User Permission Groups
Title | URL | Group | Use/Configuration |
Accounting |
| Tools | Accounting (a future feature to be installed) |
Accounting | /SaRx/Accounting.aspx | Accounting | Accounting (a future feature to be installed) |
Accounting Integration | /SaRx/AccountingIntegration.aspx | Accounting | Accounting Integration with third-party application |
Add Contact | javascript:AddContactMaster(); | Contacts | Add a contact to the database |
Add current page to Favorites | javascript:AddFavorite(); | Favorites | Add the current page to your list of favorites |
Adjourned/Canceled Appointments Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CanceledAdjournedAppointment/CanceledAdjournedCalendarReport | Reports | Reports for Adjourned/Cancelled appointments |
Admin |
| Home | Access to the Administrative Functions (for set up and configuration) |
Adverse Exams | /Medical_Provider_AdverseExam.aspx | Plaintiff | Exams conducted by the opposition (e.g., DMIs) |
Advertisement Campaigns | /Dashboard_AdvertisementCampaigns.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Financial Dashboards to display Financial Information such as Advertisement Campaigns, etc. |
Advertisement Campaigns | /AdvertisementCampaign.aspx | Admin | Set up Advertisement sources and amount spent per period for that source |
Advertisement Campaigns | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=AdvertisementReport/AdvertisementReport | Reports | Reports for Advertisement Campaigns |
All Contacts | /All_contacts.aspx | Other | List all contacts |
All Insurance | /Insurance.aspx | Other | All insurance for all parties |
All Vehicles | /Vehicle.aspx?AllParties=true | Other | Vehicle information for both parties |
Appeals | /Litigation_Appeals.aspx | Litigation | Access to the Appeals page in the Litigation Section |
ARB/Mediations | /ArbitrationMediation.aspx | Other | Arbitration/Mediatio Page |
Attorney File Review Overdue | /DashboardStaffReview.aspx?NoteTypeCriteria=81 | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard that displays Attorney File Reviews that are overdue |
Attorney Performance | /Attorney_Dashboard.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard that shows Attorney Performance (cases assigned, etc.) |
Attorney Performance Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=AttorneyPerformanceReport/AttorneyPerformanceReport | Staff Management Reports | Reposr that shows Attorney Performance |
Attorneys | /Plaintiff_Attorney.aspx | Plaintiff | Attorney information for Plainitff(s) on the Plaintiffs' page (attorneys for plaintiffs other that our firm) |
Attorneys | /Defendant_Attorney.aspx | Defendant | Attorney information for defendant(s) |
Automated Procedure Management | /AutomationCampaigns.aspx | Admin | Automated Procedures management page. Create, Edit and Assign Automated Procedures |
Bankruptcy | /Bankruptcy.aspx | Other | Bankruptcy Page - shows bankruptcy information for the parties |
Barcode Generation | /CoverGeneration.aspx | General | Allows the creation of a barcode page for document scanning |
Calendar | /CaseCalendar.aspx | General | Access to the Office Calendar |
Calendar Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CalendarReport/CalendarReportAllActivities | Calendar Reports | Reports generated from the calendar |
Calendar Report Advanced | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CalendarReport/CustomCalendarReport | Calendar Reports | More detailed reports for specific information generated from the calendar |
Calendar Reports |
| Calendar Reports | Acces to Reports generated from the calendar |
Callers Info | /CallersInfo.aspx | Integrations | Information from specific calles generated through integrations |
Callers Report | /excel_report_new.aspx | Legacy Reports |
Caption | /Case_Caption.aspx | General | Access to the Case Caption Page |
Case |
| Home |
Case |
Case Browse | /Case_Browse.aspx | Admin | Access to the case browse screen to generate lists based on available filters |
Case Browse | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseBrowse/CaseBrowse | Reports | Reports that can be generated based on filters saved in case browse |
Case Browse Results | /Case_Browse_Results.aspx | Home | Results generated by filters set in case browse |
Case Expenses With Interest Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseExpensesWithInterest/CaseExpensesWithInterest | Reports | Report of case expenses (disbursements) with interest applied |
Case Intake Data | /CaseIntakeData.aspx | Integrations | Case information/data captured from Intake generate through Integrations |
Case Menu Configurator | /CaseMenuConfigurator.aspx | Admin | Allow access to change the left menu - Available from the Case's Summary Screen |
Case Minimum Settlement Value Not Set | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseMinSettlementValueNotSetReport/CaseMinValueReport | Reports | Reports generated from the minimum settlement value set per case |
Case Notes | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseNotesReport/CaseNotesReport | Reports | Reports of notes entered in cases |
Case Review | /CaseReview.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard which displays cases that have been reviewed by attorney and supervisor |
Case Settlement Values | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Case Settlement Value/CaseSettlementValues | Financial Reports | Report that shows settlement over the specified date range |
Case Statistics | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseStatistics/CaseStatistics | Reports | Reports that shows new intakes, settlements and Advertisement for the time period specified |
Case Statistics | /dashboard_CaseStatistics.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard that shows new intakes, settlements and Advertisement for the time period specified |
Case Status Change | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseStatusChangeReport/CaseStatusChangeReport | Reports | Shows cases with status changed for the period selected |
Case Time Tracking | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseTimeTrackingReport/CaseTimeTrackingReport | Reports | Report of time entered for cases over the period designated |
