Case Summary
The set of Case Summary Panels and Tabs (at the bottom) can now be configured for each Case Group. Different Panels and Tabs can be shown or hidden for different Case Groups. This configuration includes 4 new Custom Panels that can display information from the templates.
The configuration can be done under Admin → Picklist Maintenance → Case Summary Page Design.
The templates for new panels can be configured under Admin → Email/Note/Appointment/View Templates
The assignment of the templates to case types or groups can be done under Admin → Template Pages Configuration.
Added ability to assign multiple people at the same time by using new Teams functionality.
Teams can be defined under Admin → Picklist Maintenance
Labels and indicators for contact sub-types (Adult, Deceased, Incompetent, Minor/Infant) can now be customized in the Picklist Maintenance. Also, those labels will be displayed in Red on the Case Summary and on the brief contact pop-up.
Appointment Dialog was redesigned and appointments functionality was enhanced.
Appointment Template support. You can now select an appointment template that can automatically pick Activity Type, select Attendees, populate Subject, and Comments.
Streamlined Attendees selection. Staff assigned to the case can be added using check-boxes. There are also shortcuts for Case Parties, Case Contacts, Firm Staff, and a full list of contacts from SmartAdvocate.
Ability to attach documents. Documents can be selected from the case or new documents can be attached.
Rich text appointment comments. You can now use the same rich text formatting abilities that were already available for notes and emails.
Invite format can now be customized via templates. Control the way appointment information is formatted into an invite that is being sent to appointment participants.
Availability for selected staff can be easily checked. Pressing “Staff Availability” button brings up scheduler screen with appointments for selected staff.
Added system parameter that allows users to specify staff case roles to be automatically added to new appointments.