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The Emails page contains all the emails that have been associated with the case. There are two main areas in this page: the table of emails itself, and a preview pane showing the content of the selected email.

The Table

Similar to the Documents Screen there is a Clear Filter button above the table, which clears any filters currently being applied to the table (the same function as the Clear hypertext in the Filter Builder bar). There is a pair of buttons that allow you to change the location of the preview pane relative to the table (either below the table or to the right of the table). The Display Folders box allows you to view the emails based on the folders to which they have been assigned.

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The table has the following available columns:

  1. Checkbox: A Checkbox selector column used to select multiple rows of the table for mass actions.

  2. Icon: An icon indicating what type of file the email is.

  3. Description: A description of the email (typically the Subject line of the email).

  4. Category: The email's category.

  5. Review: If the email's value to the case has been analyzed, this column will contain an icon indicating the results of the analysis; if the email has been reviewed, this column will contain a check-mark icon that, when hovered over, displays the name of the reviewer and the date and time of the review. The column can contain both types of icons.

  6. Sub-Category: The email's subcategory.

  7. Date: If the email was created within SmartAdvocate, the date and time that the email was created; otherwise the date and time the email was received in your Outlook inbox.

  8. From: The case contact that sent the email.

  9. Direction: Either Incoming, Outgoing, or Memo, depending on whether the email was sent from the firm, to the firm, or within the firm.

  10. To: The case contact to whom the email was sent.

  11. [Exclamation Icon] : The priority level of the email.

  12. Origin: The means by which the email entered the SmartAdvocate system. Among the possibilities are Attached and SA Email.

  13. Action: A right-click icon. The right-click menu contains the options Open, Copy, Edit Properties, Email, Email Link, Download (rename), Download, Upload, Send to Folder, Share in Client Portal, and Delete.

Additional columns are available for the Emails table, which can be added or hidden from the table by selecting Show/Hide Columns in the Layout button. See Tables for general information about table structure and usage. The additional available columns are:

  1. Actions: A column containing buttons allowing you to open or copy the document, edit the properties of the document or email the document.

  2. Att Count: A count of the attachments contained in the email.

  3. Comments: Any comments related to the email.

  4. Created By: The name of the staff member who added the email to the case.

  5. Created Date: The date the email was created as an entry in SmartAdvocate.

  6. Delivery Method: The delivery method of the email (by default this is set to Email on this screen).

  7. Doc ID: The unique SmartAdvocate ID assigned to the email within the case.

  8. Document Modified By: The name of the staff member who modified the email.

  9. Document Modified Date: The date the email was modified.

  10. Document Path: The file path for that email.

  11. Document Type: The type of document (must have a type of Email to appear in this screen).

  12. Extension: The extension that generates at the end of the file name when downloaded.

  13. From Email: The email address of the case contact who sent the email.

  14. Global Doc ID: The unique SmartAdvocate ID assigned to the email across the whole system.

  15. Legacy Type:

  16. Lock:

  17. Properties Modified By: The name of the staff member who modified the properties assigned to the document.

  18. Properties Modified Date: The date the properties assigned to the document were modified.

  19. Related To: The names of any case contacts marked as related to the document.

  20. Reviewed: A checkbox indicating if the email has been reviewed or not.

  21. Shared Globally: A checkbox indicating whether the email has been shared in any capacity, via a secure link or the client portal.

  22. Shared In Portal: A checkbox indicating whether the email has been shared in the Client Portal.

  23. Shared With Everyone: A checkbox indicating whether the email has been shared via a secure link.

  24. Tags: Any tags assigned to the email.

Opening an email opens the underlying file using either SmartAdvocate or Outlook, depending on your settings in User Preferences. Copying an email brings up a panel allowing you to choose the case file to copy the email to; there are radio buttons allowing you to choose one of the last ten visited cases (including the case the email is already in), or you can type in a case number directly to copy the email to that case. Selecting Delete brings up a confirmation message (to prevent accidental deletion); clicking OK in the confirmation message deletes the email from the table.

Preview Pane

This area allows you to view the contents of an email without actually opening it. You can change the relative size of the preview pane and the table of emails by dragging the border between them to a point of your choosing. The text in text-based emails will shift to fit horizontally in the pane, though this may cause a need to scroll vertically; images embedded in text-based emails will not be scaled at all, so it may be necessary to scroll vertically or horizontally to see them in their entirety.