The Automated Procedure Management page allows you to create procedures that will automatically take place within your cases. These actions can take place based on the creation or completion of a number of triggers in the system and allow for more individualized automation than that found in WorkPlans.
[Column with Checkbox Heading]: Checkbox selector.
Procedure Name: The name of the procedure.
Trigger Info: Provides a brief description of trigger information, including the number of triggers assigned to the procedure and the type of triggers (i.e. document, status, etc.)
Action Info: Provides a brief description of the action information, including the number of actions and the type of actions to be performed.
Enabled: Whether or not the procedure is enabled. An enabled procedure is indicated by a checkmark.
Date Created: The date the procedure was created.
Date Modified: The most recent date the procedure was modified.
Action: Includes an Action icon that allows you to edit, enable (if not current enabled) or disable (if currently enabled), copy, or delete a procedure.
Right-click anywhere in the row representing the procedure you wish to edit. This will display a menu allowing you to edit the procedure, enable or disable the procedure, delete or copy the procedure.
Alternatively, you can click the Edit icon in the Actions column of the row representing the procedure you wish to edit. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for the procedure with the existing information filled in.
The options in this menu allow you to edit, copy or delete the rule, and it will also give you the option to enable or disable the rule depending on its current status. Disabling a procedure will stop it from taking place without deleting it from the system. This allows you to go back and enable the procedure at a later date if you choose.
Select the Edit Procedure option in the menu. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for the procedure, with the existing information filled in.
Fill the fields in with your desired information. See the Add/Edit Automated Procedure Details Panel for details about the fields.
Click Update to save the changes and close the panel.
If you decide you do not wish to save the changes, click Cancel instead of clicking Update to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.
Click the Add New Procedure button. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for automated procedures that is blank.
Fill the fields in with your desired information. See the Add/Edit Automated Procedure Details Panel for details about each field.
Click Save to save the procedure and close the panel.
If you decide you do not wish to save the procedure click Cancel instead of clicking Update to undo the changes and close the panel Alternatively, you can click the white X in the top right of the panel to do the same thing.
Click the Add New Scope button in the Add/Edit Automated Procedure Details Panel to open the Scope Edit Panel.
Inside the Scope Edit Panel, there will be a dropdown that allows you to select what category you would like to use to limit the scope of the procedure. Once you have selected the broad category from the first dropdown, additional dropdowns will appear prompting you to select a specific item(s) from within that category.
Once you have finished setting the scope(s), simply press save to add it to the procedure.
If you decide you do not wish to add this scope, you can press cancel to discard any changes made in this panel. Additionally, you can press the white X in the top right corner of the panel to do the same.
Click the Add New Trigger button in the Add/Edit Automated Procedure Details Panel to open the Trigger Edit Panel.
Inside the Trigger Edit Panel, there will be a dropdown that allows you to choose from a number of different triggers. Once you have selected the broad trigger type, more dropdowns will appear to prompt you to enter specific details related to the trigger.
Once you have finished setting the trigger(s), simply press save to add it to the procedure.
If you decide you do not wish to add this trigger, you can press cancel to discard any changes made in this panel. Additionally, you can press the white X in the top right corner of the panel to do the same.
Click the Add New Action button in the Add/Edit Automated Procedure Details Panel to open the Action Details Panel.
Inside the Action Details Panel, you will be prompted to enter information related to the Action Type, Action Start Dates, and specific details related to the specific Action Type. For more details on the fields inside this panel see Action Details Panel.
Once you have finished adding the action(s) settings, simply press save to add it to the procedure.
If you decide you do not wish to add this action, you can press cancel to discard any changes made in this panel. Additionally, you can press the white X in the top right corner of the panel to do the same.
Action Type: A dropdown requiring you to select the action type to be assigned by the procedure.
Action Name: The name of the action, this is automatically filled by the type of action selected in item 1 but can be edited after.
Action Start (Days): The number of days after or before a specific date (as selected in items 6 and 7) when the action should be performed.
Action Start (Hours): The number of hours after or before a specific date (as selected in items 6 and 7) when the action should be performed.
Action Start (Minutes): The number of minutes after or before a specific date (as selected in items 6 and 7) when the action should be performed.
Action Start (Direction): Dropdown requiring a selection of whether to set the action to be performed before or after the triggering date. The default for this field is set to After.
Action Start (Date): Dropdown requiring a selection of when the action should be performed relative to the trigger, the options are Trigger item creation date, Trigger item due date, and Trigger item completion date. The default for this field is set to Trigger item creation date.
Action Repeat (Days): How many days after the action is initially performed by the procedure should the action repeat.
Action Repeat (Hours): How many hours after the action is initially performed by the procedure should the action repeat.
Action Repeat (Minutes): How many minutes after the action is initially performed by the procedure should the action repeat.Day Type: Dropdown
to choose how the days entered Limit to: The number of iterations (1-1000) the action will be repeated.
Limit to dropdown: Dropdown to choose the type of iterations in 11 above.
If Will Repeat forever or until out of scope is selected, the repeat runs on its listed schedule until the procedure is no longer valid.
If Iterations is selected, it will run up to the number entered in the Limit to: Number Of Iterations in Step 11 above (still on the listed schedule).
If Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, or Years is selected, it will run (again, on the listed schedule) for a period of time after the triggering event equal to the number in Number Of Iterations multiplied by the time period selected.
Day Type: Dropdown to choose how the days entered in the Action Start or Action Repeat fields should be calculated (using all days, weekdays, federal or state).
WARNING: Steps 11 and 12 only apply if steps 8, 9, or 10 are set to a positive number (not blank or zero). If steps 8, 9, or 10 are left blank or set to zero, no repeating action will take place.
Action Type Options
If Add Case Expense (Disbursement) is selected in Action Type, the following fields will appear: