General Structure and Table Columns
When you search for a matter using Case Browse, the search results will be served to you in the form of a table where each row contains the information from an individual result. The information is separated into a series of columns, each of which relates to a particular category of information. If there are more rows in the current page of the table than your screen can show, you can use the scroll bar on the right (or whatever means of scrolling through a website you prefer) to scroll through the results. If there are more columns in the table than your screen can show, you can use the horizontal scroll bar immediately below the visible portion of the table (and just above the pagination tool) to scroll through the columns. The available columns, in alphabetical order, are:
The firm Administrator can set which of the above columns are shown in a Case Browse search by default.
If any of the above columns have not been set or do not apply (e.g. "Closed Date" for a case that is not closed), those columns will be blank.
There is also one additional column which is always visible and is at the far left of the screen. Its header only contains a checkbox, as do each of the cells in the column. This column allows you to select cases for the use of the Mass Update function, described below. Clicking the checkbox in the column header will select all of the rows in the table. Clicking it again will deselect all of the rows in the table. After clicking the checkbox in the column header to select all of the rows in the table, you can then deselect any particular rows by unchecking the checkbox for those rows.
To the left of each column name is a small push-pin icon ( ). The default position for most columns is as pictured to the left, with the pin pointing to the left. Clicking on this icon will cause the pit to point down. The column will move to the left portion of the screen and the column will lock, so that as you scroll through the other columns the one(s) you have locked will remain visible. By default, the Case No. and Case Name columns are locked in this fashion, but you can lock or unlock any columns you wish. When exporting the search results to an Excel spreadsheet, any columns locked in the Case Browse results will remain locked in the spreadsheet, unless changed using the functionality in Excel.
Mass Update and Saving Filters
To the upper left of the table are two buttons. One is labeled "Mass Update" with a triangular icon, and unless at least one of the rows in the table is selected, this button is greyed out. The other is labeled "Save Filter to Favorites." Clicking "Save Filter to Favorites" brings up a small panel consisting of a checkbox marked "Default," two radio buttons marked "Fill" and "Fill & Execute" (which are greyed out if "Default" is not checked), an input field marked "Filter Name," and a button marked "Save Filter." This panel allows you to keep the filter in your Favorites (see Favorites for details). To keep the filter in Favorites, simply fill in a name for the filter and click Save Filter. If you wish to have the filter be the default, and automatically fill itself in whenever you open the Case Browse screen, click the Default checkbox. You can additionally have the search be performed whenever you open Case Browse by selecting "Fill & Execute." If you have selected at least one row, clicking "Mass Update" will reveal a list of actions you can take on all the selected cases at once. Those actions are as follows:
- Add Contacts to Mailing List: Brings up a small panel. At the top are several buttons that allow you to choose which types of case contacts will be added to the mailing list. Then either select an existing mailing list, or click on the New Mailing List button and name and describe the new list. Then click "Add Contacts". Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Add Note: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "Note Type:", an input field labeled "Note:", and two buttons labeled "Add Note" and "Cancel." To add a note to all selected cases, choose a note type, fill in the input field with your desired note, then click "Add Note." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Add Staff: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "Staff," a dropdown labeled "Role," an input field labeled "Comments," and two buttons labeled "Add Staff" and "Cancel." To add a staff member to all selected cases, choose a staff member and a role, optionally add a comment, then click "Add Staff." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Add WorkPlan: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "WorkPlan." To add a WorkPlan to all selected cases, choose the desired WorkPlan from the dropdown, then click "Add Staff." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Change Status: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "Status Type:" (with "Status" chosen by default); a pair of radio buttons and a dropdown collectively labeled "Current Status:", with the radio buttons individually labeled "Select Status" and "All Statuses," and the dropdown greyed out if "All Statuses" is selected (which is the default); a dropdown labeled "New Status:", and two buttons labeled "Change Status" and "Cancel." To change the status of the selected cases, choose a new status, and optionally select a current status (doing so will prevent the status change from taking effect unless the current status of the case is the one chosen), a default comment stating "Bulk Change", which you can remove and/or change, and then click "Change Status." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Generate Document: Opens up the Mass Mailing tool with the selected case numbers already entered. See Mass Mailing for more details.
