Please click the link below to download the QuickBooks Integration Instructions:
SmartAdvocate uses name parts placeholders as follows:
%FN | First Name |
%MN | Middle Name |
%MI | Middle Initial |
%MIP | Middle Initial with Period |
%LN | Last Name |
%PR | Prefix |
Here are our available format combinations:
Plaintiff Name Pattern | Pattern Full Description | Example Name |
%FN %LN | First Name Last Name | John Brown |
%FN %MI %LN | First Name Middle Name Last Name | John Quincy Brown |
%FN %MIP %LN | First Name Middle Initial Last Name | John Q Brown |
%FN %MN %LN | First Name Middle Initial with Period Last Name | John Q. Brown |
%PR %FN %LN | Prefix First Name Last Name | Mr. John Brown |
%PR %FN %MI %LN | Prefix First Name Middle Name Last Name | Mr. John Quincy Brown |
%PR %FN %MIP %LN | Prefix First Name Middle Initial Last Name | Mr. John Q Brown |
%PR %FN %MN %LN | Prefix First Name Middle Initial with Period Last Name | Mr. John Q. Brown |
%LN, %FN | Last Name, First Name | Brown, John |
%LN, %FN %MN | Last Name, First Name Middle Name | Brown, John Quincy |
%LN, %FN %MI | Last Name, First Name Middle Initial | Brown, John Q |
%LN, %FN %MIP | Last Name, First Name Middle Initial with Period | Brown, John Q. |
%PR %LN, %FN | Prefix Last Name, First Name | Mr. Brown, John |
%PR %LN, %FN %MN | Prefix Last Name, First Name Middle Name | Mr. Brown, John Quincy |
%PR %LN, %FN %MI | Prefix Last Name, First Name Middle Initial | Mr. Brown, John Q |
%PR %LN, %FN %MIP | Prefix Last Name, First Name Middle Initial with Period | Mr. Brown, John Q. |
%LN, %PR %FN | Last Name, Prefix First Name | Brown, Mr. John |
%LN, %PR %FN %MN | Last Name, Prefix First Name Middle Name | Brown, Mr. John Quincy |
%LN, %PR %FN %MI | Last Name, Prefix First Name Middle Initial | Brown, Mr. John Q |
%LN, %PR %FN %MIP | Last Name, Prefix First Name Middle Initial with Period | Brown, Mr. John Q. |
If the SmartAdvocate QuickBooks Integration is unable to find an exact match, a new customer will be created by the SmartAdvocate QuickBooks Integration in QuickBooks and you might end up with two of the same customers.