Prior to Mass Updating, follow the instructions for searching:
Date Range Filters, Searching, and Favorites
Recent Searches and Favorites Searches
Add/Update Other Referral
Select Case Browse.
Select the cases to Mass Update.
The Mass Update button will become active.
Select Add/Update Other Referral from the dropdown menu.
Select from the radio buttons for Add Referral, Update Referral, or Remove Referral.
Select the New Other Referral from the dropdown menu.
Select the Current Other Referral from the dropdown menu.
Update Referral or Remove Referral must be selected for this dropdown to become active.
Select from the Primary Plaintiff or All Plaintiffs radio button.
Select the Relationship to Firm from the dropdown menu.
Select the Relationship to Firm from the dropdown menu.
Enter the Received Date.
Enter any relevant Comments.
Select ADD/UPDATE OTHER REFERRAL to add or update the other referral information.
Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.