Case Type | /CaseType.aspx | Admin | Case Type setup |
Case UDF | /UDFs.aspx | General | User Defined Fileds created on the Case UDF page |
Case UDF | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Case | Other |
Case Value | /CaseValue.aspx | Other | A combination of data entered on various screens that will show special damages and, certain expenses and certain liens |
Case Values | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseValues/CaseValues | Financial Reports | Report of the Case Values for Special Damages, etc. |
Case Wizard | /Case_Wizard.aspx | Home | Used to create a new matter/case |
Case Wizard | /sarx/CaseWizard.aspx | Home | Acces to enter/create a new matter/case |
Cases |
| Favorites | A list of cases that has bee marked as favorite |
Cases by Case Type | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseByCaseTypeSummary/CasesByCaseTypeSummaryRpt | Reports | Report of list of cases sorted by Case Type |
Cases In Status | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CasesInStatus/CasesInStatus | Reports | Report of cases in a specific status |
Cases In Status | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ChaseCall.aspx?Criteria=StatusBased | Dashboards | Dashboard show cases in a specific status |
Cases With Disbursement Exceeding Limit Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseDisbursementExceededReport/CaseDisbursementExceededReport | Financial Reports | Report that shows cases where the case costs/Disbursements exceed the limit set b y the firm |
Cases With Long Time In Status | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LongStatus/LongStatusCases | Staff Management Reports | Report of cases that have been in a specific status longer than the time designated by the firm to be in that status |
Cases With No Recent Activity | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CasesWithNoActivity/CasesWithNoActivity | Staff Management Reports | Report of cases with no recent activity (notes, documents, appointments, tasks, etc.) |
Cases Without Incident Date | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CasesWOIncidentDate/Cases Without IncidentDate | Reports | Repost of cases where no incident date has been entered |
Change Password | /Change_Password.aspx | Admin | Access to change user password |
Chart of Accounts | /ChartOfAccounts.aspx | Admin | List of accounts for accounting (future feature) |
Check Requests For Review | /CheckRequestsForReview.aspx | Tools | List of checks that have been marked for review peior to being sent to QuickBooks for check disbursement |
Checks Audit Trail Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ChecksAuditTrailReport/ChecksAuditTrailReport | Financial Reports | Audit trail for checks showing change detail and individual who made the change |
Checks Received Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ChecksReceivedReport/ChecksReceivedReport | Financial Reports | Report of settlement checks received |
Client Birthday Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ClientBirthdayReport/Birthday Report Closed Cases With Settlement Status | Calendar Reports | Report of client birthdays for the month |
Client Contact Overdue | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ClientContact.aspx | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard that shows list of cases where the client has not been contacted by the Paralegal within the time designated by the firm |
Client Portal | /CaseClientPortal.aspx | General | Access to the Client Ports to sent token/invitation to clients, etc. |
Client Portal Administration | /ClientPortalAdmin.aspx | Admin | Access to the Client Ports for administration and set up |
Close Reason Statistics | /ClosedCasesStats.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard that shows list of cases closed and the reson therefore |
Closed Cases Analysis | /DashboardClosedCasesReport.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Analysis of closed cases by staff and the fees generated, etc. |
Closed Cases With No Fee | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DisbursmentforClosedCasesWithNoSettlment/DisbursementofClosedCasesNoSettlement | Reports | Report of cases that have been closed with no firm/attorney fee generated |
Closed Reason Statistics | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CloseReasonStatistics/CloseReasonStatistics | Intake Reports | Reports showing cases that have been closed and the reason they were closed with percentages |
Codicil Information | /Surrogate_WillInformation.aspx?CodicilInformation=C | Surrogate | Amendment/Codicil to Will of the client |
Comparative Yearly Statistics for Intake | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakeMonthlyReport/IntakeMonthlyReport | Intake Reports | Report of cases entered in intake with a comparative yearly analysis |
Complaints/Answers | /Litigation_ComplainAnswers.aspx | Litigation | List of complain and answere entered on the Critical Deadlines page and shown in a summary on the Litigation Page |
Conflict Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ConflictReport/ConflictReport | Intake Reports | Report of cases showing possible conflicts (same name, same address, same phone numbers, etc.) |
Contact Related Add | /Contact_RelatedAdd.aspx | General | Add contact |
Contact Rename Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ContactRenameReport/ContactRenameReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of cases where the contact name has been modified |
Contact Search | /Contact_List_New.aspx | Contacts | Search contact |
Contact Select | /Contact_SelectAdd.aspx |
Contacts |
| Home | Search contacts |
Copy/Merge Cases | /CopyAndMergeCases.aspx | Tools | Copy a case or merge two or more cases |
Counter Claims/3P | /Counter_Claims3P.aspx | Litigation | Third-Party Litigation |
Court | /Case_Court.aspx | General | Court information (Court name, Docket Number, Judge, eyc.) |
Court Rules | /CourtRules.aspx | General | Integration through Calendar Rules |
Court UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Court | Litigation | User Defined Files that will display on the Court Page |
Create Document | /Create_doc.aspx |
| Create documents |
Created/Modified Contact Search | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ContactSearchReport/ContactSearchReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of contacts that have been created or modified for the period selected |
Critical Comments | /Critical_Comments.aspx | General | Critical Comment that can be set to appear on the case as a popup when the user tries to access the case |
Critical Deadline Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Critical Deadline Report/Critical Dealine Report | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report of deadlines |
Critical Deadlines | /Case_SOL.aspx | General | Access to the critial deadlines page of the case |
Custom View Page 1 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=1 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 2 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=2 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 3 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=3 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 4 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=4 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 5 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=5 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Daily Cases Opened | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DailyCasesOpened/DailyCasesOpened | Intake Reports | Intake Report show daily cases opened |
Daily Single Event Cases Opened | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SingleEventIntakePattern/SingleEventIntakePatterns | Intake Reports | Intake Report show daily cases opened |
Dashboard Designer | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Mode=Designer | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 1 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=1 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 2 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=2 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 3 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=3 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 4 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=4 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 5 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=5 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Teams | /TeamManagement.aspx | Admin |
Dashboard Viewer | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Mode=Viewer | Dashboards | Dashboard that shows graphical display of Open Cases, Settlements, Leads by Groups, Lead Demographics, Lead Geographics, User Activity |
Dashboard(Old) | /Dashboard_Sols.aspx | Admin |
Dashboards |
| Home | Access to Dashboards |
Death Compromise | /DeathCompromise.aspx | Surrogate | Procedure in Probate Court |
Death Compromise Dist. | /DCDistribution.aspx | Surrogate | Procedure in Probate Court |
Decedent Information | /SurrogateDecedentInformation.aspx | Surrogate | Information for decedent entered on the Surrogate/Probate Court page |
Defendant |
| Case | Defendant Main Section on the Summary Screen |
Defendant Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx?NoteType=Defendant | Defendant | Notes page showing defendants notes |
Defendant UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Defendant | Defendant | User Defined Fields created for the defendants' page |
Demand Production | /Dashboard_DemandProduction.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showing settlement demands made for the period selected |
Depositions | /Litigation_Deposition.aspx | Litigation | Depositions Page under the Litigation Section |
Disbursement Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DisbursementReport/DisbursementReport | Financial Reports | Report of case costs/Disbursements |
Disbursements | /Case_Disbursement.aspx | General | Disbursements Page |
Discovery | /Litigation_Discovery.aspx | Litigation | Discovery page under the Litigation Section |
Distributees/Others | /Surrogate_Distributees.aspx | Surrogate | Distributees shown on the Surrogate/Probate information screen |
Distribution Check Requests For Review | /DistributionCheckRequestsForReview.aspx | Tools | Dashboard uses to show checks that have been flagged for review that are populated to the special dashboard prior to approval to be sent to QuickBooks |
Document Search Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DocumentSearchReport/DocumentSearchReport | Reports | Report to show documents added to a case |
Document Templates | /TemplateManagement.aspx | Admin | Access to the document templates used for document generation |
Documents | /case_documents.aspx | General | Documents page in the case |
Documents Search | /Document_Listing.aspx | Tools | System-wide document search |
Email Cache | /EmailCache.aspx | Tools | (Future feature) |
Email/Note Templates | /EmailTemplates.aspx | Admin | Create email templates |
Emails | /case_documents.aspx?show=EmailsOnly | General | Emails page |
Employment | /Plaintiff_Employment.aspx | Plaintiff | Plaintiff's Employment information |
Evidence | /Evidence.aspx | Litigation | Evidence page on the Litigation Section |
Evidence/Storage Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=EvidenceStorage/EvidenceStorage | Reports | Report showing physical evidence being stores |
Expense Analysis Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ExpenseAnalysisReport/ExpenseAnalysisReport | Financial Reports | Report showing comparison of case expenses to recovery |
Expert | /Expert_Details.aspx | Litigation | Expert page on the litigation section |
Expert UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Expert | Litigation | User Defined Filed for Expert |
Favorites |
| Home | List of filters saved |
Fees Awarded | /FeesAwarded.aspx | General | Page for entry of fees awarded in Social Security/Disability, Workers Comp cases, etc. |
Fees Deposited | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=FeeDepositReport/FeesDepositedReport | Financial Reports | Report of Firm fees deposited from settlements |
Fees Outstanding | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=FeeOutStanding/FeesOutstanding | Financial Reports | Report of Firm fees earned from settlements but not yet deposited (settlement checks not yet received) |
