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About Photographs

The Photographs page allows viewing and adding images. All of the files that appear in the Photograph Photographs page also appear in the Documents page, and the document properties are also shared between the two pages; however, the . The Photograph page allows you to see all the images in a case at a glance , and conveniently edit, print or email them as needed. You can also add images to the case file directly through this page (they will also appear in the Documents page once you have done so).

The Structure of This Page


  1. Add New Photograph button. Used to add images to the case file. See Adding an Image.

  2. Select All button. Used to auto select all photos. print multiple images. See Actions for Multiple Images.

  3. Selected button. When a specific picture is selected this will become active

  4. Clear Selection. Used to clear all photos

  5. Folder. Select a folder from document to show pictures

  6. Category/Subcategory. Filter by category to search photos

  7. Pages. Used to navigate through pages of images. Also shown on bottom of page. See Grid Pagination

  8. Page Sizing tool. Used to customize the size of the photo grid by altering the number of rows of photographs visible on a page. The size of the individual photographs does not change; accordingly, increasing the number of visible rows may require you to scroll through the photographs to view all of them. Also shown on bottom of page. See Page Sizing.

  9. Image Grid. Displays the photographs and allows various actions to be performed on them. See Image Grid selected to Used to email multiple images. See Actions for Multiple Images.

Image Grid

The image grid is the main part of the Photograph page. Here, the images are arranged in a grid. The images in the grid are cropped and resized so that they all appear in equal-size squares in the grid, which may mean that parts of non-square images are not visible in the grid; however, the actual image files are not affected. You can click any image to view it fully, at its normal size. See Image Viewer.
Each image in the grid has an action bar across the bottom of the image. The bar is normally nearly transparent; hover the mouse over an image to make the bar more visible. The bar contains the following elements:

  1. The description of the image (if any).

  2. An Edit link. See Editing Image Properties.

  3. A Print link. See Printing an Image.

  4. A More... link. Clicking this button brings up a menu of additional actions, specifically Open, Email, and Delete. See Opening an ImageEmailing an Image, and Deleting an Image.

  5. A checkbox. Used to select multiple images for printing or emailing. See Actions for Multiple Images.

Editing Image Properties

To edit the properties of an image in the grid: Click the Edit link in the action bar of the image whose properties you wish to edit. This will bring up an Edit panel for photographs, with the existing information filled in.

Fill the fields in with your desired information. See The Add/Edit Photograph Panel for details about the fields.


  1. Date. Date picture was added

  2. Direction. Incoming or Outgoing

  3. Delivery Method. How the

  4. Category: The document category to apply to the image.

  5. Sub-Category: The document subcategory to apply to the image.

  6. Tags

  7. Folder

  8. From: The contact that sent the image. Selecting the checkbox automatically fills the dropdown with your firm. The dropdown's contents include all that case's case contacts and all universal case contacts.

  9. To: The contact from whom the image was sent. Selecting the checkbox automatically fills the dropdown with your firm. The dropdown's contents include all that case's case contacts and all universal case contacts

  10. Priority: The priority level of the image

  11. Analysis

  12. Reviewed:

  13. Description: A description of the image.

  14. Comments: Any comments about the photo

  15. Click Save to save the changes and close the panel.

  • If you decide you do not wish to save the changes, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.

Printing an Image

To print an image:

  1. Click the Print link in the action bar of the image you wish to print. This will open a new tab containing only the image, and immediately bring up your browser's print options for that tab.

  2. Select the print options you desire and print the image. (Since the printing is performed by the browser and not by SmartAdvocate, different users may have different printing interfaces. Consult your browser's help if you need further details at this point.)

    • Note that after printing, the tab containing only the image will remain open. You may close this if you wish.

Opening an Image

To open an image:

  1. Click the More... link in the action bar of the image you wish to open. This will bring up a menu of options.

  2. Click the Open option in the menu. This will open the underlying image file in your computer's standard viewer for files with the image's file extension. (Changing the standard viewer for a given file extension is possible, but outside the scope of this manual.)

Emailing an Image

To email an image:

  1. Click the More... link in the action bar of the image you wish to email. This will bring up a menu of options.

  2. Click the Email option in the menu. This will open the Case Email panel with the underlying image file attached to the email.

  3. Fill out the email with your desired content.

  4. Click Send to send the email.

  • If you decide you do not wish to send the email, click the white X at the upper right of the panel to close the panel without sending the email.

Deleting an Image

To delete an image:

  1. Click the More... link in the action bar of the image you wish to delete. This will bring up a menu of options.

  2. Click the Delete option in the menu. This will bring up a confirmation message (to avoid accidental deletions).

  3. Click the OK button in the message to confirm the deletion.

  • If you decide you do not wish to delete the image, click Cancel instead of clicking OK to cancel the deletion. You can also click the black X at the upper right of the message to do the same thing.

  • Until you either confirm or cancel the deletion, you may not be able to visit any other tab in your browser.

Grid Pagination

The Grid Pagination tool allows you to navigate through pages of images if all the images do not fit on one page. The tool contains the following elements:

  1. First page button. Click to navigate to the first page of images.

  2. Previous page button. Click to navigate to the previous page of images.

  3. Individual page list. Click any number in this list to navigate directly to that page of images.

  4. Next page button. Click to navigate to the next page of images.

  5. Last page button. Click to navigate to the last page of images.

Page Sizing

The Page Sizing tool allows you to change the number of rows on each page of the grid. To do so:

  1. Click the dropdown in the tool.

  2. Select the number of rows you wish there to be on each page of the grid.

    • The size of the individual photographs does not change; accordingly, increasing the number of visible rows may require you to scroll through the photographs to view all of them.

    • Selecting "All" will put all the images on one page. This is not recommended if you have an extremely large number of images in a case.

Adding an Image

To add a new image:

  1. Make sure you have the image on your computer and know where the file is stored.

  2. Click the Add New Photograph button. This will bring up a panel with a Browse... button.

  3. Click the Browse... button. This will open up a file explorer window.

  4. Navigate to the image file you wish to add and select it, probably by clicking the file then clicking Open (this may be different for different operating systems or browsers). This will cause it to be automatically uploaded to SmartAdvocate and expand the panel to include the property editing fields.

  5. You may repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as you wish to add multiple images at once. Note that any information you add in the next step will be applied to each of the images you add simultaneously.

  6. Fill the fields in with your desired information. See The Add/Edit Photograph Panel for details about the fields.

  7. Click Save to save the image in SmartAdvocate and close the panel.

  • If you decide you do not wish to save the image in SmartAdvocate, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.

Actions for Multiple Images

You can print or email multiple images at once. To select the images on which you wish to perform the collective action, click the checkbox located in the bottom right corner of each image you wish to select. This may require navigating between pages of the grid. Navigating between pages will not undo any of your selections, and images will remain selected even if they are not visible on the current page. If you do not want to include an image you have selected, click the checkbox again to deselect it.
Once you have selected the images, to print them:


, open, email, delete, or copy them.

To add new Photographs:

  1. View previously entered Photographs.

  2. Filter by Folder, Category/Subcategory, and/or Description.

  3. Select individually by placing a checkmark in the box or SELECT ALL.

    image-20240221-151756.pngImage Added

  4. After a photograph has been selected, the SELECTED button will become active and the number of photographs selected will appear.

  5. To remove all checked photographs, select CLEAR SELECTION.

    image-20240221-152158.pngImage Added

  6. To view a larger version of the photograph, select the photograph. A popup will appear.

  7. Select ADD NEW PHOTOGRAPH. The Add New Photograph(s) pop-up will appear.

    image-20240221-152431.pngImage Added

  8. Browse to and select the photograph.

  9. The Add New Photograph screen will appear.

  10. Confirm the Uploaded Files are correct.

  11. Select the Date from the dropdown menu.

  12. Select from the Direction radio buttons for Incoming, Outgoing, or Memo.

  13. Select the Delivery method from the dropdown menu.

  14. Select the Search Sub-Category from the dropdown menu,

  15. Select the Category from the dropdown menu.

  16. Select the Sub-Category from the dropdown menu.

  17. Select the Tags from the dropdown menu.

  18. Select the Folder from the dropdown menu.

  19. Select the From from the dropdown menu.

  20. Select the To from the dropdown menu.

  21. Select the Related To from the dropdown menu.

  22. Select from the Priority radio buttons for Critical, High, Normal, or Low.

  23. Select the Analysis from the dropdown menu.

  24. Select the Reviewed date.

  25. If applicable, place a checkmark in the Append file name to Description checkbox.

  26. Enter any relevant Description.

  27. Enter any relevant Comments.

  28. Select SAVE to add Photograph Properties.

  29. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

    image-20240221-153240.pngImage Added

To edit Photograph Properties:

  1. Hover the pointer over the photograph. Select Edit.

  2. Select the Date from the dropdown menu.

  3. If applicable, place a checkmark in the Share in Portal checkbox.

  4. Select from the Direction radio buttons for Incoming, Outgoing, or Memo.

  5. Select the Delivery method from the dropdown menu.

  6. Select the Search Sub-Category from the dropdown menu,

  7. Select the Category from the dropdown menu.

  8. Select the Sub-Category from the dropdown menu.

  9. Select the Tags from the dropdown menu.

  10. Select the Folder from the dropdown menu.

  11. Select the From from the dropdown menu.

  12. Select the To from the dropdown menu.

  13. Select the Related To from the dropdown menu.

  14. Select from the Priority radio buttons for Critical, High, Normal, or Low.

  15. Select the Analysis from the dropdown menu.

  16. Select the Reviewed date.

  17. Enter any relevant Description.

  18. Enter any relevant Comments.

  19. Select SAVE to add Photograph Properties.

  20. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

    image-20240221-143309.pngImage Added

To print a Photograph:

  1. Hover the pointer over the photograph. Select Print.

  2. A new browser window will open and bring up your browser's print options for that tab.The Print Selected button will have the number of selected images listed in parentheses, to help ensure you have selected the images you intended to.

  3. Select the print options you desire and print the images. (Since the printing is performed by the browser and not by SmartAdvocate, different users may have different printing interfaces. Consult your browser's help if you need further details at this point.)

Alternately, to email them:

  1. Click the Email Selected button. This will open the Case Email panel with the underlying image files for all of the selected images attached to the email.

  2. The Email Selected button will have the number of selected images listed in parentheses, to help ensure you have selected the images you intended to.

  3. Print the image.

To open a Photograph:

  1. Hover the pointer over the photograph. Select More.

  2. Select Open.

To email a Photograph:

  1. Hover the pointer over the photograph. Select More.

  2. Select Email.

  3. Fill out the email with your desired content.

  4. Click Select Send to send the email.

  • If you decide you do not wish to send the email, click the white X at the upper right of the panel to close the panel without sending the email.

Image Viewer

The Image Viewer is a screen you can access from the Photograph page that lets you view each image individually against a black background, navigate between different images, or view the entire set of case images, one at a time, in a slideshow. To access the Image Viewer, click any image in the Image Grid; that image will become the current image in the Image Viewer. To leave the Image Viewer, click the white X in the upper right of the screen.
The viewer contains the following elements:


  1. Play/pause button. Located in the upper right corner of the screen. Used to start and stop the slideshow. The slideshow will automatically scroll the current image forward to the next image at a regular rate. If the current image is the last one, the slideshow will scroll forward to the first image.

  2. Close button. Click the X in the upper right corner to close the Image Viewer.

  3. Current image. The individual image presently being viewed. This image appears at its actual dimensions, with no resizing.

  4. Forward button. Click to scroll the current image to the next image.

  5. Backward button. Click to scroll the current image to the previous image.

  6. Image Thumbnails. Contains all the images in the case file, resized to small squares of equal size. Click any thumbnail to make that image the current image.

  7. Page forward. Click to scroll several image thumbnails to the right.

  8. Page backward. Click to scroll several image thumbnails to the left..

To delete a Photograph:

  1. Hover the pointer over the photograph. Select More.

  2. Select Delete.

  3. Are you sure you want to delete this image?” will appear.

  4. Select OK to delete. Select Cancel to keep the image.

To copy a Photograph:

  1. Hover the pointer over the photograph. Select More.

  2. Select from the radio buttons to Copy to the same case, Copy to a different Case, or Copy to Related/Other Case(s).

  3. Select COPY to create a new copy. Select CANCEL to return to the previous screen without copying the photograph.


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