Contact-list drop downs are used when the field requires an existing SmartAdvocate contact. Clicking the drop down button brings up a table containing contacts. The table may contain all the contacts in SmartAdvocate, or may only contain a subset of all contacts (e.g., only those of a certain Contact Type, or employees of an organization previously selected elsewhere in the panel, or contacts that have already been attached to the case you are in). Clicking on any row of the table will fill in the field with the contact in that row. The table will commonly contain columns for the contact's name, address, city, state, ZIP code, and phone number, but there may be more or fewer in different fields. The table will also often include a button or hypertext allowing you to create a new contact, if the desired contact has not already been entered into SmartAdvocate. Clicking the button or text will bring up the Add the Add New Contact panelContact panel.
Checkbox-select drop down