTAL-AVAIILABLE-COVERAGE | Case Total Liability Coverage Available |
CL-ADDR1 | Client Address Line 1 |
CL-ADDR2 | Client Address Line 2 |
CL-ADDR3 | Client Address Line 3 |
CL-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Address Block |
CL-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Address Block without name |
CL-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Address Horizontal |
CL-AGE | Client Age |
CL-AGE-EXP | Client Age Expanded |
CL-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age Year Month Expanded |
CL-AOE-ADDR1 | Client Administrator of Estate Address Line 1 |
CL-AOE-ADDR2 | Client Administrator of Estate Address Line 2 |
CL-AOE-ADDR3 | Client Administrator of Estate Address Line 3 |
CL-AOE-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Administrator of Estate Address Block |
CL-AOE-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate Address Block Without Name |
CL-AOE-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Administrator of Estate Address Horizontal |
CL-AOE-CITY | Client Administrator of Estate City |
CL-AOE-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Administrator of Estate City, State Zip |
CL-AOE-CNTY | Client Administrator of Estate County |
CL-AOE-DOB | Client Administrator of Estate Date Of Birth |
CL-AOE-FIRST-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate First Name |
CL-AOE-LAST-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate Last Name |
CL-AOE-NAME | Client Administrator of Estate Full Name |
CL-AOE-PHONE# | Client Administrator of Estate Phone Number |
CL-AOE-PREFIX | Client Administrator of Estate Prefix |
CL-AOE-SSN | Client Administrator of Estate Social Security Number |
CL-AOE-STATE | Client Administrator of Estate State |
CL-AOE-SUFFIX | Client Administrator of Estate Suffix |
CL-AOE-SUFFIX2 | Client Administrator of Estate Suffix2 |
CL-AOE-ZIP | Client Administrator of Estate Zip |
CL-CITY | Client City |
CL-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client City, State Zip |
CL-CNTY | Client County |
CL-DIVORCED-X | Merges as X if Client is Divorced, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-DOB | Client Date Of Birth |
CL-DOB-DAY | Client Date Of Birth (Day) |
CL-DOB-FULL | Client Date Of Birth Full Date Format |
CL-DOB-MONTH | Client Date Of Birth (Month) |
CL-DOB-YEAR | Client Date Of Birth (Year) |
CL-DOD | Client Date Of Death |
CL-DOD-EXP | Client Date Of Death Expanded |
CL-EIN# | Client EIN Number |
CL-EMAIL | Client Email |
CL-FAX | Client Fax |
CL-FEMALE-X | Merges as X if Client is Female, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-FIRST-NAME | Client First Name |
CL-FULL-NAME | Client Full Name |
CL-GENDER | Client Gender |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDR1 | Client Guardian Address Line 1 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDR2 | Client Guardian Address Line 2 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDR3 | Client Guardian Address Line 3 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Guardian Address Block |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Guardian Address Block Without Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Guardian Address Horizontal |
CL-GUARDIAN-CITY | Client Guardian City |
CL-GUARDIAN-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Guardian City, State Zip |
CL-GUARDIAN-CNTY | Client Guardian County |
CL-GUARDIAN-DOB | Client Guardian Date Of Birth |
CL-GUARDIAN-FIRST-NAME | Client Guardian First Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-LAST-NAME | Client Guardian Last Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-NAME | Client Guardian Full Name |
CL-GUARDIAN-PHONE# | Client Guardian Phone Number |
CL-GUARDIAN-PREFIX | Client Guardian Prefix |
CL-GUARDIAN-SSN | Client Guardian Social Security Number |
CL-GUARDIAN-STATE | Client Guardian State |
CL-GUARDIAN-SUFFIX | Client Guardian Suffix |
CL-GUARDIAN-SUFFIX2 | Client Guardian Suffix2 |
CL-GUARDIAN-ZIP | Client Guardian Zip |
CL-HE-SHE-IT | Client He, She, or It |
CL-HIM-HER-IT | Client Him, Her, or It |
CL-HIS-HER-ITS | Client His, Hers, or Its |
CL-ID | Client ID |
CL-INC2-AGE | Client Age at Incident2 |
CL-INC2-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident2 Expanded |
CL-INC2-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident2 Year Month Expanded |
CL-INC3-AGE | Client Age at Incident3 |
CL-INC3-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident3 Expanded |
CL-INC3-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident3 Year Month Expanded |
CL-INC4-AGE | Client Age at Incident4 |
CL-INC4-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident4 Expanded |
CL-INC4-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident4 Year Month Expanded |
CL-INC-AGE | Client Age at Incident |
CL-INC-AGE-EXP | Client Age at Incident Expanded |
CL-INC-AGE-YM-EXP | Client Age at Incident Year Month Expanded |
CL-INFANT-DOB | Client Infant Date of Birth |
CL-INFANT-DOD | Client Infant Date of Death |
CL-INFANT-NAME | Client Infant Full Name |
CL-INIT | Client Initials |
CL-IS-NO-SSN | Client Does Not Have Social Security Number Y/N |
CL-LAST-NAME | Client Last Name |
CL-LIST | Client List of All Full Name Vertical |
CL-LIST-ADDR | Client List of All Full Name with Address Vertical |
CL-LIST-ADDR-HORIZ | Client List Address Horizontal |
