SmartAdvocate reports produce a formatted text and/or visual representation of various aspects of your firm's caseload. They can be exported to a number of formats for analytical use. Additionally, reports offer a subscription option, which causes the report to be regularly produced and emailed to the subscriber. This is an extremely useful tool for keeping track of some collection of data consistently, without having to remember to do anything. The following is a brief summary of each report's purpose and parameters. Legacy reports, which remain in the system for the sake of consistency but have become obsolete or are otherwise not recommended, are not listed here.
Calendar Reports
Adjourned/Canceled Appointments Report: Lists appointments that were recently canceled or adjourned. Parameters include the number of days the report covers, and whether the report should include mass tort cases, single event cases, or both.
Who is Where Tomorrow Report: Lists appointments taking place on a selected day (tomorrow by default). Appointments are listed by the Office in which staff members work, and then in alphabetical order by the staff members (ordered by first name), and the staff members' names are underlined and bolded. The only parameter is the day the report covers.
Financial Reports
Case Settlement Values: Lists settlements reached in a selected time range. The results are listed in text tables, grouped by the attorney who reached the settlement.
Settlement Report: Lists settlements in a text table. Columns include the case number, case type, plaintiff name, the dates that the settlement was reached, the settlement release was sent to the plaintiff, the signed release was received from the plaintiff, and the signed release was sent to the insurance company, the amount of the settlement, the company being settled with, the case status and sub-status, and the comment on the case status. Parameters include the date range of the settlement, the case status and type, and whether to include open or closed cases. Most columns are optional, and the selection of columns is one of the parameters.
Intake Reports
Comparative Yearly Statistics for Intake: Lists intake statistics by month for the period chosen, alongside a table covering the same month for the previous year. Lists the results in a text table; columns include total calls, wanted cases, signed cases, wanted percentage, conversion percentage, and overall signed percentage. Also visualizes the absolute numbers and percentages in two graphs. Parameters include the end date of the date range, the number of months prior to the end month to include in the report (with a maximum for the report to cover a period of 12 months), the case group, case type, paid referral source, and whether to restrict the report to mass tort cases.
New Case Report: Lists cases opened in a selected date range in a text table. Every column is optional, and the selection of columns is one of the parameters. Other parameters include the date range and the referral source.
SOL/Critical Deadline Reports
Critical Deadline Report: Lists critical deadlines in a selected date range in a text table. Columns include the case number, name, and type, the party the deadline applies to, the deadline type, due date and compliance date, the attorney and paralegal on the case, and any comments on the deadline. Parameters include the date range, case status (open, closed, or both), case type, whether to include critical deadlines that have been met, the deadline type, the staff member involved with the case, and whether to include mass tort cases. Note: this report does not list SOLs.
SOL Report: Lists SOLs in a text table. Almost every column is optional, and the selection of columns is one of the parameters. Other parameters include how the SOL deadline date range is selected, the date range itself, the staff involved with the case, the case group and type, whether to include SOLs with compliance or filing dates, whether to include cases referred out or handled within your firm, whether to include cases that have or have not been retained, whether to include mass tort cases, whether to limit the report results to only show the SOL with the earliest deadline date in each case, the SOL Type, and the case status (open, closed, or all). Note that this report can, depending on the SOL types chosen, include the information in the No Fault and Notice of Claim Reports.
Staff Management Reports
Attorney Performance Report: Lists the performance of staff members in a text report. Parameters include staff members and date range. Columns include the staff member's name, total number of cases, cases that were settled without a check, where the minimum value has not been set, how many case status changes have been entered, how many adjourned or cancelled appointments, how many cases have an overdue client contact, attorney file review, or supervisor file review. Clicking on any staff member's name opens a new tab with a list of all cases included in the report for that staff member.
Staff Activity Report: Lists case-related activities performed by staff members in a selected time period and creates an overall activity score (the Activity Index) based on how many activities were performed. Columns include the name of the staff member (linking to an individual listing of activities performed), the number of cases worked on, the number of case files visited, the number of documents generated, attached, or scanned, the number of notes created or modified, the number of file review and client contact notes created, the number of tasks created, modified, or completed, the number of negotiations created or modified, the number of settlements created or modified, the number of documents or notes deleted, and the overall activity index. Parameters include the time period, whether to include staff members with no activity in the report, and the staff members to include.
Miscellaneous Reports
Case Browse Report: Runs a Case Browse search based on one of a chosen user's Favorite Filters. The only parameters are the user's name and a list of that user's Case Browse Favorite Filters. The columns included in the report are the same as those saved in the Favorite Filter used.
ViewStat Report (Quick Status Report): Provides a quick report of the detailed status of the selected case. The only parameter is the case number. Information provided includes case number, type and subtype, incident date, last status date and how long the case has been in that status, incident details, parties, assigned staff, critical deadlines, calendar, notes and more.
Case Statistics Report
The Case Statistics Report tells you what your firm did for the period you selected. Here are the parameters you can set: