By E-mail Address

Using this parameter will search for cases where at least one plaintiff's email address matches the provided search string, and furthermore will search for all other contacts whose email address matches the provided search string.

What qualifies as a match?

The search is not case-sensitive. For basic searches (i.e. those without wildcards), the search will return all plaintiffs and other contacts whose email address contain the provided search string. For more flexibility in searching, you may use wildcards. These are symbols that represent either a single unknown character, or an unknown number (possibly zero) of unknown characters.

The underscore character ("_") can be used in place of a single unknown character, and the percent character ("%") can be used in place of an unknown number of unknown characters. You may freely combine wildcards as needed. These wildcards can be helpful if you aren't sure of the top-level domain (e.g. .com or .net) or want to find all addresses belonging to the same domain name (i.e.: "" will find any email addresses using the gmail domain).

Handling the Results

If the search is set to search in either Open or Closed cases, the search results will only include instances where a plaintiff's email address matches the provided search string. In order to include search results that include both plaintiffs and all other contacts whose email matches the string, it is necessary to search in All cases.

The results for plaintiffs will include all relevant case information, particularly a case number if there is one. The results for other contacts will only include the email address and the name of the contact. The contact will always be listed under the Plaintiff/Contact column, regardless of the role or roles the contact may have within the SmartAdvocate system.

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