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Click here to go directly to our section on Statute of Limitations:


Note: The Add Tolling/Extension button and Tolling/Extension table are both associated with an individual row of the Statutes of Limitation table, and only appear if the row is set expanded to display show sub tables. For that reason, whether these tables appear in your Critical Deadlines page, and where in the Statutes of Limitation table they appear, will depend on which row, if any, of the Statutes of Limitation table is set expanded to display show sub tables. See Sub tables and the Open/Closed Column.


Additional columns are available for the Statutes of Limitation table, which can be added by clicking on the Layout button and selecting Show/Hide Columns button. Columns can also be hidden using the Show/Hide Columns button. See Tables for general information about table structure and usage. The additional available columns are:


  1. Click the right-click icon in the untitled column of the row representing the SOL you wish to edit, or right-click anywhere in that row. This will bring up a menu of options.

  2. Click the Edit option in the menu. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for \ statutes of limitations, with the existing information filled in.

  3. Fill the fields in with your desired information. See The Add/Edit SOL Panel for details about the fields.

  4. Click Save to save the changes and close the panel.

  5. If you decide you do not wish to save the changes, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.


  1. Defendant: The defendant to whom the action governed by the SOL applies.

  2. SOL Type: The SOL type (including its length).

  3. Amended: Checkbox indicating whether the summons and complaint were amended.

  4. From Date [any date]: The date from which the SOL begins to be counted. This will not appear when editing multiple SOLs. When the selection in this field is changed manually or automatically set, and the SOL Type is neither blank nor the neutral option, the SOL Date field is automatically set to the date in this field plus the length of the SOL selected in SOL Type field.

  5. Pick From Date [relevant dates]: The date from which the SOL begins to be counted. This field cannot be left blank. This will not appear when editing multiple SOLs. When the selection in this field changes, the From Date field is automatically set to the date in the selected option (if it changes to Pick From Date, the From Date field does not change, but the SOL Date is automatically set as if it had).

  6. SOL Date: The deadline date of the SOL.

  7. Date Complied: The date of compliance with the SOL. Entering a date in this field is the only way to mark an SOL as having been complied or satisfied.

  8. To Process Server: The date the summons and complaint were delivered to a process server.

  9. Arrow button: Clicking this button automatically moves either the Date of Filing S&C (item 12) or the Date of Service (item 15) to the Date Complied field.

  10. Last Date to File S&C: The filing deadline for a summons and complaint.

  11. Critical Deadline? [Filing S&C]: Checkbox indicating whether the deadline to file the summons and complaint should be added as a critical deadline for the case.

  12. Date of Filing S&C: The date the summons and complaint were filed. If the Date Complied field is not blank, clicking the Same As Date Complied button next to Arroiw button above this field will replace enter the date in this field with the date in the Date Complied field. When the date in this field is changed manually or set using the Same As Date Complied button, the Last Date to Serve S&C field is, by default, automatically set to 120 days after the date in this field. The number of days can be changed under Admin > System Parameters > Critical Deadline Group.

  13. Last Date to Serve S&C: The deadline to serve the summons and complaint. When the date in this field is changed manually or automatically set, the Critical Deadline? [S&C] field is automatically selected. When the date in this field is deleted, the Critical Deadline? [S&C] field is automatically deselected.

  14. Critical Deadline? [Serving S&C]: Checkbox indicating whether the deadline to serve the summons and complaint should be considered a critical deadline for the case.

  15. Date of Service: The date the summons and complaint were served.

  16. Served by: Dropdown allowing you to choose who served the summons and complaint from all contacts in SmartAdvocate.

  17. Method of Service: Dropdown allowing you to select the means by which service was effected.

  18. Mailing Deadline: The deadline to mail the summons and complaint to the defendant.

  19. Mailing Required: Whether mailing the summons and complaint to the defendant is required.

  20. Mailed To Defendant: The date the summons and complaint were mailed to the defendant.

  21. Affidavit filing Deadline: The deadline to file the affidavit of service.

  22. Filing Affidavit Reqd: Checkbox indicating whether filing an affidavit of service is required.

  23. Affidavit Filed: The date the affidavit of service was filed.

  24. From Process Server: The date the affidavit of service was received from the process server.

  25. Answer Due: The deadline for the defendant to serve an answer.

  26. Critical Deadline? [Answer]: Checkbox indicating whether the deadline for the defendant to serve an answer should be considered a critical deadline for the case.

  27. Answer Received: The date the answer was received from the defendant.

  28. Calculate Answer Due Date: Dropdown to automatically calculate the due date of the Answer to the Complaint from either the date of service or the date the Affidavit was filed.

  29. Extend Time: Tool for recording extensions to the Answer Due date.

  30. Show History: Tool for viewing past changes to the Answer Due date.

  31. BP/Interrogatories Due: The deadline to serve a bill of particulars or an answer to interrogatories.

  32. Critical Deadline? [BP/Interrogatories]: Checkbox indicating whether the deadline to serve a bill of particulars or answer to interrogatories should be considered a critical deadline.

  33. BP/Interrogatories Served/: The date the bill of particulars or answer to interrogatories was served.

  34. Exchanged: The date the bill of particulars or answer to interrogatories was exchanged.

  35. Response Received: The date you received a response to your request for a bill of particulars or answers to interrogatories.

  36. Comments: Any comments about the statute of limitations and other deadlines.

  37. Attach: A button allowing you to upload a document to be linked to the SOL entry.

  38. Select: A button allowing you to link a document that has previously been uploaded to the system from the Documents screen to the SOL entry.

  39. Document Table: A table showing all linked documents.


The Extend Time Tool is a tool field that allows extensions to due date for the Answer to the Complaint to be recordedfiled. To use the tool:

  1. Click the Extend Time text under the Answer Due field while in the Add/Edit SOL Panel (# 29 in the above image). This will bring up the Extend Time panel.

  2. Fill the fields in with your desired information. See below for details about the fields.

  3. Click Save to save the extension and close the panel. The Answer Due field in the Add/Edit SOL panel will automatically be set to the date in the Extend To field in the Extend Time panel.

    • If you decide you do not wish to save the extension, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.


The Show History Tool is a tool that allows past extensions to the Answer Due field to be viewed. To use the tool, click the Show History text, which will bring up the Extended Time History panel. This panel displays the Extended Time table, which is where the details of past extensions are stored. To close the panel, either click the Close button or the white X in the upper right corner. The Extended time table contains the following columns:


  1. Answer Due: The answer due date prior to the extension.

  2. Extend To: The new answer due date as a result of the extension.

  3. Waive:


  1. Whether the extension is due to waiving the summons.

  2. Stip/Order: The date of the stipulation or order of extension.

  3. Comments: Any comments about the extension.

The Critical Deadlines Fields

The Last Date to Serve S&C, Answer Due, and BP/Interrogatories Due fields each have a Critical Deadline field associated with them. If a Critical Deadlines field is newly selected when the SOL is saved, a critical deadline will automatically be created. If the critical deadline has already been created, the field will be selected and uneditable; to deselect the field, you must directly delete the associated critical deadline. (Changes made to the defendant SOL will be reflected as applicable in the associated critical deadlines.) The details of the deadline depend on which of the Critical Deadline fields is selected.


The Add/Edit Tolling/Extension Panel allows you to fill in the details of a tolling or extension. See Add/Edit Panels for general information about panel structure and usage. This panel contains the following fields:
