The Advertisement Campaigns Dashboard allows you to monitor important statistics related to the performance of your different advertising campaigns running. For more information on setting up Advertising Campaigns please see Advertisement Campaigns .
On this page, we will provide in-depth breakdown of this dashboard.
Dashboard Parameters
From [Date]: Filters the campaigns which will appear in the dashboard by the beginning date of the Ad Campaign set up in the Advertisement Campaigns admin page.
To [Date]: Filters the campaigns which will appear in the dashboard by the end date of the Ad Campaign set up in the Advertisement Campaigns admin page.
Campaign: A dropdown allowing you to select which campaigns should be displayed in the dashboard.
Case Type: A dropdown allowing you to limit the Case Types which will appear in the dashboard. By default when this dropdown is left blank, it will show all Case Types in the system.
Office: A dropdown allowing you to limit the data that will appear in the dashboard to a specific office or offices of the firm. By default this is set to show all offices.
State: A dropdown allowing you to limit that that will appear in the dashboard to a specific state or states. By default when this dropdown is left blank, it will show data for all states.
Dashboard Columns
[Blank Column]: Contains an arrow that when selected shows a breakdown of the same statistics listed below for each campaign with that Advertiser during the selected time period.
From Date: Only contains data when the arrow next to the Advertiser has been selected. Shows the start date of any campaigns run with that advertiser for the selected time period.
To Date: Only contains data when the arrow next to the Advertiser has been selected. Shows the end date of any campaigns run with that advertiser for the selected time period.
Amount Spent: The total amount spent with that advertiser for the selected time period.
Total Fees: The total fees recorded for cases that were brought in by that advertiser for the selected time period.
# of Calls: The total number of leads that were entered into the system with that advertiser assigned as a referral source.
Cost Per Call: The average cost per call from that advertiser. (Amount Spent / # of Calls)
# Wanted: The number of cases that were marked as wanted/viable leads with that advertiser assigned as a referral source.
Cost per Wanted: The average cost per wanted case from that advertiser. (Amount Spent / # Wanted)
# of Retainers: The number of cases that were actually signed (and marked as retained in the SmartAdvocate system) with that advertiser assigned as a referral source.
Cost per Retainer: The average cost per retained case from that advertise. (Amount Spent / # of Retainers)
# of Cases With Fee: The number of cases with that advertiser assigned as a referral source that have a fee recorded in their Negotiations/Settlement screen.
Avg. Fee: The average fee brought in by cases with that advertiser assigned as a referral source.
# Cases With No Fee: The number of retained cases with that advertiser assigned as a referral source that have not had a fee entered on their Negotiations/Settlement screen.
Total Spent: The sum of all amounts in the Amount Spent column for all advertisers running campaigns in the selected time period.
Grand Total Fee: The sum of all amounts in the Total Fees column for all advertisers running campaigns in the selected time period.
Calls: The sum of all calls in the # of Calls column for all advertisers running campaigns in the selected time period.
Wanted: The sum of all cases in the # Wanted column for all advertisers running campaigns in the selected time period.
Retainers: The sum of all cases in the # of Retained column for all advertisers running campaigns in the selected time period.
Fee Cases: The total number of cases that have a fee recorded on their Negotiations/Settlements screen for all advertisers running campaigns in the selected time period.
No Fee Cases: The total number of cases that do not have a fee recorded on their Negotiations/Settlements screen for all advertisers running campaigns in the selected time period.
Note: Any numbers that appear blue in color on this screen are hyperlinks that will provide a breakdown of all of the cases meeting the criteria of being in that column.