Template support
Streamlined attendees selection
Ability to attach documents
Rich text appointment comments
Invite format can now be customized via template.
Case Navigation Panel
Added two new system parameters that control the behavior of the case navigation panel. By default both are set to True and preserve previous system behavior.
The following video demonstrates the behavior with different combinations of those settings.
Case Summary
Added ability to assign multiple people at the same time by using Teams functionality.
Teams can be defined under Admin → Picklist Maintenance
Replaced two icons on the Tasks Panel with standard “right-click” icon. Implemented Standard Task menu.
Added a drop-down for case group selection on the Edit Case dialog.
Labels and indicators for contact sub-types (Adult, Deceased, Incompetent, Minor/Infant) can now be customized in the Picklist Maintenance. Also, those labels will be displayed in Red on the Case Summary and on the brief contact pop-up.
Added ability to display full status comments on the Case Summary. This is a system-wide configuration.
Added ability to quickly view all notes without leaving the Case Summary page. Just click the “View All Notes” link at the top right corner of the “Last Notes” panel.