Filters |
| Favorites | Access to saved filters (Calendar, favorite cases, etc.) |
Financial Dashboards |
| Dashboards | Financial Dashboards (settlements, advertisement campaigns, etc.) |
Financial Reports |
| Reports | Financial Reports (Settlements, etc.) |
Funding | /Funding.aspx | Other | Page for pre or post-settlement funding requests |
Funding Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=FundingReport/FundingReport | Financial Reports | Report of funding requests/funding made |
General |
| Case |
Hearing | /LitigationHearing.aspx | Litigation | Hearing page under the Litigation section (Workers Comp., etc.) |
Help | /help/default.htm | Home | Access to online user help for SmartAdvocate |
Home |
| (Future feature) |
Hourly Call Patterns | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Intake Pattern/IntakePatternReport | Intake Reports | "Call Patters" (Intakes) done over a specified period |
Import Case/Contact | /ImportCaseContacts.aspx |
| Import case contacts from spreadsheet |
Import/Export Cases | /ImportCase.aspx |
| Import or Export case information to a spreadsheet |
Incident | /Case_Incident.aspx | General | The incident Page (initially completed during intake) |
Incident Date/State | /Case_Incident.aspx#Incident | General | The incident date (date of accident) |
Incident Information Changed Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IncidentInformationChangedReport/IncidentInformationChangedReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of any changes made to information on the Incident page |
Incomplete Cases | /Incomplete_Cases_New.aspx | Tools | A log of "cases/intakes" where the Case Wizard (Intake) was commenced but not completed where a new case/new matter was created |
Injuries | /Case_Injury.aspx | Plaintiff | Injuries page for plaintiff |
Injuries-Prior | /Medical_Provider_Priorsubsequentinjuries.aspx | Plaintiff | Page where "prior" injuries (injuries of the plaintiff/claimant that occurred before the incident at issue) |
Insurance | /Plaintiff_Insurance_Company.aspx | Plaintiff | Insurance informatin for the plaintiff |
Insurance | /Defendants_Insurance_Company.aspx | Defendant | Insurance information for the defendant |
Insurance | /Plaintiff_Insurance_Company.aspx?Defendant=True | Defendant | Insurance information for the defendant |
Insurance Company Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Insurance Company Report/Insurance Company Report | Reports | Report of insurance companies and settlements made by those companies |
Intake Analysis | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakeAnalysis/IntakeAnalysisCount | Intake Reports | Intake data showing leads from applicable sources, leads by case group, and optional settlement information generally defaulted for the last 24 hours |
Intake Dashboard | /DashboardIntake.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showin intake statistics, including leads generated, conversion percentage, signed up leads, and referred out leads for the period selected |
Intake Follow Up Dashboard | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ChaseCall.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the intake stage where the client has not yet been retained |
Intake Performance | /DashboardIntakeReport.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showing intake statistics, including leads generated, conversion percentage, signed up leads, and referred out leads for the period selected |
Intake Performance Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakePerformanceReport/IntakePerformanceReport | Intake Reports | Report showing intake statistics, including leads generated, conversion percentage, signed up leads, and referred out leads for the period selected |
Intake Reports |
| Reports | Access to the Intake Reports |
Intake Review | /IntakeReview.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the intake stage that have been marked to be rejected, but need to be reviewed by a supervisor |
Intake Statistics | /Dashboard_NewCases.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing graphical rendition of intake statistics, by source and case type year to date and month over month for tha past four years |
Integration Page 1 | /Integration1.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 2 | /Integration2.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 3 | /Integration3.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 4 | /Integration4.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 5 | /Integration5.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integrations |
| Tools |
Investigations | /Investigations.aspx | General | Third Party Investigationss |
Item Templates | /WorkPlanTemplatesAdmin.aspx | Work Plans | SmoartAdvocate WorkPlans (Create, modify, assign) |
Last Modified Note Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LastModifyBy/Last Modified By Report | Reports | Report showing notes last modified |
Lawyer Referral By Closing date | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LawyerReferralSource/LawyerReferralSource | Reports | Repoirt showing referral by attorney |
Lead Analysis Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LeadAnalysisReport/LeadAnalysisReport | Intake Reports | Intake Report showinggraphical rendition of lead by gender, age and case group for the period selected |
Legacy Dashboards |
| Dashboards |
Legacy Reports |
| Reports |
Letter of Administration | /Surrogate_Letter_Of_Admin.aspx | Surrogate | Letters of administration from Probate/Surrogate Court |
Lien Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Lien Report/LienReport | Financial Reports | Financial Report showing liens in cases |
Lien Tracking | /Plaintiff_LienTracking.aspx | Plaintiff | Page where liens are entered in the case |
Lienor Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LienorCreationReport/LienorCreationReport | Reports | Report of liens in cases |
Links |
| Favorites | Links for URLs or pages outside of SmartAdvocate |
Litigation |
| Case | The Litigation Page |
Litigation Stage | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_LigNew.aspx | Legacy Dashboards |
Litigation Stage | /StageDashboard.aspx?stage=2 | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the Litigation Stage |
Manage Favorites | /CaseFavorite.aspx | Favorites | Access to mage the user lists of favorites (filters, etc.) |
Map Cases | /MapCases.aspx | Home | Map showing geographic location of plaintiffs based on their address |
Map Dashboard | /MapsIntegration.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing Map showing geographic location of plaintiffs based on their address |
Mass Contact Import | /MassContactImport.aspx | Tools | Import tool to import contacts in bulk from spreadsheet |
Mass Document Upload | /Document_Scanning.aspx | Tools | Upload tool to upload multiple documents to a case simultaneously |
Mass Emailing | /MassEmail.aspx | Tools | Tool to send multiple emails simultaneously |
Mass Mailing | /Mass_Mailing.aspx | Tools | Tool to send document to multiple plaintiffs simultaneously |
Mass Sending Errors | /MassSendingErrors.aspx | home | Page that logs error from mass sending operations |
Mass Texting | /MassSMS.aspx | Tools | Tool to send text messages in bulk to multiple pplaintiffs |
Mass Time Tracking Entry | /MassTimeEntry.aspx | Tools | Page that allows the entry of time tracking information to multiple cases simultaneously |
MDL Cases | /MDL.aspx | Other | List of cases in Multi District Litigation |
Medical Bill Vs Policy Limit | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalBillVsPolicyLimits/MedicalBillVsPolicyLimits | Reports | Report showing medical bills and policy limits in the case |
Medical Chronology | /Plaintiff_Medical_Chronology.aspx | Plaintiff | Medicals chronology for treatment by the medical providers |
Medical Provider Referral Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalProviderReferralReport/MedicalProviderReferralReport | Medical Reports | Report of cases where the firm referred clients to those providers |
Medical Providers | /Plaintiff_Medical_Provider.aspx?current=true | Plaintiff | Page where medical providers for the plaintiff are entered (treatment for "current" injuries) |
Medical Providers-Prior | /Plaintiff_Medical_Provider.aspx?Prior=true | Plaintiff | Page where medical providers for prior treatment are entered |
Medical Record Request Types | /MedicalRecordType.aspx | Admin | Types of medical records requests (hospital records, pharmacy records, MRI, etc.) |
Medical Records Request Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ExternalMedicalRequests/ExternalMedicalRequests | Medical Reports | Report of medical records requests made |
Medical Records Requests (external) | /Dashboard_MedicalRequests.aspx?Ext=True | Dashboards | Dashboard showing medical records requests made and the records have not been received |
Medical Records Requests (internal) | /Dashboard_MedicalRequests.aspx?Ext=False | Dashboards | Dashboard showing medical records requests that have been logged to the case, but not yet sent out |
Medical Records Requests Summary Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalRecordsRequestsSummary/MedicalRecordsRequestsSummary | Medical Reports | Summary Report of medical records request made |
Medical Records Retrieval Performance Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalRecordsRetrievalPerformanceReport/MedicalRecordsRetrievalPerformanceReport | Medical Reports | Report of medicalrecords request made through retrieval service and received by date range |
Medical Records Update Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalRecordsUpdateReport/MedicalRecordsUpdateReport | Medical Reports | Report of update requests for medical records from retrieval service |
Medical Testing | /MedicalTesting.aspx | General | Page showing test ordered by the medical provider |
Medical Visits Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalVisitsReport/MedicalVisitsReport | Medical Reports | Report of visits by provider for the case |
Missing Barcoded Documents | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MissingBarcodedDocuments/MissingBarcodedDocuments | Reports | Report of documents that were scanned without a barcode cover page |
Modified Notes Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ModifiedNotesReport/ModifiedNotesReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of notes that have been modifies by staff |
Money In Trust Account | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MoneyInTrustAccountReport/MoneyInTrustAccountReport | Financial Reports | Report of settlement funds being held in Trust |
Monthly Intake Statistics | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakeDetailedAnalysis/IntakeDetailedAnalysis | Intake Reports | Report of Intakes per month |
Motions | /Litigation_Motion.aspx | Litigation | Motions Page under the Litigation Section |
My Cases | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ChaseCall.aspx?Criteria=AllCalls | Dashboards | Dashboard show list of open cases assigned to the staff member |
My Medical Records Requests | /Dashboard_ParalegalMedicalRequests.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of medical records requests assigned to the staff member |
My SmartAdvocate | /MySmartAdvocatePanels.aspx | Home | Home page in SmartAdvocate |
Negotiation Follow-Up | /Dashboard_SettlementNegotiation.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of cases where a demand or offer has been entered but not yet settled |
Negotiation Follow-Up | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=NegotiationFollowUp/NegotiationFollowUp | Reports | Report showing list of cases where a demand or offere has been entered but not yet settled |
Negotiation/Settlement | /Negotiation.aspx | General | Negotiation/Settlement page where demands, offere and settlements are entered |
Negotiation/Settlement (Checks Panel) | /Negotiation.aspx#Checks | General | Checks received from Settlement |
Negotiation/Settlement (Negotiations Panel) | /Negotiation.aspx#Negotiations | General | Settlement information |
Negotiation/Settlement (Settlements Panel) | /Negotiation.aspx#Settlements | General | Negotiation/Settlement panel on the Negotiation/settlement page where demands, offere and settlements are entered |
