The following is a list of the most common field types in SmartAdvocate.
Text input
Text input fields are simply blank areas into which you can type any text. They can be any size. They do not limit input or provide guidance as you type. Note, however, that though you can technically type anything into a text input field, some panels will declare an error if you enter the wrong type of input. This is most often true when the expected input is a number or dollar amount. If a text input field declares an error for certain inputs, this manual will usually mention that in the description of the field.
Numeric input fields are similar to text input fields, but only accept numbers. They also have two arrow buttons at the right side of the field, which can be used to increment or decrement the number in the field. You can either type input into the field directly or use the buttons to produce your desired input.
Check boxes are used when the field only requires a yes-or-no response. In general, check boxes are either selected (i.e., they contain a check mark), meaning yes, or deselected (i.e., they contain no mark), meaning no. Click the checkbox to switch between selected and deselected. A few check boxes have a third option: a blue square filling the box, meaning "undetermined." When this option is available, this manual will make special note of that fact. Otherwise, the manual will never mention whether an entry in a checkbox is "required," because a checkbox always contains information (either a yes or a no).
Drop down
Drop down fields look like text input fields but have a button with a downward-pointing triangle at the right side of the field. Clicking this button causes a menu to appear from which you can choose the entry for the field. There are various types of drop downs, some of which are separately listed below; which is which depends on the type of menu that appears upon clicking the button. When the manual describes a field as simply a "drop down," with no other modifier, the menu is simply a listing of various options. Clicking the desired option will fill the field with that option.
It is also usually possible to type directly into the text input fields. Doing so will usually cause the menu to be limited to the options containing the text in the field; this can help you search for the option you want. For some drop downs, if none of the options contain the text you type, the field will automatically undo your typing; others will allow you to keep typing even if there are no remaining options (though trying to save an entry that matches none of the options will almost always cause an error).
Date widget drop down
Date-widget drop downs are used when the field requires a date. Clicking the drop down button brings up a small calendar showing a single month (either the month of the date already in the field, or the current month). There are two buttons each at the top left and top right corners of the calendar: << moves the calendar back one year, < moves the calendar back one month, > moves the calendar forward one month, and >> moves the calendar forward one year. Click any day in the calendar to fill the field in with that date. You can also click the Today button at the bottom of the calendar to fill the field in with the current date, or the Clear button to empty the field (this will technically fill the field with a placeholder date that SmartAdvocate translates to an empty field).
Date-time widget drop down
Date-time widget drop downs are extensions of date widget drop downs. In addition to the calendar for selecting a date, they contain a clock for selecting a time.
Contact-list drop down
Contact-list drop downs are used when the field requires an existing SmartAdvocate contact. Clicking the drop down button brings up a table containing contacts. The table may contain all the contacts in SmartAdvocate, or may only contain a subset of all contacts (e.g., only those of a certain Contact Type, or employees of an organization previously selected elsewhere in the panel, or contacts that have already been attached to the case you are in). Clicking on any row of the table will fill in the field with the contact in that row. The table will commonly contain columns for the contact's name, address, city, state, ZIP code, and phone number, but there may be more or fewer in different fields. The table will also often include a button or hypertext allowing you to create a new contact, if the desired contact has not already been entered into SmartAdvocate. Clicking the button or text will bring up the Add New Contact panel.
Checkbox-select drop down
Checkbox-select drop downs are used when the field requires a selection from a limited set of options, but allows more than one option to be selected. The precise appearance of a checkbox-select drop down varies among fields, but the consistent aspects are a list of options and a checkbox for each option. Clicking on any checkbox includes the associated option in the selection. Most checkbox-select drop down fields automatically separate the selected options with semicolons.
Radio button
Radio buttons are sometimes used when the field requires a selection from a limited set of options. The options are all simultaneously visible on the panel, each of which is associated with a round button that is either selected (i.e., it contains a blue dot) or deselected (i.e., it is empty). Only one of the buttons can be selected at a time; selecting one deselects whichever was previously selected. The option associated with the selected button is considered by the panel to be the chosen option. Radio buttons serve a similar purpose to drop downs. While they are less common, they are most often used when the selected option itself influences another part of the panel,; for example, when another field may or may not be editable, depending on which radio button was selected.