We have mechanism for click-to-dial integration. We also can accept the phone number in the URL to do a screen-pop.
See the description below (it’s a copy paste from one of my emails to another client):
RingCentral click-to-dial integration was not yet configured on your system. The phone numbers that will appear hyperlinked are clickable and will pass dial command to RingCentral application (if installed).
RingCentral for Windows softphone should be installed on client computer and configured to use Direct Dial (use RingCentral softphone for dial-out) or RingOut (ring on specified device before connecting to the called party) .
SmartAdvocate Configuration
In SmartAdvocate under Admin->System Parameters find “Phone System Integration” group.
Set the first one “Link …”parameter to rcmobile://call?number={0}
Second one Set the “Integration Enabled” parameter to True.
Integration Option 2: Lite Integration
RingCentral Softphone
Click-to-dial by invoking RingCentral Softphone (via URI)
Screen-pop by configuring a “Look up record via Phone Number” URL
Download the latest Beta Softphone (these will officially GA later this week)
Mac: http://downloads.ringcentral.com/sp/RingCentralForMac-7.2.3.dmg
PC: http://downloads.ringcentral.com/sp/RingCentralForWindows-7.2.3.msi
Log in on the Softphone using your normal RC credentials
On Settings>Calling, ensure the “Set as default faxing and calling application’ is “on"
use this URI format in your CRM’s phone number link: rcmobile://call?number=12225551234
Screen-pop on Inbound Call:
On the Softphone go to Settings>General
Under “General”, enter in your URL parameter
(I.e. "crm.com/contact.php?phone=12225551234") with the appropriate syntax (instructions are in-line within that General tab)http://[YOURSAWEEBSITE]“http://[YOURSAWEEBSITE]/TopSearchResults.aspx?strOCA=All&strColumnName=Phone&strPhone=%P&strPosition=1“)
Note that [YOURSAWEEBSITE] should be replaces with the server name that you use to access SmartAdvocate for example https://app.smartadvocate.com/TopSearchResults.aspx?strOCA=All&strColumnName=Phone&strPhone=[PHONE]%P&strPosition=1