All request must contains "X-ApiKey" header with ClientKey in thereClientKey example: "0d4852a98cbf4c8csb0cdee1b6f31e95f"
Note that you will need to get a client key specific for your company (and for specific SmartAdvocate client) once you start developing an integration
URL: https://[SA_SERVER]/sasvc/SAWebService.svc/receiver/UploadDocument?filename={filename}&CaseID={CaseID}&SACaseNumber={SACaseNumber}&SADocumentSubcategoryTypeID={SADocumentSubcategoryTypeID}&Category={Category}&Subcategory={Subcategory}
Filename: name of the file being uploaded.
CaseID: SmartAdvocate case id (optional)
SACaseNumber: SmartAdvocate case number (usually users know this number to find the case) (optional)
You need to pass either the CaseID or the Case Number in order for the document to get into the correct case
SADocumentSubcategoryTypeID: Smart advocate Document subcategory ID (optional)
Category: name of category of document in SmartAdvocate system (optional)
Subcategory: name of subcategory of document in SmartAdvocate system (optional)
You need to pass either SADocumentSubcategoryTypeID or Category and Subcategory names in order to identify document type.
Document Body
Document Body should be passed in the POST content.
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