Asset Type: The type of the asset.
Asset Value: The estimated value of the asset.
Asset Location: The current location of the asset.
Co-Owner: The co-owner of the asset.
Law Firm: The probate law firm assisting in the distribution of this asset.
Attorney: The probate attorney assisting in the distribution of this asset.
File #: The probate attorney's file number for the estate.
Comments: Any comments about this asset.
[column with no title]: Right-click icon; right-click menu contains Edit and Delete.
Note: The Add Executor button, Executors table, Add Witness button, and Witnesses table are all associated with an individual row of the Decedent Will Information table, and only appear if the row is set to display subtables. For that reason, whether these tables appear in your Will Information page, and where in the Will Information table they appear, will depend on which row, if any, of the Decedent Information table is set to display subtables.
Decedent Will Information table. Contains the will details and allows the details to be edited.
Add Executor button. Used to add a new executor to the case file.
Executors table. Contains the executor details for a particular decedent's will and allows various actions to be performed on them.
Add Witness button. Used to add a new witness to the case file.
Witnesses table. Contains the witness details for a particular decedent's will and allows various actions to be performed on them.