User Preferences

The User Preferences function allows users to set defaults for certain pages and to display specific items throughout the system. The preferences are set for a specific user individually and do not change the settings globally or system-wide.

  1. Access the User Preferences by clicking on your login name in the top right corner of almost any screen in SmartAdvocate.

  2. Click "User Preferences" from the pulldown menu.

The following User Preference screen will be displayed:

Make any appropriate changes for your account. When finished, click on "Save" and the changes will take effect. We generally recommend that you not initially make any changes in the Email Notifications settings. Receiving these notifications can be an extremely useful way to learn when someone else, or the system itself, has taken some action that may impact you or one of the cases to which you have been assigned. Once you have used SmartAdvocate for a period of time and are comfortable with its functionality and the notifications you have been receiving, you can return to this screen and make any changes regarding notifications you no longer wish to receive.

Under the Styles section, you can choose a theme for SmartAdvocate, altering the default colors, fonts, etc. to your preferences.

Access to User Preferences can be blocked in User Permission Groups.


SmartAdvocate has a number of different themes that can be applied to give the system a different look. Below is an example of each theme.



Material (Default)


MaterialCompact Dark


Metropolis Blue


Office2010 Black

Office2010 Blue

Office2010 Silver



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