To send a document for e-signature, open one of your cases within SmartAdvocate. Generate your AssureSign document template.
Next, find your AssureSign generated document within the documents screen of your case and right click on the document.
You will be asked to select the signor from contacts within your case and select your delivery method (Email and/or Text) for your document. Click send when ready.
Upon sending your document, your staff will receive an email from AssureSign confirming your document has been sent to the signor.
The signor of the document will receive an email and/or text advising them to begin the signing process.
Once the signor clicks on begin signing, they will be taken to the AssureSign website to complete the signing process.
On the welcome page, the signor can provide questions or feedback to you prior to signing. If they are ready to proceed they will click continue.
On the agree to terms page, the signor will be able to preview the document. They can also send questions or feedback and they can decline signing upon reviewing the document. Once they are ready to proceed and sign the document, they must agree to the terms and click start signing.
On the sign page, it will ask the signor to select a signature style. They can select either typed with a keyboard or drawn with touch, mouse or stylus. Once completed with the signature, they will click the adopt signature button.
The signor continue the signing process and they will be asked to apply the signature. They will be able to review the document prior to and after signing the document. They can also edit the signature at this point.
Once the signor has applied their signature, they will be asked to click finish.
This will take the signor to the done page. The signor will be advised they have completed signing the document successfully and have the opportunity to download the executed document.
The signor will receive an email with a link to the executed document and the executed document as an attachment.
Your staff will also receive an email with a link to the executed document and the executed document as an attachment.
The executed document will also appear in the case under the documents screen.