Server Based System - please perform the following configuration:

Kindly have your IT Professional configure Port 443 (or Port 80) on your server

Please email once completed. We will provide you with credentials thereafter.

Please forward the response to your court reporting provider. Your court reporting provider will configure their portion and advise SmartAdvocate to configure ours.  Testing will be done and once testing is completed SmartAdvocate will advise you to begin using the integration.

SaaS Cloud System - we will be configuring your system for you directly and advise you once completed. We will forward the FTP information to you to submit to your court reporting provider.

Transcripts, invoices and any other documents your court reporting provider sends will be automatically uploaded to the case’s documents screen.

Case costs will also be automatically uploaded to the case’s disbursements screen.

Also if you have further questions about Lexitas directly, please contact:

Mark Hoorwitz
President DEITZ
Nationwide Court Reporting
A Lexitas Company
800-678-0166 office
516-902-8638 cell