We have mechanism for click-to-dial integration. We also can accept the phone number in the URL to do a screen-pop.
RingCentral for Windows softphone should be installed on client computer and configured to use Direct Dial (use RingCentral softphone for dial-out) or RingOut (ring on specified device before connecting to the called party) .
SmartAdvocate Configuration
In SmartAdvocate under Admin->System Parameters find “Phone System Integration” group.
Set the first “Link …”parameter to rcmobile://call?number={0}
Set the “Integration Enabled” parameter to True.
RingCentral Softphone
Download the latest Beta Softphone (these will officially GA later this week)
Mac: http://downloads.ringcentral.com/sp/RingCentralForMac-7.2.3.dmg
PC: http://downloads.ringcentral.com/sp/RingCentralForWindows-7.2.3.msi
Log in on the Softphone using your normal RC credentials
On Settings>Calling, ensure the “Set as default faxing and calling application’ is “on"
Screen-pop on Inbound Call:
On the Softphone go to Settings>General
Under “General”, enter in your URL parameter “http://[YOURSAWEEBSITE]/TopSearchResults.aspx?strOCA=All&strColumnName=Phone&strPhone=%P&strPosition=1“)
Note that [YOURSAWEEBSITE] should be replaces with the server name that you use to access SmartAdvocate for example https://app.smartadvocate.com/TopSearchResults.aspx?strOCA=All&strColumnName=Phone&strPhone=%P&strPosition=1
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