We would like to inform you on using the barcoding integration.
SmartAdvocate will install and configure your barcode integration
You must advise your IT professional to configure your servers with the necessary path (usually \\HOSTSERVER\ScantoSA).
Scanners should be configured to scan to this ScantoSA folder.
You must advise your IT professional configure your scanners settings with Date-Hour-Minutes-Seconds naming of files. If you will be configuring several scanners, advise your IT professional must add a prefix for each scanner - <unique scanner prefix> + [year]+[month]+[day]+[hour]+[minute]+[second] and should look something like this: S1_20161201122456.pdf.
The folder structure under the ScantoSA folder is as follows:
Completed folder – All files scanned into SmartAdvocate named as shown in SmartAdvocate file folders.
Exception folder – All the files that were not scanned into SmartAdvocate due to errors (missing barcode page, barcode cannot be read etc.)
Output folder – All the documents being processed currently into SmartAdvocate.
Processed folder – All the documents scanned into SmartAdvocate with their original file names when scanned directly from the scanner.
You can clean out the files within the processed and completed folders (the contents not the actual folders) periodically however you should retain a backup of the folders just in case something was manually moved or changed. This will avoid any issues in the future.
Please review the exception folder periodically. Any files within the exception folder must either be rescanned with a barcode or attached manually to the cases as necessary.