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About Documents

The Documents page contains all the documents that have been associated with the case. There are two main areas in this page: the table of documents itself, and a preview pane showing the content of the selected document.

The Table

The table of documents contains a few features not found in most SmartAdvocate tables. There is a Create Document button that opens the document generation page, allowing you to Generate a document using a template. There is an Attach Document(s) button that brings up the document attachment panel, allowing for Attaching an Existing Document. There is a Clear Filter button above the table, which clears any filters currently being applied to the table (the same function as the Clear hypertext in the Filter Builder bar). There is a pair of buttons that allow you to change the location of the preview pane relative to the table (either below the table or to the right of the table). There is a set of checkboxes below the table, each of which affects whether certain documents are shown in the table. The Emails checkbox, when checked, makes emails sent from within SmartAdvocate or added to SmartAdvocate from Outlook visible in the table (by default they are filtered out, although the default can be changed in User Preferences). The Photographs checkbox, when checked, makes photographs added to SmartAdvocate visible in the table (by default the box is unchecked, although the default can be changed in User Preferences).The Only High and Critical checkbox, when checked, filters documents of Normal or Low priority out of the table. The Envelopes checkbox, when checked, makes documents in the Envelope subcategory of the Forms category visible in the table (they are filtered out otherwise). The Display Folders checkbox, when checked, shows the documents within a folder structure.


The table has the following available columns:


Documents can be created using a template, attached from your local drive, or added as an attachment from an email.



The templates button provides a link to the Document Templates page.



  1. Select Attach.

  2. Drag & Drop files from your local drive or

  3. Browse and upload.

    image-20240514-175241.pngImage Added

  4. Confirm the Uploaded Files.

  5. Select the Date and Time.

  6. Select the Direction.

  7. Select the Deliver method.

  8. Select the Priority.

  9. Select the Search Sub-Category.

  10. Select the Category.

  11. Select the Sub-Category.

  12. Select the Tags.

  13. Select the Folder.

  14. Select where the Document is From.

  15. Select where the Document is To.

  16. Select the Related To.

  17. Select the Analysis.

  18. Select the Reviewed Date.

  19. Enter a Description.

  20. If applicable, place a checkmark in the Append file name checkbox.

  21. Enter any relevant Comments.

  22. Select SAVE to add new documents.

  23. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

    image-20240514-175856.pngImage Added

Upload .ISO


  1. Select UPLOAD.ISO.

  2. Select a Plaintiff and Provider.

  3. Select CONFIRM to upload .iso.
    image-20240514-181857.pngImage Added

  4. Upload the .iso files.

  5. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

    image-20240514-181947.pngImage Added



  1. Select SEARCH.

  2. Search the Document Text.
    (info) You can use AND or OR for multi-word search. Phrases or words with wildcards should be in quotes.
    Example: litigation AND (Unknown OR "John Doe") AND "measur*"

  3. Select SEARCH to search the documents.

  4. Otherwise, select CLEAR RESULT to return to the previous screen.

    image-20240514-183745.pngImage Added

Preview Panes

About Preview Panes

This area allows you to view the contents of a document without actually opening it.

You can change the relative size of the preview pane and the table of documents by dragging the border between them to a point of your choosing.

Most files will be visible in the preview pane, but not all file extensions are supported.

Additionally, different files are handled slightly differently by the preview pane.

Image files will automatically scale to be as large as possible while fitting entirely inside the pane.

The text in text-based documents will shift to fit horizontally in the pane, though this may cause a need to scroll vertically; images embedded in text-based documents will not be scaled at all, so it may be necessary to scroll vertically or horizontally to see them in their entirety.

PDF documents will not be scaled at all.


Open Bottom Panel


Open Right Panel


Open Folders View

About Folders View

Document folders can be created within each case. Folders can be used to characterize the nature or type of a document, to make it easier to locate. Note that folders are used for viewing purposes only; no actual folders are created on the user's or network drive.

