Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Add Note from the dropdown menu.
Follow the instructions for Add Note
Add Staff
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Add Staff from the dropdown menu.
Select from the Team and Individual radio buttons.
If Team is selected, select the Team Name from the dropdown menu.
If applicable, place a checkmark in the Remove Staff in Matching Roles checkbox.
If Individual is selected, select the Staff from the dropdown menu.
If applicable, select the Role from the dropdown menu.
Enter any relevant Comments.
Select ADD STAFF to add staff.
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Add/Remove Tags from the dropdown menu.
Select the tag(s) to add or remove from the dropdown menu.
Select from the Add Tag(s) or Remove Tag(s) radio buttons.
Select OK to add or remove the tag(s).
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.
Confirm that the tags were added/removed by selecting a case in the list.
Add Task
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Add Task from the dropdown menu.
Select from the Task Template (Optional) or
The Task section below will be filled in according to the Template selected.
Enter the Task manually.
Select the Type from the dropdown menu.
Select the Priority from the dropdown menu.
Select the Status from the dropdown menu.
Enter the Subject.
Enter the Time Spent.
Select the Start Date.
Select the Due Date.
Enter the number of Days from start date.
Enter a Description.
Select the Task Requestor from the dropdown menu.
If applicable, place a checkmark in the Send Email checkbox.
Select the Assigned To from the dropdown menu.
If applicable, place a checkmark in the Send Email checkbox.
Select the CC To from the dropdown menu.
Select SAVE to add the task.
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Add WorkPlan from the dropdown menu.
Select the WorkPlan from the dropdown menu.
Select ADD WORKPLAN to add the WorkPlan.
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.
Change/Remove Status
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Change/Remove Status from the dropdown menu.
Select the Status Type from the dropdown menu.
Select from the Select Status or All Statuses radio buttons. If the Select Status radio button is selected, select the status from the dropdown menu.
Select the New Status from the dropdown menu.
Enter the New Status Date.
Select the Comments Setting from the dropdown.
Enter any relevant Comments.
The comment “Bulk Change” is added by default.
Select CHANGE STATUS to change the status.
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Export from the dropdown menu.
Follow the instructions in Import/Export Cases.
Generate Document
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Generate Document from the dropdown menu.
The Mass Mailing window will open.
Follow the instructions in Mass Emailing.
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Generate Email from the dropdown menu.
The Mass Mailing window will open.
Follow the instructions in Mass Emailing.
Generate Text
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Generate Text from the dropdown menu.
The Mass SMS (text) window will open.
Follow the instructions in Mass Texting.
Invite to Client Portal
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Invite to Client Portal from the dropdown menu.
The Mass Mailing window will open.
Follow the instructions in Mass Emailing.
The Invite Client Portal template will be pre-filled.
Remove Contacts from Mailing List
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Remove Contacts From Mailing List from the dropdown menu.
If applicable, place a checkmark in the Exclude Prevent Mailing checkbox.
If applicable, place a checkmark in the Exclude Minor, Deceased And Incompetent checkbox.
Select from the Primary Plaintiff, Primary Plaintiff And Primary Contact, Primary Contact, and All radio buttons.
Select from the Select Mailing List or Remove From All radio buttons.
If the Select Mailing List radio button is selected, select the mailing list from the dropdown menu.
Select REMOVE CONTACTS to remove contacts from the mailing list.
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.
Remove Staff
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Remove Staff from the dropdown menu.
Select the Staff from the dropdown menu.
Select from the Select Role or All Roles radio buttons.
If the Select Role radio button is selected, select the role from the dropdown menu.
Select REMOVE STAFF to remove staff.
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.
Send for eSignature
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Send for eSignature from the dropdown menu.
Follow the instructions for Mass eSignature.
Show On Map
Select Case Browse.
Enter the appropriate search information.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Show on Map from the dropdown menu.
The map will appear.
The red pins correlate to the primary address of the primary plaintiff in the cases listed.
Select a pin. The case number, case name, date case opened, primary plaintiff’s name, case status, case type, referral source, and county, state, and zip code of the primary plaintiff’s primary address will be displayed.
Narrow the results further by:
Select the Referral Source(s) from the dropdown menu.
Select the Case Type(s) from the dropdown menu.
If applicable, place a checkmark in the Show Only Retained Cases checkbox.
Select the Plaintiff County(s) Filter from the dropdown menu.
Select the Zip CodeCounty(s) from the dropdown menu.
Select the Case TypeZip Code(s) from the dropdown menu.
If applicable, place a checkmark in the Show Only Open Cases checkbox.
Select the Case State(s) from the dropdown menu.
Select the Case Group(s) from the dropdown menu.
Select the Office(s) from the dropdown menu.
Enter the Cases Open From date range.
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