The Incident Screen is directly linked to the information gathered during the intake process in Case Intake Wizard. All of the questions asked during intake will be available for review and editing from the Incident screen, along with any notes made in the Incident Facts box during intake, the state where the Incident took place and the date that the Incident took place, as well as any quick injuries selected. This screen may also display additional questions that will not display in the Case Wizard, to be answered after the cases creation.
Incident Details
The top portion of the Incident screen, called the Incident Details section, will allow you to make adjustments to the Incident state, and date (which will in turn automatically update the SOLs on your case) and to the incident facts gathered during intake. There are additional comment boxes available and a dropdown allowing the percentage of the defendant’s liability may also be adjusted from this screen. At any point, you may come back to the incident page to update information as it comes in or change old information as you learn new things related to the caseto be set. The Merged Facts field has a merge code associated with it for generating documents, separate from the merge code for the Facts field. The purpose of the Merged Facts field is to provide a place to enter a concise summary of the overall facts suitable for automatic insertion in generated documents, so that the Facts field can be used for the unabridged version.
As new information is gathered, you can always return to the Incident screen to add new information or make adjustments to previously answered questions. Once all necessary additions have been made, select “Save” from the bottom right corner to retain your changes.
This area is for user-defined fields (UDFs) related to the case. Any Case Wizard UDFs associated with the case type will appear here. Any Incident Wizard UDFs associated with the incident type will also appear here. Any Incident UDFs associated with the incident type will also appear here. See the UDF Editor administrative page is currently under construction. Check back for updates!for creating and managing all types of UDFs. See the Case Groups and Incident Types picklists for creating incident types and matching them with case groups. You may enter answers to the UDFs in this area, and change or remove any of the answers already provided.
Quick Injury
This area is for managing the Quick Injuries for each plaintiff. The area contains a dropdown to select a plaintiff, and a set of checkboxes for the Quick Injuries for the chosen plaintiff. You may check and uncheck boxes as necessary to accurately reflect the plaintiff's injuries (as covered by the available Quick Injuries). The Quick Injuries will have been initially assigned when creating the case in the Case Wizard. You can also manage Quick Injuries along with all injuries in the Injuries page, but on that page you can only add or remove one injury at a time, even Quick Injuries. Here, you can easily select or deselect several Quick Injuries, as appropriate. See the Quick Injuries administrative page for managing the Quick Injuries available for each case type.