CL-LIST-HORIZ | Client List Horizontal |
CL-MALE-X | Merges as X if Client is Male, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-MARITAL-STATUS | Client Marital Status |
CL-MARRIED-X | Merges as X if Client is Married, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-MIDDLE-NAME | Client Middle Name |
CL-MRMRS | Mr. and Mrs. Client |
CL-MRMRS-LAST | Mr. and Mrs. Client Last Name |
CL-NAME | Client Name |
CL-NAME-REVERSED | Client Name Reversed |
CL-NICK-NAME | Client Nick Name |
CL-OTHER-NAME | Client Other Name |
CL-PHONE# | Client Phone Number |
CL-PHONE#-CELL | Client Phone Cell |
CL-PHONE#-WORK | Client Work Phone Number |
CL-PLACE-OF-BIRTH | Client Place of Birth |
CL-POA-ADDR1 | Client Power of Attorney Address Line 1 |
CL-POA-ADDR2 | Client Power of Attorney Address Line 2 |
CL-POA-ADDR3 | Client Power of Attorney Address Line 3 |
CL-POA-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Power of Attorney Address Block |
CL-POA-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Power of Attorney Address Block Without Name |
CL-POA-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Power of Attorney Address Horizontal |
CL-POA-CITY | Client Power of Attorney City |
CL-POA-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Power of Attorney City, State Zip |
CL-POA-CNTY | Client Power of Attorney County |
CL-POA-DOB | Client Power of Attorney Date Of Birth |
CL-POA-FIRST-NAME | Client Power of Attorney First Name |
CL-POA-LAST-NAME | Client Power of Attorney Last Name |
CL-POA-NAME | Client Power of Attorney Full Name |
CL-POA-PHONE# | Client Power of Attorney Phone Number |
CL-POA-PREFIX | Client Power of Attorney Prefix |
CL-POA-SSN | Client Power of Attorney Social Security Number |
CL-POA-STATE | Client Power of Attorney State |
CL-POA-SUFFIX | Client Power of Attorney Suffix |
CL-POA-SUFFIX2 | Client Power of Attorney Suffix2 |
CL-POA-ZIP | Client Power of Attorney Zip |
CL-PREFIX | Client Prefix |
CL-PR-LANG | Client Primary Language |
CL-ROLE | Client Role |
CL-SEPARATED-X | Merges as X if Client is Separated, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-SIGN | Client Signature |
CL-SINGLE-X | Merges as X if Client is Single, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDR1 | Client Spouse Address Line 1 |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDR2 | Client Spouse Address Line 2 |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDR3 | Client Spouse Address Line 3 |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Client Spouse Address Block |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Client Spouse Address Block Without Name |
CL-SPOUSE-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Client Spouse Address Horizontal |
CL-SPOUSE-CITY | Client Spouse City |
CL-SPOUSE-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Client Spouse City, State Zip |
CL-SPOUSE-CNTY | Client Spouse County |
CL-SPOUSE-DOB | Client Spouse Date Of Birth |
CL-SPOUSE-FIRST-NAME | Client Spouse First Name |
CL-SPOUSE-HE-SHE | Client Spouse He Or She |
CL-SPOUSE-HIM-HER | Client Spouse Him Or Her |
CL-SPOUSE-HIS-HER | Client Spouse His Or Hers |
CL-SPOUSE-INCAPS | Client Spouse Full Name Capitals |
CL-SPOUSE-INIT | Client Spouse Initials |
CL-SPOUSE-LAST-NAME | Client Spouse Last Name |
CL-SPOUSE-NAME | Client Spouse Full Name |
CL-SPOUSE-PHONE# | Client Spouse Phone Number |
CL-SPOUSE-PREFIX | Client Spouse Prefix |
CL-SPOUSE-SSN | Client Spouse Social Security Number |
CL-SPOUSE-STATE | Client Spouse State |
CL-SPOUSE-SUFFIX | Client Spouse Suffix |
CL-SPOUSE-SUFFIX2 | Client Spouse Suffix2 |
CL-SPOUSE-ZIP | Client Spouse Zip |
CL-SSN# | Client Social Security Number |
CL-SSN-LAST4 | Client Social Security Number Last 4 Digits |
CL-SSN-MASK5 | Client Social Security Number Masking First 5 Digits |
CL-STATE | Client State |
CL-SUB-CTGRY | Client Sub Category |
CL-SUFFIX | Client Suffix |
CL-SUFFIX2 | Client Suffix2 |
CL-WIDOWED-X | Merges as X if Client is Widowed, Underscore Otherwise |
CL-ZIP | Client Zip |
COURT-CLERK-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Clerk Address Block Without Name |
COURT-JUDGE-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Judge Address Block Without Name |
COURT-JUDGE-HE-SHE-IT | Judge He, She, or It |
COURT-JUDGE-HIM-HER-IT | Judge Him, Her, or It |
COURT-JUDGE-HIS-HER-ITS | Judge His, Hers, or Its |
COURT-JUDGE-SUFFIX2 | Judge Suffix2 |
DEF-ADJ-MIDDLE-NAME | Defendant Adjuster Middle Name |
DEF-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Adjuster Suffix2 |
DEF-ATTY-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK2 | Defendant Attorney’s Address Block with Law Firm Name and Address |
DEF-ATTY-PR-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Defendant Primary Attorney Address Block Without Name |
DEF-ATTY-PR-ATTY-PHONE-EXT | Defendant Primary Attorney Phone Extension |
DEF-ATTY-PR-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Primary Attorney Suffix2 |
DEF-COUNTRY | Defendant Country |
DEF-INS-INSURED-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Insurance Insured Suffix2 |
DEF-INS-THIRD-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Insurance Third Party Adjuster Suffix2 |
DEF-LIST-HORIZ-INCAPS | Defendant List of All Full Name Horizontal in Caps |
DEF-NON-PARTY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Defendant Non-Party Contact Suffix2 |
DEF-SOL-COMPLIED-TABLE | Plaintiff Complied Statute of Limitations |
DEPO-TABLE | Case Depositions Table |
DISCOVERY-TABLE | Case Discoveries Table |
EMP-COMMENTS | Employer Comments |
EMP-COMP-COMMENTS | Employer Compensation Comments |
EMP-STATUS | Employment Status |
EXAM-DOCTOR-FAX | Adverse Exam Doctor Fax |
EXAM-DOCTOR-FIRST-NAME | Adverse Exam Doctor First Name |
EXAM-DOCTOR-LAST-NAME | Adverse Exam Doctor Last Name |
EXAM-DOCTOR-SUFFIX2 | Adverse Exam Doctor Suffix2 |
EXP-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Expert Address Block Without Name |
EXP-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Expert Address Horizontal |
EXP-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Expert City, State Zip |
EXP-EMAIL | Expert Email |
EXP-HE-SHE-IT | Expert He, She, or It |
EXP-HIM-HER-IT | Expert Him, Her, or It |
EXP-HIS-HER-ITS | Expert His, Hers, or Its |
EXP-SUFFIX2 | Expert Suffix2 |
FIRM-ATTORNEY-WEBSITE | Firm Attorney Website |
FIRM-PARALEGAL-WEBSITE | Firm Paralegal Website |
FIRM-STAFF-SUFFIX2 | Firm Staff Suffix2 |
FIRM-STAFF-WEBSITE | Firm Staff Website |
FUND-AGREEMENT-DATE | Funding Agreement Date |
FUND-BY | Funding Funded By |
FUND-COMMENT | Funding Comment |
FUND-PAY-BACK | Funding Need to Pay Back |
FUND-TABLE | Case Funding Table |
INC-COMMENTS | Incident Comments |
LIEN-CONTACT-PERSON-SUFFIX2 | Lien Contact Person Suffix2 |
LIEN-RECOVERY-AGENT-SUFFIX2 | Lien Recovery Agent Suffix2 |
LIEN-RECOVERY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Lien Recovery Contact Suffix2 |
MED-PRVD-LIST-REFERRED | List of Referred Medical Providers |
MED-PRVD-SUFFIX2 | All Medical Provider Suffix2 |
MED-REQUEST-REC-TYPE | Medical Records Request Record Type |
OFFICE-WEBSITE | Office Website |
PL-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Adjucter Suffix2 |
PL-FAX | Plaintiff Fax |
PL-HOS-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Plaintiff Hospital Address Block Without Name |
PL-INJ-AS-TO-LIST | Plaintiff Injuries As To List |
PL-INS-INSURED-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Insurance Insured Suffix2 |
PL-INS-THIRD-PARTY-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Insurance Third Party Adjuster Suffix2 |
PL-INS-UND-POLICY-LIMIT-PP | Plaintiff Insurance Under Insured Policy Limit Per Occurrence (Low) |
PL-LIEN-DUE-TABLE-WITHOUT-REPAID | Plaintiff Lien with None Zero Balance Table That Not Paid |
PL-LIEN-TABLE-WITHOUT-REPAID | Plaintiff Lien Table That Not Paid |
PL-LIST-HORIZ-INCAPS | Plaintiff List Horizontal in Caps |
PL-MED-PRVD-NPR-LIST | Plaintiff Non-Prior Medical Provider List |
PL-MED-PRVD-NPR-LIST-HORIZ | Horisontal List of Plaintiff Non-Prior Medical Providers |
PL-MED-PRVDS-REQUEST-ALL-TABLE | Plaintiff Medical Records Requests Table |
PL-MED-PRVDS-REQUEST-TABLE | Plaintiff Complited Medical Records Requests Table |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-BILL-BALANCE | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Balance |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-NOT-PAID-BILL-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Amount Not Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-NOT-PAID-BILL-BALANCE | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Balance Not Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-NOT-PAID-BILL-NEG-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Negotiated Amount Not Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-PAID-BILL-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Amount Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-PAID-BILL-BALANCE | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Balance Payable by Firm |
PL-MED-PRVDS-TOT-PAID-BILL-NEG-AMNT | Plaintiff Medical Providers Total Bills Negotiated Amount Payable by Firm |
PL-NF-INS-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Address Block Without Name |
PL-NF-INS-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Address Horizontal |
PL-NF-INS-CITY | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance City |
PL-NF-INS-EMAIL | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Email |
PL-NF-INS-STATE | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance State |
PL-NF-INS-ZIP | Plaintiff No Fault Insurance Zip |
PL-NON-PARTY-CONT-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Non-Party Contact Suffix2 |
PL-PHONE#-ALL | List of Plaintiff Phone Numbers |
PL-PRESC-ALLEG-DATE | Prescription Allegation Date |
PL-PRESC-ALLEG-TYPE | Prescription Allegation Type |
PL-PRESC-COMMENTS | Prescription Comments |
PL-PRESC-DAYSUPPLY | Prescription Day Supply |
PL-PRESC-DOSAGE | Prescription Dosage |
PL-PRESC-END-DATE | Prescription End Date |
PL-PRESC-FACILIITY | Prescription Medical Facility |
PL-PRESC-MANUFACTURER | Prescription Manufacturer |
PL-PRESC-NDC | Prescription National Drug Code |
PL-PRESC-PAGENUM | Prescription Page Number |
PL-PRESC-PRESCRIBER | Prescription Prescribing Physician |
PL-PRESC-PRODUCT | Prescription Product |
PL-PRESC-QUANTITY | Prescription Quantity |
PL-PRESC-RETAILER | Prescription Pharmacy/Retailer |
PL-PRESC-START-DATE | Prescription Start Date |
PL-PRESC-SUMMARY | Prescription Summary |
PL-PRESC-TABLE | Plaintiff Prescriptions Table |
PL-PRESC-TYPE | Prescription Type |
PL-PR-INJ-CASE-NUMBER | Plaintiff Prior Injury Case Number |
