Tip #300 - How to Enter Filing and Service of Amended Complaints
If your Case Types are properly configured, the entry of a matter should automatically trigger and set the correct SOL (Statute of Limitations). This also means that the Critical Deadlines Page should have the defendant(s) (or “John Doe” if you have configured a place-holder for unknown defendants, and the actual defendant has not been entered) listed with the appropriate SOL. |
Normally, you would edit the record for each defendant and make appropriate entries for Date of Filing of the Complaint, Date of Service, Method of Service, etc. |
If you need to enter or document activities for an Amended Complaint, for example, or the subsequent filing of another Complaint, the best way to do that is to create another SOL record. That way, the filing, service, etc. of the original complaint will be preserved. You will also be able to make appropriate entries for similar data associated with the Amended Complaint and have the correct deadlines triggered accordingly. Here’s How To Add Another SOL Record:
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