The Picklist Maintenance page allows you to customize numerous aspects of the SmartAdvocate system. In particular, the page allows you to edit the contents of most of the Dropdown fields in various panels. The page contains an alphabetical list of categories in a pane on the left. Clicking any of these categories brings up a corresponding list in the pane on the right. Most of the lists represent options available in particular dropdown fields; however, some of the lists represent more essential information about your firm or case-management process. Nearly all of the lists can be customized by adding, editing, or deleting items.
Basic Picklist Table:
Many of the lists on this page have the same table structure: a column with the heading “Descriptions,” containing the text of each individual option, and a column with the heading “Action,” containing an Edit icon () and a Delete icon (). Some of the options are mandatory within SmartAdvocate and thus cannot be deleted. You can, however, edit most of these options by clicking on the “Edit” icon. You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. Most add/edit forms have a single field, allowing you to name the new item, or rename an existing one. Most such forms have two fields, a Text input field for item Description, and a Dropdown field, which permits you to choose the primary type/category under which the new or edited item will be created.
This list contains all of the possible departments in your firm to which a user can be assigned. This list appears in the Department dropdown when creating a New User on the Users administrative page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Name instead of Description.
This list contains broad categories of documents for the purposes of efficient classification and filing. For narrower categories, see the Document Sub-Categories picklist. Document Categories are used in the Document category radio selection when generating a Barcode, in the Category dropdown when attaching a document, saving a new document template, or editing an existing template in the Templates tab of the Document Templates administrative page. Time tracking may also be assigned to the generation of a document within a category from this page. The columns in this table are:
Category: The category to which the document belongs.
Associated Time (in minutes): The amount of time assigned to the generation of this document to be tracked in the Time Tracking case page.
Activity Code: This is the code associated with the activity type used for time tracking. In order to properly track time this must be added to the document category (for more on Activity Codes see Time Tracking Activity Codes).
Time Tracking: Whether time tracking is automatically performed, added as a suggestion, or disabled.
Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.
You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Category and Associated Time and dropdowns for Activity Code (pulling from the Time Tracking Activity Codes picklist) and Time Tracking (containing the three options mentioned above).
This list contains the default formatting of various tables that can be pulled from SmartAdvocate and inserted into different templates using merge codes. The columns in this table are:A.
Merge Code Name: The text of the code.
Merge Code Description: A description of the information that will be pulled.
Show Headers: If the headers corresponding to the table columns will be visible in the table.
Show Totals: Whether or not the totals of the information in the table will be displayed.
Merge if Table is Empty: If the table will still appear regardless of whether information has not been entered in the corresponding SmartAdvocate page.
Show Table Merge Code as List: If yes, displays the information as a list rather than in table format.
Border Width: The default width of the borders within the table. The border width can be edited when inserting a table merge code into a document template.
Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.
New rows cannot be added to this table. The edit form allows you to change which of the above options are visible or not by providing yes/no dropdowns for each.
Sub-Category: The name of the subcategory.
Category: The name of the broader category to which the subcategory belongs.
Associated Time (in minutes): The amount of time assigned to the generation of this document to be tracked in the Time Tracking case page. If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.
Activity Code: This is the code associated with the activity type used for time tracking. In order to properly track time this must be added to the subcategory (for more on Activity Codes see Time Tracking Activity Codes). If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.
Time Tracking: Whether time tracking is automatically performed, added as a suggestion or disabled. If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.
Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.
In the event the integration between SmartAdvocate and eLaw has been enabled (see Integrations for details), this report lists the Appearance Types provided by eLaw, and the equivalent SmartAdvocate Appointment Type to which it will be converted. The table's columns are:
This list contains all the offices that comprise your firm. It is used in the Office dropdown when editing case details from the Case Summary page. The table's columns are:
Office StatusesStatus: The importance rank of the office, with 1 indicating a primary or main office.
Office NamesName: A distinguishing name for the office. This is the column that appears in the Office dropdown.
StatesState: The state in which the office is located.
Default Office: If True, all new cases created in the Case Wizard are automatically assigned to this office. The office to which a case is assigned can be revised after the case is created on the Case Summary page by clicking the Edit Case icon.
LetterheadsLetterhead: The file name of the letterhead template associated with the office. When documents containing the Letterhead merge code are generated for cases handled in the office, this column determines the file used for the merge.
UniqueContactId: A number that corresponds to the firm's Contact Card in the SmartAdvocate system. The number's first digit is 2 (indicating an organization), and the remaining digits are the contact's ID (which can be found in the URL of any contact's contact card).
From Number for SMS: The reply-to phone number when sending texts in SA from cases handled in the office. This is the number text recipients will see as the text having come from. Has no effect if texting is not enabled.
Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.
You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form contains text input fields for Office StatusesStatus, Office NamesName, LetterheadsLetterhead, and From Number for SMS; a dropdown populated from the States picklists for StatesState; and a true/false dropdown for Default Offices. UniqueContactId uses a special field, a combination of text input and dropdown. If the field is empty, the dropdown offers no options. Otherwise, the dropdown contains the names of all organization contacts whose name includes the text in the field. Note: it is not recommended to edit the Letterheads field directly. Adding and modifying the letterhead should be performed in Word using the Word plug-in.
This list contains all of the options that appear under the Go Directly To button when right clicking a case number, where enabled. Clicking any of the options from the Go Directly To menu will take you directly to that page of the case. The columns in this table are: