Many of the lists on this page have the same table structure: a column with the heading “Descriptions,” containing the text of each individual option, and a column with the heading “Action,” containing an Edit icon () and a Delete icon (). Some of the options are mandatory within SmartAdvocate and thus cannot be deleted. You can, however, edit most of these options by clicking on the “Edit” icon.
You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button.
Most add/edit forms have a single field, allowing you to name the new item, or rename an existing one. Most such forms have two fields, a Text input field for item Description, and a Dropdown field, which permits you to choose the primary type/category under which the new or edited item will be created.
This list contains the various account types that can be assigned to your Bank Accounts. If your firm has integrated SmartAdvocate with QuickBooks, this will appear in the Type Column when looking at the Account Chart. It is a Basic Picklist Table.
Accounting Bank Accounts
This list contains the different bank accounts that may be used for case finances. The Bank Accounts created here can be found in the Bank Account dropdown when creating a New Disbursement on the Disbursements case page. If your firm has integrated SmartAdvocate with QuickBooks this will appear in the Name column. The table contains three columns:
You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and a dropdown for the Account Type (pulling from the Accounting Account Types picklist).
Adverse Examination Types:
This list contains possible causes or types of an adverse examination (generally, types of insurance claims that a carrier might challenge with an exam). It is used in the Exam Type dropdown when adding an adverse exam in the Adverse Exams case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.
Advertisement Campaign Group Contacts
To add a new row to this table, you must create a new Campaign Group using the Advertisement Campaign Groups picklist.
The rows in the Campaign Group column correspond to items in that picklist and can only be added, edited or deleted from there. The edit icon in the Action column for Campaign Group Contacts brings up a list of all contacts for which the contact type is marked as Advertise, any or all of which can be added as an available contact for that campaign group.
Advertisement Campaign Groups