Added right-click support for Court Name.
Added phone number to court information display.
Added support for editing multiple disbursements simultaneously.
Added “Related To” property and column.
Added “Copy Link” right-click option.
Edit Case
When case type is changed, the UDF values will be copied into corresponding UDFs for the new case type. The match is done by the exact text match of the UDF label.
Added support for multi-edit of the disbursements.
Added “Related To” property and column.
Added “Copy Link” right-click option.
Added Med Pay and Co-Counsel fields. Med Pay field visibility is controlled under Admin → Picklist Maintenance → Hidden Edit Form Fields.
Added and an option to limit available settlement types by case group. It can be configured in the Picklist Maintenance → Settlement Types.
Added Related Documents column on the Negotiations grid - shows number of document received from “Negotiating with” contact. When clicked, this opens Documents screen with those documents displayed.
Added ability to associate documents with a specific negotiation.
Outstanding Items
Page redesigned and caching (saving a copy on the server) of thumbnails introduced to speed up the page load.
Added system parameter to specify the default number of images shown per page.
Co-counsel information will be shown on the Case Summary screen.
Added distance display to Select Refer-out Firm function.
Added status date/duration highlight when case has been in the status longer than maximum allowed time.
The maximum time is defined as the From in the last interval with To of 60,000.
Added flag for Disbursements (Costs/Expenses) over the limit. The icon/text can be configured under Picklist Maintenance → Case Summary Flags.
Summary Line
Added incident state indicator.
Added third staff member display configurable by role. In addition to standard Paralegal and Attorney display, not now you can configure another role in the System Parameters (“Additional Case Role to show”).
Added “Save & Mark Completed” button on the task edit dialog.
Added “Insert Text” option to Mark Task Complete dialog.
Added case access information to the Case Timeline.
Added information about deletion of medical records requests.
Added information about settlement checks changes.
Time Tracking
Introduced a warning about other active time trackers when new time tracking is started.
UDF Pages
Layout changes to take all available width of the browser.