

The Tasks page allows you to view and record the details of all tasks that have been entered in the case.

The Structure of This Page

  1. Add New Task button. Used to add a new task to the case file. See Adding a Task.

  2. Tasks table. Contains the tasks details and allows various actions to be performed on them. See Tasks Table.

Tasks Table

The Tasks table is where the details of tasks are stored. Each row of the table represents an individual task. See Tables for general information about table structure and usage, including all buttons and other tools in this table that are not mentioned below.

Columns in the Table

The Tasks table contains the following available columns:

  1. Checkbox: A checkbox column allowing you to select and edit multiple tasks at once.

  2. Due Date: The date by which the task is scheduled to be completed.

  3. Type: The type of the task.

  4. Subject: The subject of the task.

  5. Requestor: The name of the staff member who requested that the task be completed.

  6. Assigned To: The staff member to whom the task is assigned for completion.

  7. [Exclamation Point Icon]: The priority of the task.

  8. Status: The status of the task.

  9. Documents: A link to any document attached to the task.

  10. Action: A Right-click icon; the right-click menu contains Edit and History.


Additional columns are available for the Tasks table, which can be added by clicking on the Show/Hide Columns button in the Layout Menu. Columns can also be hidden using the Show/Hide Columns button. See Tables for general information about table structure and usage. The additional available columns are:

  1. Actions: An edit icon allowing you to edit the task.

  2. CC To: The name of the staff member CC’d on the task.

  3. Complete Date: The date the task was completed.

  4. Completion Note: The note created in the system prompt when marking the task complete.

  5. Created By: The name of the staff member who created the task.

  6. Created Date: the date the task was created.

  7. Description: The description of the task.

  8. Marked Task Complete: The name of the staff member who marked the task as complete.

  9. Start Date: The start date of the task.

Editing a Task

To edit a task:

  1. Click the right-click icon in the Action column of the row representing the task you wish to edit, or right-click anywhere in that row. This will bring up a menu of options.

    • Alternatively, you can click the Edit icon in the Actions column of the row representing the task you wish to edit. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for tasks, with the existing information filled in. Skip to step 3.

  2. Click the Edit option in the menu. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for tasks, with the existing information filled in.

  3. Fill the fields in with your desired information. See The Add/Edit Tasks Panel for details about the fields.

  4. Click Save to save the changes and close the panel.

    • If you decide you do not wish to save the changes, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.

Deleting a Task

To delete a task:

  1. Click the right-click icon in the Action column of the row representing the task you wish to delete, or right-click anywhere in that row. This will bring up a menu of options.

    • Alternatively, you can click the Delete icon in the Actions column of the row representing the task you wish to delete. This will bring up a confirmation message (to avoid accidental deletions). Skip to step 3.

  2. Click the Delete option in the menu. This will bring up a confirmation message (to avoid accidental deletions).

  3. Click the OK button in the message to confirm the deletion.

    • If you decide you do not wish to delete the task, click Cancel instead of clicking OK to cancel the deletion. You can also click the black X at the upper right of the message to do the same thing.

    • Until you either confirm or cancel the deletion, you may not be able to visit any other tab in your browser.

Actions for Multiple Tasks:

To take an action for multiple tasks:

  1. Select the checkboxes of all tasks you would like to edit.

  2. Click the right-click icon or right click anywhere in the rows representing the tasks you would wish to edit. This will bring up a menu of options.

    1. The options in the menu are:

      1. Edit Selected

      2. Copy Selected To Another Case

      3. Mark Selected Completed

      4. Mark Selected Not Started

      5. Mark Selected Cancelled

      6. Mark Selected In Progress

      7. Delete Selected

  3. Click the OK button that appears at the top of the screen to confirm the action if marking tasks as Not Started, Cancelled, In Progress or when deleting.

Editing Multiple Tasks Panel

When editing multiple tasks, a panel will appear containing the following fields:

  1. Priority: Changes the priority assigned to all selected tasks.

  2. Status: Changes the status assigned to all selected tasks.

  3. Task Requester: Changes the individual staff member responsible for requesting all selected tasks.

  4. Send Email Checkbox [Task Requester]: Sends an email to the staff member being reassigned as the Task Requester notifying them of the new assignment for each task selected.

  5. Assigned To: Changes the individual staff member responsible for completing all selected tasks.

  6. Send Email Checkbox [Assigned To]: Sends an email to the staff member being assigned to the tasks notifying them of the new assignment for each task selected.

  7. Due Date: Changes the due date assigned to the selected tasks.

Adding a Task

To add a new task:

  1. Click the Add New Task button. This will bring up an Add/Edit panel for tasks, blank except for defaults.

  2. Fill the fields in with your desired information. See The Add/Edit Task Panel for details about the fields.

  3. Click Save to save the task and close the panel.

    • If you decide you do not wish to save the task, click Cancel instead of clicking Save to undo the changes and close the panel. You can also click the white X at the upper right of the panel to do the same thing.

The Add/Edit Task Panel

The Add/Edit Task Panel allows you to fill in the details of a task and contains the following fields:

  1. Preselected for this case (based on case type and status) [Radio button]: A radio button that when selected allows you to see task templates predetermined for the case based on it’s type and status.

  2. Task Template Dropdown: A dropdown containing the different task templates matching the criteria selected in items 1, 3 or 5.

  3. Task Template Group [Radio button]: A radio button that when selected allows you to see task templates assigned to the Task Template Group selected in item

  4. Task Template Group: A dropdown containing different Task Template Groups, selecting one of these groups will limit the options that appear in the Task Template Dropdown (item 3).

  5. All Task Templates [Radio button]: A radio button that when selected allows you to see all task templates.

  6. Type: The type of task being assinged.

  7. Priority: The priority of the task.

  8. Status: The current status of the task.

  9. Subject: The subject of the task.

  10. Time Spent: The amount of time spent completing the task.

  11. Start Date: The date the task is to be started (typically the date the task was created).

  12. Due Date: The date by which the task must be completed.

  13. Days from start date: The number of days from the start date until the due date, during which the task must be completed. This number is automatically calculated based upon the start and due dates entered. If this number is changed, the due date will be changed to reflect the number of days entered from the start date.

  14. Description: Any description of the task.

  15. Task Requestor: The individual who requested that the task be completed. By default, the requestor will be the staff member who created the task.

  16. Send Email [Requestor]: Whether to send an email to the Task Requestor upon creation or editing of the task.

  17. Task Back: Switches the Requestor and Assigned, so that the staff member who was the Task Requestor before is now the Assigned and the Assigned is now the requester.

  18. Assigned To: The individual to whom the task has been assigned. By default, the task will be assigned to the staff member who created it.

  19. Send Email [Assigned To]: Whether to send an email to the staff member to whom the task has been assigned upon creation or editing of the task.

  20. CC To: Any staff members to whom you want emails sent upon creation or editing of the task.

  21. Attach: A button allowing you to upload a document to be linked to the task.

  22. Select: A button allowing you to link a document that has previously been uploaded to the system from the Documents screen to the task.

  23. Document Table: A table showing all linked documents.

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