Interest is calculated by:
Interest Start:
[Check Date] is the starting point for calculating interest.
If [Check Date] is missing, then [Invoice Date] is used instead.
If [Invoice Date] is missing, then [Created Date] is used.
If the case’s [Financing Start Date] is set, it will be used when [Check Date] is before [Financing Start Date].
Interest End:
[Date of Distribution] is used. If [Date of Distribution] is missing, then [Settlement Date] is used.
Interest Rate:
The rate from the settlement screen is used. If the rate from the settlement is set to Auto, rates from the picklist Settlement Interest Fixed Rates are applied.
Additional configurations:
Disbursements can be excluded from interest based on Disbursement Type in the System Parameter “Disbursement types to exclude from expenses table merge codes”.
Interest on disbursements
Variables:[Is Financed]
= Case Financing setup on the Disbursements page. Case marked as Financed.[Financing Start Date]
= Case Financing setup. If not null, do not calculate interest before this date.[Is Prior Financed]
= Case Financing setup. If True, calculate interest even if [Disburement Date]
is before [Financing Start Date][Specific Status]
- SP "Disbursement status that indicates that the cost(expense) was financed...". If not null, interest is calculated only on disbursements in this status.[Excluded Types]
- SP "Disbursement types to exclude from expenses table merge codes". Disbursements with selected types are excluded from interest calculation.[Ignore previous]
- SP "Ignore previous settlements when calculating interest on disbursement if its interest amount is 0"[Is Financed By Default]
- SP "Charge interest on case expenses by default". All cases are considered as Financed, regardless case's [Is Financed]
value.[Disbursement Date]
= first not null value from the following: If [Specific status]
is not null then [Status Date]
-> [Check Date]
-> [Invoice Date]
-> [Created Date]
[Interest End Date]
= if [Date of Distribution]
is not null then [Date of Distribution]
else [Settlement Date]
.[Disbursement Interest Start]
= Start date to calculate interest for specific disbursement. If [Disbursement Date]
> [Financing Start Date]
then use [Disbursement Date]
else [Financing Start Date]
Interest is calculated on all client disbursements based on the following rules:
[Ignore previous]
is True: find the previous settlement with[Settlement Date]
before[Interest End Date]
and[Interest on Disbursement]
not equal to zero and exclude all disbursement with[Disbursement Date]
before or equal to that settlement's[Interest End Date]
[Interest Rate]
is set to Auto, use rates from the picklist "Settlement Interest Fixed Rates" for[Effective Date]
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