The purpose of this is to configure your Map Dashboard
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To configure the Map Dashboard follow the below instructions.
Microsoft has changed how their API is accessed, so you must create your own Bing Maps key to use this dashboard. You can create a key by clicking the link displayed on the dashboard page or by clicking on the following link -
Continue by clicking the Sign In button on top right corner -
You will be taken to Microsoft Sign In Page
Click on “Yes, let’s create a new account”
That will take you to a Create Account Page once you have filled in all the fields click on Create
Select My account then Select My Keys
That will take you to a Create Key page – you can enter SmartAdvocate as the Account Name, leave the URL blank, keep Basic as the key type, and Website as the application type then click Create.
Click on show key which will display the key. Copy key as you will need to add it to your Smart Advocate system.
Once you have the key, go to Admin >> System Parameters >> in Group Description, search for “map,” Click edit (Pencil),
In edit form, enter your key (provided via account creation), then click Save.
You will notice that the banner is no longer displayed as the Dashboard has been configured; it is now ready for use.