Tip #236 - Did you know that SmartAdvocate has a “Case Monitor Widget?”

Tip #236 - Did you know that SmartAdvocate has a “Case Monitor Widget?”

The SmartAdvocate Case Monitor Widget is a Windows monitor that displays recent intakes (cases/leads) that are automatically created and have not yet been personally handled by your office staff. These are cases that have been created via integrations with services such as web site, chat, answering service, etc. The widget is designed to always be visible in a corner of your screen so that these types of cases do not fall through the cracks. The Widget is a SmartAdvocate plugin and displays the following information in a grid: (See screenshot below)

  • Number of Cases

  • The SmartAdvocate Case Number

  • Case Type

  • State, Creation Date, Case Age 

  • Intake Specialist 

The cases in the Widget are in one of the designated “Intake” Statuses (currently statuses that have ‘Presign’ in the name) with one note entered (i.e., the initial note automatically entered in the case by SmartAdvocate when a case is created). 

Note: Once a case is moved to a different status, or another note is added to the case, it will no longer display in the widget.

Installation: The Widget is installed from a zip file (CaseMonitorSetup.zip) which is usually located in the Plugins Folder (folder where Outlook, Word, etc. plugins are located). In addition, you will also need to supply your SmartAdvocate Web Service URL. (This is probably the same URL you would use if you remotely access SmartAdvocate using the SmartAdvocate App. You will need to verify the URL with your IT).

Visit smartadvocate.com/support for other help options including how to access our Support Tracker and Daily Office Hours sessions.