- Generate Email: Opens up the Mass Emailing tool with the selected case numbers already entered. See Mass Emailing for more details.
- Generate Text: Opens up the Mass Texting tool with the selected case numbers already entered. See Mass Texting for more details.
- Reassign Adjuster: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "From:", a dropdown labeled "To:", and two buttons labeled "Reassign Adjuster" and "Cancel." To replace a particular adjuster on the selected cases with a new adjuster, choose the current adjuster in the "From:" dropdown and the new adjuster in the "To:" dropdown, then click "Reassign Adjuster." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Reassign Judge: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "From:", a dropdown labeled "To:", and two buttons labeled "Reassign Judge" and "Cancel." To replace a particular judge on the selected cases with a new judge, choose the current judge in the "From:" dropdown and the new judge in the "To:" dropdown, then click "Reassign Judge." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Reassign Role: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "Staff:"; a pair of radio buttons and a dropdown collectively labeled "Current Role:", with the radio buttons individually labeled "Select Role" and "All Roles," and the dropdown greyed out if "All Roles" is selected ("Select Role" is the default); a dropdown labeled "New Role:", and two buttons labeled "Reassign Role" and "Cancel." To reassign a staff member on the selected cases to a different role, choose a staff member and a new role, optionally select the current role (doing so will prevent the role change from taking effect unless the current role of the staff member is the one chosen), then click "Reassign Role." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Reassign Staff: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "From:", a dropdown labeled "To:", an input field labeled "Comments:", three checkboxes labeled "Reassign Tasks", "Reassign Appointments," and "Reassign Medical Records Requests," and two buttons labeled "Reassign Staff" and "Cancel." To replace a particular staff member on the selected cases with a new staff member, choose the current staff member in the "From:" dropdown and the new staff member in the "To:" dropdown, optionally change the comment on the staff assignment (which is "Bulk change" by default), optionally include a reassignment of tasks and/or appointments and/or Medical Records Requests from the selected cases by selecting or deselecting the respective checkboxes, then click "Reassign Staff." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Remove Contacts from Mailing List: Brings up a small panel. At the top are several buttons that allow you to choose which types of case contacts will be removed from the mailing list. Then either select an existing mailing list or click on the button labeled "Remove From All". Then click "Remove Contacts". Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Remove Staff: Brings up a small panel with a dropdown labeled "Staff:"; a pair of radio buttons and a dropdown collectively labeled "Current Role:", with the radio buttons individually labeled "Select Role" and "All Roles," and the dropdown greyed out if "All Roles" is selected ("Select Role" is the default); and two buttons labeled "Reassign Role" and "Cancel." To remove a staff member from the selected cases, choose a staff member, optionally select the current role (doing so will prevent the role change from taking effect unless the current role of the staff member is the one chosen), then click "Remove Staff." Clicking "Cancel" will discard anything you've entered into the form and close the panel.
- Show on Map: Opens up a new tab with a map of the United States and Canada. Red pins are visible, reflecting the primary address of the primary plaintiff in each chosen case. Clicking on any of the pins opens a small panel with the following information: Case number, Case name, date case opened, primary plaintiff's name, Case Status, Case Type, Referral source, and ZIP code of the primary plaintiff's primary address.
Pinned Columns
If you wish to keep some columns on the screen as you scroll to the right, you may click the pin icon ( ) to the left of the column name you wish to keep on the screen. Columns that are not pinned in this way will have pin icons that point to the left, as shown above, and the data in the columns will have no background; columns that are pinned will have pin icons that point down, and the data in the columns will have a light blue background. Pinned columns will always be the left most visible columns (except for the selector column). By default, Case No and Case Name are initially pinned. Pinned columns cannot be placed to the right of unpinned columns; however, you can change the order of the pinned columns the same way as you change the order of unpinned columns.
Other Features
The search results page includes a summary at the bottom left of the screen, which lists all of the conditions that comprise the current search. This summary is nearly identical to the one shown on the Case Browse screen itself before you perform the search.
In addition to the usual export options, you have the option of emailing an exported file directly through SmartAdvocate. To do so, click the desired export icon listed after the text "Export and Email." This will generate the exported file, then bring up a panel allowing you to create an email to which the file is automatically attached.