New Case Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=NewCaseReport/IntakePatternsReferralSource | Reports | Report of new cases entered for the period |
New Cases | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_NewCaseLive.aspx | Dashboards | News cases from Probate/Dashboards Court |
No Fault Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=No Fault Report/No Fault Repot | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report showing "No Fault" deadlines |
Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx | General | Page where notess are entered the case |
Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx?NoteType=Expert | Litigation | Litigation notes |
Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx?NoteType=Court | Litigation | Litigation notes |
Notes Overdue by Type | /DashboardStaffReview.aspx | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard showing note types that have not been entered for the specified period |
Notes Search | /NoteSearch.aspx | Tools | Tool that allows searching of notes system wide |
Notes Search Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=NotesSearchReport/NotesSearchReport | Reports | Report of notes that have been entered |
Notice of Claim Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Notice of Claim/Notice of Claim Report | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report showing "Notices of Claim" deadline |
Notifications Setup | /NotificationsSetup.aspx | Admin | Set up for notification sent to staff based on certain occurrences |
Office Calendar | /OfficeCalendar.aspx | Home | Main Office (Central) Calendar |
Open Cases | /OpenCases.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of open cases |
Other |
| Case | Other unrelated cases for the plaintiff |
Other Cases | /OtherCases.aspx | Other | Other unrelated cases for the plaintiff |
Other Providers | /Medical_Provider_OtherProvider.aspx | Plaintiff | Other medical providers (other than those entered for "current" treatment) |
Outstanding Items | /Outstanding_Items.aspx | Other | Page showing list of items with "open" dated (e.g., open medical records request, Motion pending and no decision date, discovery with no satisfied date, etc.) |
Overdue Dashboards |
| Dashboards | Dashboard showing overdue items (client contact overdue, attorney file review overdue, supervisor file review) |
Overdue Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=OverDueReport/OverDueReport | Staff Management Reports | Report showing overdue items (client contact overdue, attorney file review overdue, supervisor file review) |
Overdue Status Summary | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=OverDueStatusSummary/OverDueStatusSummary | Staff Management Reports | Report showing list of cases where they have been in a status longer than the time designated |
Overdue Tasks Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=OverDueTasksReport/OverDueTasksReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of tasks that are open with a past due date |
Performance Dashboards |
| Dashboards | Dashboard showing staff performance (cases assigned, etc.) |
Photograph | /Case_Photograph.aspx | General | Photographs page showing photographs that have bee added to the case |
Picklist Maintenance | /PickList.aspx | Admin | Admin section to configure certain items such as those shown in drop-down lists |
Plaintiff |
| Case |
Plaintiff Fact Sheet | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=PFS | Plaintiff | Page where a PFS can be designed/set for the case |
Plaintiff UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Plaintiff | Plaintiff | Page where User Defined Fields for the plaintiffs can be designed/set |
Policy Limit Settlement Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=PolicyLimitSettlementReport/PolicyLimitSettlementReport | Financial Reports | Report showing settlements and the policy limits for the insurance entered in the case |
Prelit Unit Status | /DashboardSingleEventStatusReport.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard show staff performance which includes total settlements, fee generated, average times, etc. |
Pre-Litigation Stage | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_PreLitNew.aspx | Legacy Dashboards |
Pre-Litigation Stage | /StageDashboard.aspx?stage=1 | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the Pre-Litigation Stage |
Prescriptions | /Prescriptions.aspx | Plaintiff | Page showing medications prescribed for the plaintiff |
Presign - Signup Not Scheduled | /PresignNotScheduled.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing leads where a sign-up kit has not been sent |
Prior Claims | /Plaintiff_Prior_claims.aspx | Plaintiff | Priors claims made by this plaintiff |
Problem Cases | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ProblemCase.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases where critical information is missing (missing incident date, missing incident facts, etc.) |
Problem Cases Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ProblemCasesReport/ProblemCasesReport | Reports | Report showing cases where critical information is missing (missing incident date, missing incident facts, etc.) |
Project Details | /Project_Details.aspx | Home | Campaigns for mass tors, class action, etc., showing target plaintiff, potential intake issues, etc. A general guide for the Intake Team for special types of cases generally in the Mass tort arena |
Query Tool (Alpha) | javascript:var"http://saweb2008a/querytool/","contacts",""); | Tools |
Quick Injury | /QuickInjuryManagement.aspx | Admin | Admin section to designate quick injuries (check boxes to enter injuries) typically used in intake |
QuickBooks Disbursements Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=QBDisbursements/QuickBooksDisbursements | Financial Reports | Report showing disbursements/Case Costs sent to QuickBooks |
Recent Cases |
| Home | List of last 20 cases accessed by the user |
Recently Accessed Cases | /RecentlyAccessedCases.aspx | Recent Cases | List of cases recently accessed by the user |
Refer-Out Rules | /ReferOutRules.aspx | Admin | Set up which case type are referred to designated attorney/law firms |
Referrals By Clients | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ReferralsByClients/ReferralsByClients | Reports | Report showing cases referred to the firm by former/current clients |
Referred Out | /RetainerReferral_Out.aspx | General | Page showing referred out firm |
Referred Out Firm Follow-up | /Dashboard_Sol_OutLawFirm.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard that displays list of cases referred to firms/attorneys |
Referred-Out Firm Performance | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ReferredOutFirmPerformance/ReferredOutFirmPerformance | Reports | Report showing list of cases referred to to firms/attorneys |
Reports |
| Home | Access to Reports |
Retainer Staff | /RetainerStaffManagement.aspx | Admin | Set up staff that are assigned when a matter is retained |
Retainer/Referral | /Case_Retainer_Referral.aspx | General | Page where Retainer and Referral information is entered for the case |
SA Pages |
| Favorites | List of favorite filters |
School/Other Activities | /Plaintiff_SchoolAndOtherActivity.aspx | Plaintiff | School and other activity information for the plaintiff |
Settlement Dashboard | /DashboardSettlement.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Dashboard showing settlement information for the period selected |
Settlement Forecast Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SettlementForecastReport/SettlementForecastReport | Financial Reports | Report showing anticipated settlement for a designated period |
Settlement Performance (Min. Value) | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SettlementPerformanceMinValueReport/SettlementPerformanceMinValueReport | Financial Reports | Report showing forecasted settlements for the minimum settlement valu set. |
Settlement Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Settlement Report/Settlement Report | Financial Reports | Access to Financial Reports |
Settlement/Fee Production | /Dashboard_SettlementProduction.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Dashboard showing settlements and firm/attorney fees generated from those settlements |
Settlements By Case Group/Type | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SettlementsByCaseGroupAndType/SettlementsByCaseGroupAndType | Financial Reports | Report showing settlements by Case Group |
Shared Documents | /Case_SharedDocuments.aspx | General | Documents shared with "outside" sources/contacts |
Sign Up Stage | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_Signups.aspx | Legacy Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of cases in the Sign Up Stage broken down by statuses in that stage |
Sign Up Stage | /StageDashboard.aspx?stage=3 | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the Sing-Up Stage |
SignUp Kit To Go Out | /Dashboard_SignUpKit.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboards showing cases in the specific status for "Sign-Up Kits" to be sent to the designated leads |
Single Event Case Listing | /DashboardSingleEventCaseListing.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of open "single event" type cases |
Social Security Disability | /SocialSecurityDisability.aspx | General | Page for Social Security/Disability type matters |
SOL Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SOLReportv2/SOL Short Report V2 | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report showing Statute of Limitations (SOL) deadlines |
SOL/Critical Deadline Reports |
| Reports | Report showing Statute of Limitations (SOL) deadlines |
Special Damages | /PlaintiffSpecialDamage.aspx | Plaintiff | Page showing special damages for the plaintiff |
Staff Activity Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=StaffActivity/StaffActivity | Staff Management Reports | Report showing staff activity over the designated period |
Staff Management Reports |
| Reports | Access to Staff Management Reports |
Staff Performance | /DashboardStaffPerformance.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showing staff activity over a designated period |
Staff Performance Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=StaffPerformanceReport/StaffPerformanceReport | Staff Management Reports | Report showing staff activity over a designated period |
Stage Dashboards |
| Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases by Stages |
Stage Overdue by Staff | /DashboardStageOverdue.aspx | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in designated stages that are beyond the time frame set by the firm |
Stages Setup | /StagesSetUp.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to set up the desired Stage for cases |
Status Setup | /StatusSetUp.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to set up the desired Statuses for cases |
Statute of Limitations | /Dashboard_Sol_V2.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing the Statute of Limitations deadlines for cases |
Suggestion | /Suggestion.aspx | Home | Send suggestions to SmartAdvocate |
Suggestion Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SuggestionReport/Suggestion Report | Reports | Report showing suggestions for SmartAdvocate |
Summary | /CaseSummary.aspx | General | Access the case summary screen |
Summary | /Case_Plaintiff.aspx | Plaintiff | Access the summary page for plaintiff |
Summary | /Defendant.aspx | Defendant | Access the summary page for defendant |
Summary | /Litigation_Index.aspx | Litigation | Access the summary page for litigation |
Summary (Close Case) | /CaseSummary.aspx#CloseCase | General | Access the summary (close case) page |
Summary (Staff Panel) | /CaseSummary.aspx#Staff | General | Access summary of staff assigned to the case to date |
Summary (Status Panel) | /CaseSummary.aspx#Status | General | Access summary of different statuses assigned to the case over time |
Summary (Value Panel) | /CaseSummary.aspx#Value | General | Access summary of case value |
Supervisor File Review Overdue | /DashboardStaffReview.aspx?NoteTypeCriteria=80 | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard showing Supervisor file review overdue |
Surrogate |
| Case | Surrogate (Probate Court) section |
System Parameters | /AdminParams.aspx | Admin | Administrative functions to set certain parameters for SmartAdvocate |
System Parameters (Internal) | /AdminInternalParams.aspx | Admin | Administrative functions to set certain parameters for SmartAdvocate |
Task Groups | /TaskGroupManagement.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to set task groups |
Task Templates | /TaskTemplateManagement.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create task templates |
Tasks | /Dashboard_Tasks.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard to access tasks system wide |
Tasks | /Case_Tasks.aspx | General | Page that shown tasks that have been assigned in the case |
Template Editor | javascript:var"Template_Editor.aspx","editor"); | Admin | Access the template editor page for admin |
Template Page 1 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=1&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 1 page for other |
Template Page 2 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=2&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 2 page for other |
Template Page 3 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=3&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 3 page for other |
Template Page 4 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=4&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 4 page for other |
Template Page 5 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=5&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 5 page for other |
Template Pages Configuration | /TemplatePagesConfig.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create/set up custom pages |
Template Panel 1 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=1&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Template Panel 2 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=2&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Template Panel 3 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=3&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Template Panel 4 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=4&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Text Message Templates | /TemplateEditForm.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create/edit text message templates |
Time Tracking | /Case_TimeTracking.aspx | Other | Time Tracking Page |
Time Tracking Review | /TimeTrackingReview.aspx | Tools | Tools to review time tracking entries |
Timeline | /CaseTimeline.aspx | General | General time line (audit trail) of certain activities in the case |
Tip of the week | | Help | Access the tip of the week page for help |
Tip of the week Admin | /TipOfTheWeekAdmin.aspx | Help | Administrative function to add update Tip-Of-The-Week |
Tools |
| Home | Access to the Tools tab on the top tool bar |
Top Search | /TopSearchResults.aspx | Top Search | Main search function for cases in SmartAdvocate |
Treatment Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=TreatmentReport/TreatmentReport | Medical Reports | Report of medical treatment |
Trial Prep | /Litigation_TrialPrep.aspx | Litigation | Page available under the Litigation Section to enter Trial Prep information |
UDF Editor | /UDFManagement.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create/edit/modify User Defined Fields |
UDF Export | /UDF_Export.aspx | Tools | Tools to export User Defined Filed information |
UDF Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=UDF Values Report/UDFCasesValues | Reports | Report of data entered in User Defined Fields |
UDFs #1 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other1 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #2 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other2 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #3 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other3 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #4 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other4 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #5 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other5 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
Unassigned Documents | /Document_Scanning.aspx?un_mode=1 | Tools | Tools to list documents that have not be assigned to a case |
Upside Down Medicals Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=UpsideDownMedicalsReport/UpsideDownMedicalsReport | Financial Reports | Report of medical bills that exceeds insurance policy limits |
User Manual | | Help | User Manual |
User Permission Groups | /PagesInRoles.aspx | Admin | Administrative access to User Permission Groups |
User Preferences | /UserPreference.aspx | Admin | Administrative access to set user preferences |
Users | /UserMaintenance.aspx | Admin | Administrative access to configure users |
VA Claims | /VeteransAffairsClaims.aspx | Litigation | Page for VA claims under the Litigation section |
Vehicles | /Vehicle.aspx?plaintiff=true | Plaintiff | Vehicle information for plaintiff |
Vehicles | /Vehicle.aspx | Defendant | vehicle information for defendant |
Verdict | /Verdict.aspx | Litigation | Verdict page under litigation section |
ViewStat Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ViewStat/Quick Status Rpt | Reports | A quick status report showing specific information for the specified case (incident detail, assigned staff, critical deadlines) |
Web Importer | /Web_Intake.aspx | Tools | (Future planned feature) |
Who is where tomorrow | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=WhosWhere/WhosWhereUpdated | Calendar Reports | Access the who is where tomorrow page for calendar reports |
Will Information | /Surrogate_WillInformation.aspx | Surrogate | Page where wills are entered the case |
WorkPlan Assignments | /WorkPlanAssignment.aspx | Work Plans | SmartAdvocate WorkPlans (Create, modify, assign) |
WorkPlan Edit | /WorkPlanEdit.aspx |
| Edit existing WorkPlans |
WorkPlan Management | /WorkPlanAdmin.aspx | Work Plans | SmartAdvocate WorkPlans (Create, modify, assign) |
WorkPlans | /WorkPlans.aspx | General | Access the workplans page in the case to assign WorkPlan to the Case, edit the WorkPlan items, etc. |
WorkPlans |
| Admin | Administrative access to WorkPlan Management |
WorkPlans in Cases | /WorkPlanCases.aspx | Work Plans | List of WorkPlans that are assigned to cases |
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