Folders (called "System Folders") can be created by the firm's SmartAdvocate Admin, in which case they will be available for all users in every case. Folders (called "User Folders") can also be created by each user. User Folders will only be available to the specific user who created it, and only in the case in which the folder was created. Documents placed in a System Folder by any user will be visible in that folder for all users. Documents placed in a User Folder will only be visible in that folder to the individual who placed it in the folder, even if other users have created identical User Folders in their system.
To view documents in their Folders, click on the folder view button

Double Click on the folder to see a list of the documents in that folder, which populates in the left side column. To place a document in a folder, or to move the document from one folder to another, right click on the document or click on the action icon. In the dropdown, click on Send to Folder.

A panel will open that will allow you to either create a new folder (by simply typing the name of the new folder) or select one of the folders available in that case (both User and System Folders will be listed). Click on Update to move the document to the folder.

Document folders can also be chosen when generating a document from a template.




Opening a document opens the underlying file using your computer's default program for opening files of its type.

Right-click on row


Opening a document opens the underlying file using your computer's default program for opening files of its type.


Copying a document brings up a panel allowing you to choose the case file to copy the document to; there are radio buttons allowing you to choose to copy the note to the same case, a related case, or a different case (which provides you a list of all cases).

Copy as PDF

Copying a document as a PDF creates a new document in the same case, whose underlying file is the copied file converted to a PDF.

Copy without Metadata


Selecting Delete brings up a confirmation message (to prevent accidental deletion); clicking OK in the confirmation message deletes the file from the table.


Selecting Download downloads the underlying file through your browser.

Download (rename)

Selecting Download (rename) opens up a file renaming panel allowing you to rename the file, then downloads the underlying file (with the new name) through your browser. Note that the name of the file in SmartAdvocate will not change, including the file extension, so it is strongly recommended that you not use this function to replace a file with another file of a different extension; this may cause the file to be impossible to open or read.

Edit Properties

Editing the properties of a document brings up the same panel for document details that Attaching an Existing Document does.


Emailing a document brings up the Case Email panel with the document's underlying file attached to the email.


Experimental AI Create Summary

Extract Images from PDF

Related Documents

Scan for ICD codes

Send To Folder…

Send for e-Signature (AssureSign)

See AssureSign/Nintex (eSignature)for additional information.

Send for e-Signature (DocuSign)

See DocuSignfor additional information.

Send for e-Signature (DocuBee)

See OnTask/Docubee (eSignature) for additional information.

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Column Reference - Documents

Column Name

Column Description

Checkbox selector

Select multiple rows of the table for mass actions




An icon representing the type of document





The document's file name in the SmartAdvocate system, excluding the extension.


A description of the document


Category: The document's document category.



If the document's value to the case has been analyzed, this column will contain an icon indicating the results of the analysis; if the document has been reviewed, this column will contain a check-mark icon that, when hovered over, displays the name of the reviewer and the date and time of the review. The column can contain both types of icons.


The document's document category.



The document's document subcategory.



The date and time that the document was created.



The case contact that sent the document.



Either Incoming, Outgoing, or Memo, depending on whether the document was sent from the firm, to the firm, or within the firm.




Who created the document



Who the document is going





The priority level of the document




How the document entered the SmartAdvocate system. Among the possibilities are Attached, Generated, Scanned, and SA Email.



A right-click icon. The right-click menu contains the options Open, Copy, Edit Properties, Email, Email Link, Download (rename), Download, Upload, Send to Folder, Share in Client Portal, and Delete.


The option to Copy as PDF is also present for documents with a doc, docx, xlsx or xls extension


. For emails


sent from within SmartAdvocate, only Open, Email, Email Link, Send to Folder, and Delete are usable; the other options are greyed out.

Additional Column Reference - Documents

Additional columns are available for the Documents table, which can be added by clicking on the Show/Hide Columns button. Columns can also be hidden using the .

  1. Select LAYOUT.

  2. Select Show/Hide Columns


  1. Actions: .


Column Name

Column Description


An action column containing either an open icon (for emails that were sent from within SmartAdvocate) or an open icon, a copy icon, an edit icon, and an email icon.



Any comments regarding the document





The date and time that the document was added to SmartAdvocate. (This is slightly different than Date, which can be set manually at the time a document is added.)

Delivery Method


The method by which the document was delivered to the firm


Doc ID

Document Modified By


The user who modified document

Document Modified Date


The date document was modified

Document Path


Document Type


The document's document type. This column is based on the document's extension and the mapping defined in


the Document Type Groups and Document Type Extensions picklists.



The characters after the period in the document's file name.


File Name: The document's file name in the SmartAdvocate system, excluding the extension.



The folder in which the document has been placed. Folders can be used to characterize the nature or type of a document, to make it easier to locate. Right click on any document, or click on the Action icon, and choose Send to Folder to place a document in an existing folder or to create and place the document in a new one.

From Email

Global Doc ID

Legacy Type


An older classification of the document. Among the possibilities are Document, Email, Incoming Mail, and Scanned Document.


Properties Modified By


Properties Modified Date


Related Docs

Related To


Shared Globally

Shared In Portal


Whether the document is available in the Client



Shared With Everyone


Opening a document opens the underlying file using your computer's default program for opening files of its type. Copying a document brings up a panel allowing you to choose the case file to copy the document to; there are radio buttons allowing you to choose to copy the note to the same case, a related case, or a different case (which provides you a list of all cases). Copying a document as a PDF creates a new document in the same case, whose underlying file is the copied file converted to a PDF. Editing the properties of a document brings up the same panel for document details that Attaching an Existing Document does. Emailing a document brings up the Case Email panel with the document's underlying file attached to the email. Selecting Download (rename) opens up a file renaming panel allowing you to rename the file, then downloads the underlying file (with the new name) through your browser. Selecting Download downloads the underlying file through your browser. Selecting Upload opens a panel allowing you to choose a file to upload from your computer; the chosen file will replace whatever the underlying file of the document previously was. Note that the name of the file in SmartAdvocate will not change, including the file extension, so it is strongly recommended that you not use this function to replace a file with another file of a different extension; this may cause the file to be impossible to open or read. Selecting Delete brings up a confirmation message (to prevent accidental deletion); clicking OK in the confirmation message deletes the file from the table.

Document Folders

Document folders can be created within each case. Folders can be used to characterize the nature or type of a document, to make it easier to locate. Note that folders are used for viewing purposes only; no actual folders are created on the user's or network drive.
Folders (called "System Folders") can be created by the firm's SmartAdvocate Admin, in which case they will be available for all users in every case. Folders (called "User Folders") can also be created by each user. User Folders will only be available to the specific user who created it, and only in the case in which the folder was created. Documents placed in a System Folder by any user will be visible in that folder for all users. Documents placed in a User Folder will only be visible in that folder to the individual who placed it in the folder, even if other users have created identical User Folders in their system.
To view documents in their Folders, click on the folder view button


Double Click on the folder to see a list of the documents in that folder, which populates in the left side column. To place a document in a folder, or to move the document from one folder to another, right click on the document or click on the action icon. In the dropdown, click on Send to Folder.


A panel will open that will allow you to either create a new folder (by simply typing the name of the new folder) or select one of the folders available in that case (both User and System Folders will be listed). Click on Update to move the document to the folder.


Document folders can also be chosen when generating a document from a template.

Preview Pane

This area allows you to view the contents of a document without actually opening it. You can change the relative size of the preview pane and the table of documents by dragging the border between them to a point of your choosing. Most files will be visible in the preview pane, but not all file extensions are supported. Additionally, different files are handled slightly differently by the preview pane. Image files will automatically scale to be as large as possible while fitting entirely inside the pane. The text in text-based documents will shift to fit horizontally in the pane, though this may cause a need to scroll vertically; images embedded in text-based documents will not be scaled at all, so it may be necessary to scroll vertically or horizontally to see them in their entirety. PDF documents will not be scaled at all.




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