PL-PR-INJ-CASE-RELATED(Y/N) | Is Prior Injury Case Related? |
PL-PR-INJ-COMMENTS | Plaintiff Prior Injury Comments |
PL-PR-INJ-DATE | Plaintiff Prior Injury Date |
PL-PR-INJ-DESCRIPTION | Plaintiff Prior Injury Description |
PL-PR-INJ-DIAGNOSIS-DATE | Plaintiff Prior Injury Date of Diagnosis |
PL-PR-INJ-FIRM-CASE(Y/N) | Firm Case Y/N |
PL-PR-INJ-LIST | List of Plaintiff Prior Injuries |
PL-PR-INJURY | Plaintiff Prior Injury |
PL-SOL-COMPLIED-TABLE | Plaintiff Complied Statute of Limitations |
PL-SOL-DATE-EXP | Plaintiff Statute of Limitations Date Expanded |
PL-SP-DMG-TOTAL | Plaintiff Special Damages Total Amount |
PL-SP-DMG-TOT-AMT | Plaintiff Special Damages Total Amount |
PL-SPOUSE-SUFFIX2 | Plaintiff Spouse Suffix2 |
PL-SSN-FIRST3 | Plaintiff Social Security Number First 3 Digits |
PL-SSN-MIDDLE2 | Plaintiff Social Security Number Middle 2 Digits |
POL-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Police Department Address Block Without Name |
POL-OFF-SUFFIX2 | Police Officer Suffix2 |
PR-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Prior Attorney Address Block Without Name |
PR-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Prior Attorney City, State Zip |
PR-ATTY-CNTY | Prior Attorney County |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Prior Attorney Law Firm Address Block Without Name |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Prior Attorney Law Firm City, State Zip |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-EMAIL | Prior Attorney Law Firm Email |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-FAX | Prior Attorney Law Firm Fax |
PR-ATTY-FIRM-PHONE# | Prior Attorney Law Firm Phone Number |
PR-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Prior Attorney First Name |
PR-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Prior Attorney He, She, or It |
PR-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Prior Attorney Him, Her, or It |
PR-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Prior Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
PR-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Prior Attorney Last Name |
PR-ATTY-PHONE# | Prior Attorney Phone Number |
PR-ATTY-PREFIX | Prior Attorney Prefix |
PR-ATTY-SUFFIX | Prior Attorney Suffix |
PR-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Prior Attorney Suffix2 |
REF-ATTY-LF-NAME | Referring Attorney or Law Firm Name |
REF-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Referring Attorney Suffix2 |
REF-OUT-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Referred Out Attorney Suffix2 |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee and Other Amount |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements with Interest |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements with Interest and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-OTHER-EXP-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Other Amount |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements with Interest |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements with Interest and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements and Liens |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFPRATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring and Prior Attorney Fee, Other Amount and Disbursements with Interest |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFPRATTYFEE-OTHER-EXP-INTEREST-LIEN | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring and Prior Attorney Fee, Other Amount, Disbursements with Interest and Liens |
SET-ATTY-FEES-TABLE | Settlement Attorney and Other Fees Table |
SET-CHECK-DATE | Settlement Check Date |
SET-DIST-CHECK-TOT-AMOUNT | Settlement Distribution Checks Total Amount |
SET-EXP-PLUS-INTEREST | Settlement Disbursement with Interest |
SET-FIRMFEE-PLUS-OTHER | Settlement Firm Fee and Other Amount |
SET-FIRMFEE-PLUS-REFATTYFEE-OTHER | Settlement Firm Fee, Referring Attorney Fee and Other Amount |
SET-MED-PAY | Settlement Med Pay |
SET-MED-PAY-CASE-TOTAL | Settlement Med Pay Case Total |
SOL-ANSWERED-TABLE | Statute of Limitations Answer Received |
SOL-COMPLIED-TABLE | Complied Statute of Limitations |
SOL-DATE-EXP | Statute of Limitations Date Expanded |
SOL-SERVICE-TABLE | Complaint Served Statute of Limitations |
SSD-AMENDED-AOD | Social Security Disability Amended AOD |
SSD-AOD | Social Security Disability AOD |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-ACKNOWLEDGMENT-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Acknowledgment Date |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Comments |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-DECISION | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Decision |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Decision Date |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-FILED-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Filed Date |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Filing Mode |
SSD-APPEALS-COUNCIL-SUBMISSION-DUE-DATE | Social Security Disability Appeals Council Submission Due Date |
SSD-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Comments |
SSD-DATE-LAST-INJURED | Social Security Disability Date Last Insured |
SSD-DATE-LAST-WORKED | Social Security Disability Date Last Worked |
SSD-HEARING-ACKNOWLEDGMENT-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Acknowledgment Date |
SSD-HEARING-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Hearing Comments |
SSD-HEARING-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Date |
SSD-HEARING-DATE-EXP | Social Security Disability Hearing Date Expanded |
SSD-HEARING-DECISION | Social Security Disability Hearing Decision |
SSD-HEARING-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Decision Date |
SSD-HEARING-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Hearing Filing Mode |
SSD-HEARING-POST-DUE-DATE | Social Security Disability Post Hearing Due Date |
SSD-HEARING-REQUEST-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Request Date |
SSD-HEARING-SUPPLEMENTAL-DATE | Social Security Disability Hearing Supplemental date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-ADL-RECEIVED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application ADL Received Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-ADL-SUBMITTED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application ADL Submitted Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-AUXILIARY-SUBMITTED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Auxiliary Form Submitted Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Initial Application Comments |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-DECISION | Social Security Disability Initial Application Decision |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Decision Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-FILED-DATE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Filed Date |
SSD-INITIAL-APPL-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Initial Application Filing Mode |
SSD-PREVIOUS-DENIAL-DATE | Social Security Disability Previous Denial Date |
SSD-RECONSID-COMMENTS | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Comments |
SSD-RECONSID-DECISION | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Decision |
SSD-RECONSID-DECISION-DATE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Decision Date |
SSD-RECONSID-FILED-DATE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Filed Date |
SSD-RECONSID-FILING-MODE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Filing Mode |
SSD-RECONSID-REQUEST-FOR-GOOD-CAUSE-DATE | Social Security Disability Reconsideration Request for Good Cause Date |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Sub Out Attorney Address Block |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Sub Out Attorney Address Block Without Name |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Sub Out Attorney Address Horizontal |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Sub Out Attorney City, State Zip |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-EMAIL | Sub Out Attorney Email |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-FAX | Sub Out Attorney Fax |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Sub Out Attorney First Name |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Sub Out Attorney He, She, or It |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Sub Out Attorney Him, Her, or It |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Sub Out Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Sub Out Attorney Last Name |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-PHONE# | Sub Out Attorney Phone Number |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-PREFIX | Sub Out Attorney Prefix |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-SUFFIX | Sub Out Attorney Suffix |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Sub Out Attorney Suffix2 |
SUB-OUT-LAW-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Sub Out Law Firm Address Horizontal |
SUB-OUT-LAW-EMAIL | Sub Out Law Firm Email |
SUB-OUT-LAW-FAX | Sub Out Law Firm Fax |
SUB-OUT-LAW-PHONE# | Sub Out Law Firm Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Address Block |
TPA-DEF-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Block |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster City |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster County |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Email |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Fax |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster First Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster He, She, or It |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Him, Her, or It |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-INIT | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Initials |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Last Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Name |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-PREFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Prefix |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster State |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Suffix |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Suffix2 |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster Zip |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Block |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney City |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney County |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Email |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Fax |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney First Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney He, She, or It |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Him, Her, or It |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-INIT | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Initials |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Last Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Name |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-PREFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Prefix |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney State |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Suffix |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Suffix2 |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney Zip |
TPA-DEF-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant City |
TPA-DEF-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant County |
TPA-DEF-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Email |
TPA-DEF-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Fax |
TPA-DEF-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant First Name |
TPA-DEF-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Defendant He, She, or It |
TPA-DEF-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Defendant Him, Her, or It |
TPA-DEF-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-INIT | Third Party Action Defendant Initials |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDR2 | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Block |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-INS-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-INS-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company City |
TPA-DEF-INS-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-INS-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company County |
TPA-DEF-INS-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Email |
TPA-DEF-INS-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Fax |
TPA-DEF-INS-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Name |
TPA-DEF-INS-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-INS-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company State |
TPA-DEF-INS-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Insurance Company Zip |
TPA-DEF-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Last Name |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Line 1 |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Line 2 |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Line 3 |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Block |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Block Without Name |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Address Horizontal |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CITY | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm City |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm City, State Zip |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CLAIM# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Claim Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-CNTY | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm County |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-EMAIL | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Email |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-FAX | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Fax |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-FILE# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm File Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-INDEX# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Index Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Name |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm State |
TPA-DEF-LAW-FIRM-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Law Firm Zip |
TPA-DEF-NAME | Third Party Action Defendant Name |
TPA-DEF-PHONE# | Third Party Action Defendant Phone Number |
TPA-DEF-PREFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Prefix |
TPA-DEF-STATE | Third Party Action Defendant State |
TPA-DEF-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Defendant Suffix |
TPA-DEF-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Defendant Suffix2 |
TPA-DEF-ZIP | Third Party Action Defendant Zip |
TPA-PL-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Line 1 |
TPA-PL-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Line 2 |
TPA-PL-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Line 3 |
TPA-PL-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Block |
TPA-PL-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Block Without Name |
TPA-PL-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Plaintiff Address Horizontal |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Line 1 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Line 2 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Line 3 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Block |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Block Without Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Address Horizontal |
TPA-PL-ATTY-CITY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney City |
TPA-PL-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney City, State Zip |
TPA-PL-ATTY-CNTY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney County |
TPA-PL-ATTY-EMAIL | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Email |
TPA-PL-ATTY-FAX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Fax |
TPA-PL-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney First Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney He, She, or It |
TPA-PL-ATTY-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Him, Her, or It |
TPA-PL-ATTY-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-PL-ATTY-INIT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Initials |
TPA-PL-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Last Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Name |
TPA-PL-ATTY-PHONE# | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Phone Number |
TPA-PL-ATTY-PREFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Prefix |
TPA-PL-ATTY-STATE | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney State |
TPA-PL-ATTY-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Suffix |
TPA-PL-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Suffix2 |
TPA-PL-ATTY-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney Zip |
TPA-PL-CITY | Third Party Action Plaintiff City |
TPA-PL-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff City, State Zip |
TPA-PL-CNTY | Third Party Action Plaintiff County |
TPA-PL-EMAIL | Third Party Action Plaintiff Email |
TPA-PL-FAX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Fax |
TPA-PL-FIRST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff First Name |
TPA-PL-HE-SHE-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff He, She, or It |
TPA-PL-HIM-HER-IT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Him, Her, or It |
TPA-PL-HIS-HER-ITS | Third Party Action Plaintiff His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-PL-INIT | Third Party Action Plaintiff Initials |
TPA-PL-LAST-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Last Name |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDR1 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Line 1 |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDR2 | Third Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Line 2 |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDR3 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Line 3 |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Block |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Block Without Name |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Address Horizontal |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-CITY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm City |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm City, State Zip |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-CNTY | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm County |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-EMAIL | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Email |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-FAX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Fax |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Name |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-PHONE# | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Phone Number |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-STATE | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm State |
TPA-PL-LAW-FIRM-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Law Firm Zip |
TPA-PL-NAME | Third Party Action Plaintiff Name |
TPA-PL-PHONE# | Third Party Action Plaintiff Phone Number |
TPA-PL-PREFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Prefix |
TPA-PL-STATE | Third Party Action Plaintiff State |
TPA-PL-SUFFIX | Third Party Action Plaintiff Suffix |
TPA-PL-SUFFIX2 | Third Party Action Plaintiff Suffix2 |
TPA-PL-ZIP | Third Party Action Plaintiff Zip |
USER-ADDR1 | Current User Address Line 1 |
USER-ADDR2 | Current User Address Line 2 |
USER-ADDR3 | Current User Address Line 3 |
USER-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Current User Address Block |
USER-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Current User Address Block Without Name |
USER-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Current User Address Horizontal |
USER-CITY | Current User City |
USER-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Current User City, State Zip |
USER-COMMENTS | Current User Comments |
USER-SIGN | Current User Signature |
USER-STATE | Current User State |
USER-SUFFIX2 | Current User Suffix2 |
USER-WEBSITE | Current User Website |
USER-ZIP | Current User Zip |
VA-CLAIM | Veteran Affairs Claim |
VA-CLAIM-EFFECTIVE-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Effective Date |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT | Veteran Affairs Claim Event |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-APPEALED-ISSUE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event Appealed Issue |
VA-CLAIM-EVENT-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Event Date |
VA-CLAIM-GOAL-EFFECTIVE-DATE | Veteran Affairs Claim Goal Effective Date |
VA-CLAIM-NOTES | Veteran Affairs Claim Notes |
VA-CLAIM-RATING | Veteran Affairs Claim Rating |
VA-CLAIM-STATUS | Veteran Affairs Claim Status |
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