Tip #37 - How To Set Your User Preferences for Email Notifications

Tip #37 - How To Set Your User Preferences
for Email Notifications

Continuing our series on User Preferences Settings, this week we will take a closer look at how to set your preferences for email notifications. The email notifications include Case Assigned, Case Closed or Case Reassigned, Workflow Assigned, Task Completed and Documents attached. Like the previously discussed User Preferences, the Email Notifications settings are accessed by clicking on your name in the top right corner of your screen, then clicking on ‘User Preferences’ from the resulting drop-down menu.

The aforementioned notification settings are listed on the right column under the heading “Email Notifications.”

Case is automatically assigned to me- You will be notified by email if your system is set up to automatically assign you to a case when it is opened in Case Wizard.(Note: Automatic assignment is set by your Administrator in Case Type Set Up).

Case is assigned to me by staff- You will be notified by email if you are ‘manually’ assigned to a case by a staff member.

One of my cases is closed or reassigned- You will be notified when one of your cases is marked ‘closed’ or has been reassigned to a different staff member from the Case Summary Page (i.e., either removed or edited to replace you with a different staff member).

Task I created is completed– You will be notified when a task you assigned to a different user is marked completed.
Text Messages are received for my case – You will be notified by email when an incoming text message is saved to your case. The email will contain a copy of the text message.(Note: Your firm must have the texting integration installed for this feature to be active).

SOLs are added/modified in my cases– You will be notified when a SOL (Statute of Limitations) is modified or added to your case.

Documents are attached to my cases– This option must be checked before the “Attach the documents to email” and “Select document categories/direction” will become available. Furthermore, the “Select document categories/direction” option will display a subsequent dialog box which will allow you to make further selections and specify the document categories and direction that will trigger the notification.

Attach the document to email– If you choose to have a notification sent when a document is saved in your case, selecting this option will attach the document in the email notification.
Select document category/direction– Selecting this option will display a new dialog box which will allow you to specify whether you want to be notified only when the document is incoming, outgoing or designated as a memo. You can select any combination of incoming, outgoing or memo (i.e., you can multi-select). You can then select any document category from the list of categories in your system, such as Discovery, Medical, Pleadings, etc.

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